Shafer needs an ACC signature win this year. | Page 2 |

Shafer needs an ACC signature win this year.

Every up and coming HC, at every school, wants, hopes for, and needs a signature win.

Like Mac beating Nebraska; PP beating Florida; Marrone beating Missouri (or West Virginia). All big upsets against ranked teams.

The questions are what makes it possible, and does Shafer have the ingredients in place?
*solid QB play -- few or no turnovers
*a long strike for a TD (or two) (or maybe special team magic)
*strong DE, LB & CBs
*quality OTs.

We might get there.
Mizzou wasn't ranked and was missing their best player, who currently starts for the Jets. I'd say Louisville was a bigger upset. WVU was the biggest under Marrone.
Mizzou wasn't ranked and was missing their best player, who currently starts for the Jets. I'd say Louisville was a bigger upset. WVU was the biggest under Marrone.

I saw an article recently on, I think, in which the writer wrote that Sheldon Richardson would be the #1 pick in last year's NFL draft if it was possible to redo the draft.
It was a hell of a lucky break that he wasn't available for the SU game.
I saw an article recently on, I think, in which the writer wrote that Sheldon Richardson would be the #1 pick in last year's NFL draft if it was possible to redo the draft.
It was a hell of a lucky break that he wasn't available for the SU game.
We wouldn't have had a chance in hell at winning that game if he played. Think of what Donald did against us for Pitt this year and then remember how much time Nassib had to throw that final drive against Mizzou.
The only reason I included Wake is because it's a classic trap game. Hopefully we are a decent health by that point.

As for ND, Brian Kelly is a MUCH better coach CW(7-6) and TW (5-7), and ND is in a much better place as a program. And we lost to them in 2005.

We beat them at the Dome and we beat them in South Bend. What game did we lose?
The first time SU played them there they got whipped.

I thought the first time in South Bend was the Art Jones game. Guess I'm getting old ...
We have a better chance of beating a hopefully beat up FSU team in the Dome than we do going to Death Valley and coming out with a win. That being said I give us about 50-1 odds for either game this year. We have some talent coming in but they still need some time to bulk up and learn the system. FSU and Clemson's defensive backfields are just on a different level. That being said, college football is freaking awesome in that you just never know. McD might have this offense firing on all cylinders. Maybe we find a return specialist who tilts the odds in our favor just a little bit more. You never know.
They need to survive next year and win winnable games.

ND, Lville, FSU, @Wake, Clemson. Four top 20 teams in five weeks. Brutal
ND always overrated, Louisville home and Bridgewater is gone, Good chance for wins in both those games, Clemson and FSU not so much.

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