Shot Clock changes ... |

Shot Clock changes ...


Aug 24, 2011
Like everyone here, I love CBB and I am pleased so far with the way the game is presently being officiated. Definitive step in the right direction.

What I would really like to see is the shot clock moved to "up" to 0:30 seconds. What significance does 0:35 have? Really dumb. And really too slow.

I mean, if WCBB and Canadian College Hoops (I am joking, but they do) can use 0:30, why cannot our collegiate men's teams? To me, this places "just enough" more emphasis on speed and is likely to render 4-5 more possessions per game. And when that happens, the odds of the best team eaning the "W" increases.

While we are at it, I'd make ...

*The backcourt rule 0:08 seconds (currently 0:10). Promote pressing. Fun to watch.

*Move the 3-point line back another foot or so and widen the court by a foot to accomodate. 21-feet, 6-inches sounds about right.

*Cut team time outs from 5 to 3. And one has to be used by halftime. Let's put the onus on the players. Don't cry for the coaches, they'll get the 3 TO plus the 4 TV timeouts per half. Cripes, it is only a 40-minute game. Indiana will improve immediately. Why? Less time for Crean to muck up his own operation.

*Adopt NBA rule where team can automatcally advance the ball to half court once in the game (off of a timeout).

*Move the "Charge Arc" out to NBA length. At present, it does little in the college game.

*I am not partial to the widening of the lane. I think overall post play is already devolving, why make it harder/more difficult.

*Keep personal fouls at 5. Depth should be rewarded. Hated when Big East went to 6 fouls about 20 years ago.

That's it.

Oh, also, time for NCAA football to ditch the clock stops on a first down rule. It served its purpose for the last 50-60 years. But are 51-48 games really what we need. Sure, they are fun, but they are happening just a little too often and it is bastardizing the game's already dwindling historical context.
Like everyone here, I love CBB and I am pleased so far with the way the game is presently being officiated. Definitive step in the right direction.

What I would really like to see is the shot clock moved to "up" to 0:30 seconds. What significance does 0:35 have? Really dumb. And really too slow.

I mean, if WCBB and Canadian College Hoops (I am joking, but they do) can use 0:30, why cannot our collegiate men's teams? To me, this places "just enough" more emphasis on speed and is likely to render 4-5 more possessions per game. And when that happens, the odds of the best team eaning the "W" increases.

While we are at it, I'd make ...

*The backcourt rule 0:08 seconds (currently 0:10). Promote pressing. Fun to watch.

*Move the 3-point line back another foot or so and widen the court by a foot to accomodate. 21-feet, 6-inches sounds about right.

*Cut team time outs from 5 to 3. And one has to be used by halftime. Let's put the onus on the players. Don't cry for the coaches, they'll get the 3 TO plus the 4 TV timeouts per half. Cripes, it is only a 40-minute game. Indiana will improve immediately. Why? Less time for Crean to muck up his own operation.

*Adopt NBA rule where team can automatcally advance the ball to half court once in the game (off of a timeout).

*Move the "Charge Arc" out to NBA length. At present, it does little in the college game.

*I am not partial to the widening of the lane. I think overall post play is already devolving, why make it harder/more difficult.

*Keep personal fouls at 5. Depth should be rewarded. Hated when Big East went to 6 fouls about 20 years ago.

That's it.

Oh, also, time for NCAA football to ditch the clock stops on a first down rule. It served its purpose for the last 50-60 years. But are 51-48 games really what we need. Sure, they are fun, but they are happening just a little too often and it is bastardizing the game's already dwindling historical context.
the college game needs that many changes?
The shot clot is the one main thing they need to change. Its an eternity. It entices lesser opponents to just hold the ball which makes for not only boring basketball, but stagnates the overall gameplay for both teams.

The three point line is something they havent gotten right either. For male division 1 players, that line is still too close.
I'd be ok with 30. I have always hated the 24 sec shot clock - if that ever comes to the college game, I will be pissed! The one rule that needs to change the most is the alternate possession rule. Jump the damn ball!!!
The NBA has 7 timeout, not really sure why the NCAA would go to less than half of that. Moving the 3 pt line - fine. Widening the court - not sure you really thought that out, it would be somewhere between difficult to impossible in many venues. Hate the NBA rule to advance to half court on a timeout. Possibly the worst rule in the NBA.

Shortening the shot clock and widening the arc in the lane I like...somewhere between indifferent and hating your other ideas
I'd doubt you'd get many schools to agree to change the court size. That would cost money.

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