Scott Shafer |

Scott Shafer


May 5, 2013
I've lost track. What is Shafer's current status? Last I heard, he resigned from Maryland for some mysterious reason and took his Syracuse home off the market. Does anyone know what happened and what his current situation is? I wish him well.
I have been wondering the same. His personal life is just that, but I really like the man and hope he and his family are ok
Same here
He's getting paid right so why not relax for a year and collect that free money?
Solid individual, great guy. Cant help to think as a college head coach you are as good as your coordinators, especially on offense. If he had a Nathaniel Hackett in his back pocket when hired he could have ridden his coat tails. There are plenty of mediocre head coaches in fb that have coordinators that kill it. Good luck and miss you shaf.
From the article, "I respect him for his decisions and the opportunity to spend some time watching Wolf at Ithaca," Adam said. "In our profession, you only get one chance to be a dad, and that goes by very quickly. People lose sight of that sometimes."

So only football coaches get one chance and only one chance to be a father. The rest of us get endless do-overs.
this is how I see it. Scott had a pretty good gig when Marrone was here, actually I think most of us saw that he could bring the program out of the misery of GRob. Then Marrone left and took most of the staff with him. Shafer was offered an opportunity to continue on the same path as Marrone and it didn't work out for all to many reasons that could be reiterated here.

But his heart was SU football, that is my feeling. And it was a dream that didn't get realized.

I've always like Coach Shafer, I really wish it could have worked out for him here. But it didn't, I wish him all the best the world can give. I feel he gave his all for SU.
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From the article, "I respect him for his decisions and the opportunity to spend some time watching Wolf at Ithaca," Adam said. "In our profession, you only get one chance to be a dad, and that goes by very quickly. People lose sight of that sometimes."

So only football coaches get one chance and only one chance to be a father. The rest of us get endless do-overs.
Give the guy a break. Not everyone has a job that guarantees you'll miss all of your kid's games. Most people have the opportunity to take most weekends off.
CuseLegacy said:
741073442586415104 Looks like he has been invited to the Brooklyn camp.

#SpreadyourWings <<<<< #OrangeisthenewFast
Give the guy a break. Not everyone has a job that guarantees you'll miss all of your kid's games. Most people have the opportunity to take most weekends off.
My post was not a shot at Shafer at all. I liked him as a person and as a DC. I wanted to see him succeed as our HC and I still wish him the best and all the success he wants in life.

I think his taking the year (or however long he chooses to take) is actually a fruit of his success that people such as myself can't afford, so relax on how tough he's had it as a Div.1 football coach. I'm sitting in my office on a Saturday morning preparing for a week long business trip away from my family as I type this and I have another similarly eventful week after that. It happens to the rest of us more than you might think.

My post was only to point out the silly quote from Coach Joe Adam. Does Joe Adam really think football coaches are the only ones with this hardship? As I mentioned here, I don't think that's the case and I don't think many will cry for Shafer or Joe. If I thought it was anything more than a dumb or poorly thought out statement, I might be offended.

Shafer has my respect and even some jealousy for what he's doing. He doesn't need Joe Adam beating the drum about the hardships of a professional coaching career and coming off so completely disconnected as he did.
The reas0n so many are confused is that he left a six figure job (I assume Maryland D Coordinator pays that much) to follow his son and be a father that can watch his son play week in and week out.

I appreciate it but also realize that the coaching profession is finite and understand that he may not get the same type of job and salary that comes with it after he is done watching his son.

I hope he was able to save enough to be able to do such a thing. He has been at a number of schools (Michigan, Stanford, Syracuse) such that he has enough financial stability to do such. But leaving such a job is not congruent with most others that is normal.

Most others in his position would continue to make as much money as possible as long as he could until the water runs dry. That is why people wonder if he has an issue.
My post was not a shot at Shafer at all. I liked him as a person and as a DC. I wanted to see him succeed as our HC and I still wish him the best and all the success he wants in life.

I think his taking the year (or however long he chooses to take) is actually a fruit of his success that people such as myself can't afford, so relax on how tough he's had it as a Div.1 football coach. I'm sitting in my office on a Saturday morning preparing for a week long business trip away from my family as I type this and I have another similarly eventful week after that. It happens to the rest of us more than you might think.

My post was only to point out the silly quote from Coach Joe Adam. Does Joe Adam really think football coaches are the only ones with this hardship? As I mentioned here, I don't think that's the case and I don't think many will cry for Shafer or Joe. If I thought it was anything more than a dumb or poorly thought out statement, I might be offended.

Shafer has my respect and even some jealousy for what he's doing. He doesn't need Joe Adam beating the drum about the hardships of a professional coaching career and coming off so completely disconnected as he did.

I understand what you are saying. I travel a ton for work and miss games all the time. However, I'm not sure how many people here understand how many hours a week football coaches work. A D1 HC is probably working 100 -110 hours a week. There are no weekends off. Your offseason is probably a couple of weeks. I'm not sure a lot of us could handle that -- hence the sabbatical.
I wish Coach Lock 'em up all the best in his future endeavors.
However, taking the Maryland job as quickly as he did and then leaving it to spend time with his family doesn't make sense. He should have never taken the Maryland job if he wanted to rightfully spend time with his family. Obviously I think he will get another job coaching football in the future but it might be now as a position coach at high college or DC at a lower level without as much a salary. I hope he recharges his batteries this year and gets back into the game at a non-SU competitor.

Adam's quote was not the brightest. Lawyers/Doctors/Pilots/lots of jobs require working tons of hours and spending a lot of time away from home not just coaches. Especially when coaches do have dead periods in the offseason. Really the only guaranteed missed games are if the kids play college football and your a coach as well by that time you have seen some of their HS games.
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