Size Matters |

Size Matters


Flame Resistant
Oct 22, 2011
In our continuing pun on the players' heights, here's a not-so-humorous size issue -- our team size goes up this year (mostly due to length in the backcourt) and we have beef inside (6'9 242 Rak and a massive 6'10 288 DC2...

But before you get too giddy, we lack the elite shot-blocker that (we started with last year) and that 3 of last year's final 4 teams had (Kansas, Ky and L'Ville). [OSU, which didn't have a 7 footer, lost to Kansas].

And even in the BE, we'll face some teams with serious size inside:

Pitt: 7 foot center (adams)

Fried Chicken U's 6-11 - 7'0 Shot-blocker Dieng:

USF's lofty 7'3 Center Omogbehin:

GT 6'10 Center Bolden (with 7'0 Frosh Center Brad Hayes (project?)):

Cincinatti 7'0 Center Nyarsuk/6'10 Center Mboji:

Still feeling like we're top 5 material? ...
At 6'10 - Rak made life difficult for the 7'3 behemuth from Kstate last year, even blocking him a couple of times. His length and additional girth along with DC2's girth and long arms and finally with the long active arms of 6'11 BMK - absolutely. We have one of the tallest backcourts in the nation to boot with great size at the swing forward spots as well. Long arms, active hands and the ability to see over the defense make for a real advantage. MCW will be a problem in the zone alongside Brandon. Remember how tough Andy was out top his sr year. Having DC2 and a bigger Rak will really help against the Benehan's of the league. MCW/Triche will help against the Kirkpatrick's. Absolutely top 5.
Ha - this thread (Size Matters) was side by side with the thread titled 'Jasmine Jordan'. I thought you were quoting her. :D
In our continuing pun on the players' heights, here's a not-so-humorous size issue -- our team size goes up this year (mostly due to length in the backcourt) and we have beef inside (6'9 242 Rak and a massive 6'10 288 DC2...

But before you get too giddy, we lack the elite shot-blocker that (we started with last year) and that 3 of last year's final 4 teams had (Kansas, Ky and L'Ville). [OSU, which didn't have a 7 footer, lost to Kansas].

And even in the BE, we'll face some teams with serious size inside:

Pitt: 7 foot center (adams)

Fried Chicken U's 6-11 - 7'0 Shot-blocker Dieng:

USF's lofty 7'3 Center Omogbehin:

GT 6'10 Center Bolden (with 7'0 Frosh Center Brad Hayes (project?)):

Cincinatti 7'0 Center Nyarsuk/6'10 Center Mboji:

Still feeling like we're top 5 material? ...

Laughable. There is a difference between height and effective height. Dieng is the only one on your list that is noteworthy. When Cronin signed Nyarsuk from Mountain State University (he was academically ineligible out of h.s.), he said he is a developmental player that wont be making an impact this year. Jordan Omogbehin was academically ineligible out of h.s. and is attending USF after he completed a year of prep school. How many bigmen make an impact as freshmen? These kids you list may be better than Dash Riley was a freshman but I doubt their presence will translate into wins in the BE.
Can't say this worries me.

I'm more worried about Christmas still not being ready to play "smaller" at forward.

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At 6'10 - Rak made life difficult for the 7'3 behemuth from Kstate last year, even blocking him a couple of times. His length and additional girth along with DC2's girth and long arms and finally with the long active arms of 6'11 BMK - absolutely. We have one of the tallest backcourts in the nation to boot with great size at the swing forward spots as well. Long arms, active hands and the ability to see over the defense make for a real advantage. MCW will be a problem in the zone alongside Brandon. Remember how tough Andy was out top his sr year. Having DC2 and a bigger Rak will really help against the Benehan's of the league. MCW/Triche will help against the Kirkpatrick's. Absolutely top 5.

I haven't seen too many people talking about the length at the top of the zone this coming year, it's been overlooked thus far, and I wholeheartedly agree that it's going to be a big asset defensively.

Length everywhere indeed, Fair is the shortest player in what is probably going to be a 5 man rotation across the 3 frontcourt spots.

Now as I HAVE seen talked about today, I think the zone can be more effective sometimes with a guy who is going to stay at home more often vs. going for the block too much, and we'll undoubtedly see more of that from Coleman than we did from Melo. At the same time, there is of course an upside to having some shot-blocking presence, and we'll see some of that from Rak. This area may not be devoid of question marks, but it won't get pushed around or overmatched much if at all this season.

So much to like about this team, and I agree, top 5 material.
In our continuing pun on the players' heights, here's a not-so-humorous size issue -- our team size goes up this year (mostly due to length in the backcourt) and we have beef inside (6'9 242 Rak and a massive 6'10 288 DC2...

