Season changing win right there |

Season changing win right there


Living Legend
Aug 15, 2011
We struggled, and have a lot of things that need to improve, but it's hard not to feel like BOTH the offense and defense gained some confidence in that second half, and now have something to build upon.

This was a HUGE win when we looked dead in the water.
what a game! i cant take games like this, so many emotions throughout, i aged 7 years and won the lottery at the end.
We struggled, and have a lot of things that need to improve, but it's hard not to feel like BOTH the offense and defense gained some confidence in that second half, and now have something to build upon.

This was a HUGE win when we looked dead in the water.

I"m still not quite sure how it happened. To call it an ugly win would be an understatement, but I completely agree that it could provide a spark, and more importantly, build some confidence so we can improve over the cupcake portion of the schedule. We were GRob era bad for most of that game, but you can't question the never-say-die attitude displayed by the kids and the staff. This is one we'll remember.
I can't imagine the confidence this will give the players. Knowing they can come back and score like that. This is a Marrone coached never give up team mentality. Still getting used to that!!
We struggled, and have a lot of things that need to improve, but it's hard not to feel like BOTH the offense and defense gained some confidence in that second half, and now have something to build upon.

This was a HUGE win when we looked dead in the water.


Yup. Because we got it done on both sides of the ball, after looking inept in the 1st half, and should have gotten blown out. At home. Instead, we won--and gave both the players and the fanbase something to get excited about. We also showed massive improvement in the second half on both sides of the ball. Just imagine the fallout [on this board and in the community, and from the national sports media] if we get our asses beat by these guys at home. Different story now.

Season. Changing. Win.
I felt that we were just in better condition. Their big guys on the line just wore down. Also, I think we found a corner in Lyn.
our d can only get better right??? we young
We lose that and it puts a whole different spin on the start of the season so maybe not quite season changing at this point but could be pretty damn huge comeback. Nassib looked so poised it was great. Hopefully just some first game first half jitters and not a tend of more slow starts every game.
Yup. Because we got it done on both sides of the ball, after looking inept in the 1st half, and should have gotten blown out. At home. Instead, we won--and gave both the players and the fanbase something to get excited about. We also showed massive improvement in the second half on both sides of the ball. Just imagine the fallout [on this board and in the community, and from the national sports media] if we get our asses beat by these guys at home. Different story now.

Season. Changing. Win.
I tend to agree. This is the sort of close, "pulling victory from the jaws of defeat" win that will be huge come November, when we're fighting for bowl eligibility (or trying to improve our bowl position).
We struggled, and have a lot of things that need to improve, but it's hard not to feel like BOTH the offense and defense gained some confidence in that second half, and now have something to build upon.

This was a HUGE win when we looked dead in the water.

I made my 5-7 post and then Syracuse came back like gangbusters.

Really could be the key to 8 or even 9 wins.

I still think USC hangs 40 plus on us, but we never know....
What a win. The attitude that Coach Marrone has instilled in this team was evident in the second half. SU of the past would have folded and gotten blown out. This team stepped up and never gave up. WHAT A WIN!! Gotta love Coach Marrone.
Who cares if it's game one. The comeback changed the course of this season. Better 1-0 than vice versa. Things are looking up. This is the first dome win against a BCS team in a while.
1. Lyn is going to be a good one. Maybe the best CB we've had since Kevin Abrams by the time he's done.

2. We showed great resiliency.

3. We also sucked for most of the game. We did not deserve to win.

I'll take it, but that was ugly.
I'd give anything to be in the locker room now. Those kids are probably bouncing off of the walls! God bless HCDM!!!
I felt that we were just in better condition. Their big guys on the line just wore down. Also, I think we found a corner in Lyn.
Excellent point. Their D Line did wear down.
Yup. Because we got it done on both sides of the ball, after looking inept in the 1st half, and should have gotten blown out. At home. Instead, we won--and gave both the players and the fanbase something to get excited about. We also showed massive improvement in the second half on both sides of the ball. Just imagine the fallout [on this board and in the community, and from the national sports media] if we get our asses beat by these guys at home. Different story now.

Season. Changing. Win.

Yeah, I'm with RF here. It's not season defining or anything that we should walk around crowing about for the next couple months, but it's really solid win at home over a legit BCS in the season opener. Add to that the fact that we should have lost and it only makes it better.

I never got my prediction in for this team but I would have gone 5-7. I think this win changes those expectations to 6-6.
I'm still kind of numb. We were really terrible for the first half. We seemed to steady a bit in the 3rd quarter on defense, and started to pick up a few first downs. But when Bailey fumbled, I thought that was going to be it. I couldn't believe how quickly we bounced back. It was like lightning. I'm speechless. There's a ton of work to do, but that will be an important win for bowl consideration.
We needed this win. So many winnable games have gone against this team, so it's great to finally get one that we should have lost. Balance is being restored to the Universe...
We struggled, and have a lot of things that need to improve, but it's hard not to feel like BOTH the offense and defense gained some confidence in that second half, and now have something to build upon.

This was a HUGE win when we looked dead in the water.

How can the first game be season changing?
Thank God for Nassib...
How can the first game be season changing?
Thank God for Nassib...

This isn't a difficult concept. If we lose that home game, it is an enormous setback for the program. The fanbase meltsdown, the fair weather fans turn their backs, we take a black eye in the national sports media, we don't reverse the trend of being unable to win at home, and the grumbling begins that we still stink.

Then, we'd have about 25,000 fans--tops--show up for Rhode Island next week, and even if we handle them, then the naysayers would still be down on SU, claiming that all we can do is beat a D1AA team.

But by winning this game, we avoid having a losing record, and starting the season potentially 1-2 if we lose @ USC, with the lone win being against a D1AA. To say nothing of bowl eligibility / contention now being more of an uphill struggle.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it was season changing in that it was an enormous confidence boost for the players, who now have a tune-up game next week to work out some of the kinks, improve, get healthier, and hopefully get the reserve players a lot of developmental PT.
Couldn't agree more, RF2044. When I saw that halftime score, I threw up a little bit in my mouth.

Lose that one, and visions of a decent bowl game take a hit. While it could well turn out that we don't have as good a year as we'd hoped, it's far less likely after pulling out that win.
It was a big win and one that I'm very happy with. I had hoped for a dominant performance but this kind of win was my second choice. A loss to open the season would have hurt. The team rose up in the second half and gutted out a victory. The nature of the win should scare the players and coaches enough that they know they have to bring their best when the game starts and not when we're down by a couple of scores. We certainly showed a lot of heart and emotion in the fourth quarter with the players making it happen when they needed to. Kudos to the team for the win. It feels great to see the first flipped helmet.

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