But before you get too giddy, we lack the elite shot-blocker that (we started with last year) and that 3 of last year's final 4 teams had (Kansas, Ky and L'Ville). [OSU, which didn't have a 7 footer, lost to Kansas].

And even in the BE, we'll face some teams with serious size inside:

Pitt: 7 foot center (adams)

Fried Chicken U's 6-11 - 7'0 Shot-blocker Dieng:

USF's lofty 7'3 Center Omogbehin:

GT 6'10 Center Bolden (with 7'0 Frosh Center Brad Hayes (project?)):

Cincinatti 7'0 Center Nyarsuk/6'10 Center Mboji:

Still feeling like we're top 5 material? ...

How do you know we lack an elite shot-blocker? Also, we'll probably be a better rebounding team with Coleman/Xmas than we were with Fab/Joseph

I think we certainly have the potential to be Top 5, especially if Xmas and MCW break out.
Well I disagree with above...we are not a top 5 team.....we are a top 2 caliber team...capable of going to and winning the NC. We have not had the length, height, width in a starting five but also in those coming off the bench...last year was an amazing ride...this year may be more so...a couple more losses in the season and a blitz through the NCAAs...'Cuse all the way to NC!
Hey and don't forget Jeremy Grant at 7'5" (He is 7'5" by now isn't he?)
Rak is a great shotblocker! Ya, hes not 7'0" but his wingspan and atleticism make up for it. Keita isnt bad either, just doesnt have great timing with his blocks. We will be fine, and a much better rebounding team.
I just want our big guys to contest shots and then get in position for rebounds. Shot blocking is exciting and can lead to fast breaks, but it is just as likely to lead to an uncontested layup for the other team. I think shot blocking is great as long as it doesn't involve leaving your position. If you are the center and near the goal, then go for it, you are the last line of defense. But if you are the center and you are extending to the free throw line, then contest with your arms up and then turn and focus on rebounding. Just my opinion.
Um, yep!
Ok, then. Let's hope Rak's extra muscle will do the job defensively off the ball. I do like our rebounding ... but I just hope we're not getting too full of ourselves here. I don't think any team has a guy as massive (bulk-wise) as DC2. But we'll be playing against a lot of teams with front lines as tall, or taller, than ours. Will we be able to defend, and score, at the rim?
How do you know we lack an elite shot-blocker? Also, we'll probably be a better rebounding team with Coleman/Xmas than we were with Fab/Joseph

I think we certainly have the potential to be Top 5, especially if Xmas and MCW break out.
How do I know ... because Rak had plenty of opportunities last year to show us how good he was a blocking shots off the ball (although he played mostly C when Fab was out) ... and the results were disappointing. I'm not saying he won't explode this year... we're all waiting for the light to come on. He has the tools, good leaper, great length, big hands, good timing ... let's see if you're right.

And DC2 ... yes, the beef has arrived. But asking a guy almost 290 pounds to play over the rim is ... well, a tall order. It remains to be seen if he and Rak can defend, and score, at the rim.
At 6'10 - Rak made life difficult for the 7'3 behemuth from Kstate last year, even blocking him a couple of times. His length and additional girth along with DC2's girth and long arms and finally with the long active arms of 6'11 BMK - absolutely. We have one of the tallest backcourts in the nation to boot with great size at the swing forward spots as well. Long arms, active hands and the ability to see over the defense make for a real advantage. MCW will be a problem in the zone alongside Brandon. Remember how tough Andy was out top his sr year. Having DC2 and a bigger Rak will really help against the Benehan's of the league. MCW/Triche will help against the Kirkpatrick's. Absolutely top 5.
Some good points. And I do like our rebounding ... no doubt DC2 has the bulk to deal with Behanan. And you're right that Rak played well in that game, although the K-State center did some damage. But Rak was playing center. I doubt he'll be starting there this year .. and DC2 is not going to play over the rim. So we'll see about our front line. But you make some good points about our (amazing) length on top of the zone. If TC can defend and shoot as we expect, we have great length and possibly better outside offense than we've had since Andy left.
Only playr on that list worth mentioning is Deing, some highlights I saw of Adams didn't leave me very impressed, and the other guys I have never heard of. Also the latest report of Grant seems to suggest that he is now no longer 7'5 but 7'6 1/2!!!

We're fine bro.
Rak is a great shotblocker! Ya, hes not 7'0" but his wingspan and atleticism make up for it. Keita isnt bad either, just doesnt have great timing with his blocks. We will be fine, and a much better rebounding team.

Keita can be a good shot blocker, so long as he was educated on what a pump fake is in the offseason
Everybody is obsessed with having a dominant shot blocker. I think our defense will be better, but block far less shots. We will not give up second chance points, which is huge. We will give up far less layups, because our guys will be in better position to contest shots. It is going to be a very good year.
I like our talent, McDAA's all over the court. Really long in the back court. Improved bulk and rebounding inside. We're very deep at the forward position -- JS coming off the bench brings excellent size and outside firepower. But there are some issues. I won't even get into what we lost (our 4 most important players and 2/3 of our offense). But in addition ... we don't have an elite shot blocker; we lack backcourt experience (2 of our 3 guards are green), along with elite depth there; and it remains to be seen if we can defend and score at the rim.

I think O-Fog may be right .. but if so, he'll be right in late February or March. There's going to be some ugliness that we havn't seen in a while.
I like our talent, McDAA's all over the court. Really long in the back court. Improved bulk and rebounding inside. We're very deep at the forward position -- JS coming off the bench brings excellent size and outside firepower. But there are some issues. I won't even get into what we lost (our 4 most important players and 2/3 of our offense). But in addition ... we don't have an elite shot blocker; we lack backcourt experience (2 of our 3 guards are green), along with elite depth there; and it remains to be seen if we can defend and score at the rim.
I agree with you that there are alot of question marks. But I believe that this is going to be a very strong defensive team. The offense will be very versatile, I am hoping that we start every game trying to feed the post. Work both sides with DCII and Rak. They can kick it out to Triche and MCW for threes or to Fair slashing to the hoop. Then bring in Cooney and Southerland off the bench and let them bomb away. This team will be very difficult to defend, or at least it should be. Maybe I am just an optimist, but although alot of the players lack experience at this level, there is talent, and alot of it. And, all of the talent fits together well and the chemistry of this team seems to be off the charts thus far. There are senior leaders (Triche and Southerland) and at least one natural leader (MCW). The guys have shown incredible work ethic this summer judging by reports. I can't wait. BTW, I have not given up on the football team yet either.
For whatever it's worth, both Rak and Keita were pretty effective as shot blockers in their minutes last eyar (Christmas with an 8% block rate, Keita with a 9.2%) Neither was good as Fab, but Fab was one of the best shot blockers in the country.

KenPom has been tracking block% since 2003; we've ranked in the top 7 in 8 of those 10 years. We may not be 1st or 2nd like we were the last 2 years, but I bet we're somewhere in the top 10 again this year.
For whatever it's worth, both Rak and Keita were pretty effective as shot blockers in their minutes last eyar (Christmas with an 8% block rate, Keita with a 9.2%) Neither was good as Fab, but Fab was one of the best shot blockers in the country.

KenPom has been tracking block% since 2003; we've ranked in the top 7 in 8 of those 10 years. We may not be 1st or 2nd like we were the last 2 years, but I bet we're somewhere in the top 10 again this year.
These numbers indicate that, even without an elite shot-blocker this year, we have enough inside size to deal with all but a few elite teams (unfortunately I put 'Ville in that group). But even against those teams, what we may lack in shot-blocking we could make up for in better rebounding -- if DC2 is as good a RB'er as expected and Rak's per minute numbers play out over his increased PT.

The comparison isn't exact, but our frontline looks a little bit like OSU's did last year. No, DC2 won't come in with Sullie's bookshelf of offensive moves. But still ... the front lines are similar. And as we painfully remember, OSU was a FF team.
But even against those teams, what we may lack in shot-blocking we could make up for in better rebounding -- if DC2 is as good a RB'er as expected and Rak's per minute numbers play out over his increased PT.

I hope this is right. The defensive rebounding is always no good, but last year was especially bad. Fab was a really poor defensive rebounder; I think there is probably something to be said for the fact that he was going for blocks and was out of position. We'll probably rebound somewhere around 65% of opponent misses this year, which won't be good but will be better than last year.

As you point out, Christmas was our best percentage defensive rebounder last year. (Fab was 4th. Cj and James pulled down a larger % of defensive boards than he did).
These numbers indicate that, even without an elite shot-blocker this year, we have enough inside size to deal with all but a few elite teams (unfortunately I put 'Ville in that group). But even against those teams, what we may lack in shot-blocking we could make up for in better rebounding -- if DC2 is as good a RB'er as expected and Rak's per minute numbers play out over his increased PT.

The comparison isn't exact, but our frontline looks a little bit like OSU's did last year. No, DC2 won't come in with Sullie's bookshelf of offensive moves. But still ... the front lines are similar. And as we painfully remember, OSU was a FF team.

If we have a guy who plays like Lenzelle Smith in the Elite Eight, I'll sign up for that today.

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