So Jake |

So Jake


Walk On
Aug 26, 2011
The Fizz is reporting that Hak is on the Amile Jefferson case. AJ's coach reports that it is a very positive factor. Any updates, hints, speculations?
Jake is probably five beers in at the post game tailgate by now, so forgive him if he can't make his big fingers work on the tiny smartphone buttons. ;)
I find it interesting that we are still trying to land Jefferson after getting Grant's commit. I like both players just makes me wonder if this means anything as far as Coleman goes. Personally I think forward was a more needed possition for 2012 than center. I think we are also in pretty good shape with Iverson (2013) and we seem to really be going after Noel.
A SF who will evolve to shoot the long ball is our biggest need, and not in terms of 012 but 013.
Tough to put that pressure on a freshmen in 013 if a senior fair and sophmore Grant don't develop one.

We already have Grant, Fair, Rak Keita and maybe a Jr Fab to pound it inside in 013. Plus Noels or possibly a second year Dajuan. Unless JB sees something REAL special about Amile I just don't see why we would take that chance.

Maybe someone thinks Fab will go after his Jr season, Dajuan isn't coming and Rak and Keita will be forced to move to center forcing us to play a small lineup for long periods in 013?? Hey can't argue the last time we had Melo, Duany, Pace, Edelin playing swingmen with a Warrick(Noels type) and a true gunner in Gerry it worked out well.

Center with Rak and Keita is kind of in a strange position because we don't konw how Keita and Rak will fill out to bang by their senior and Jr Seasons. But their dribble game leaves much to be desired to seem like a finesse off the dribble PF type offensively.
I see what you mean about the center possition.

I think Rak will wind up being much like Rick was last year, primarily a 4 but play the five here and there when we want to go smaller and more athletic. Carer wise though I doubt he puts in a lot of minutes at the 5.

I see Baye as the oposite. A 5 who might see some limited time at the 4 as his career progresses.

Fab is a 5 period. How long will he be here? I don't see him leaving after this season even if he has a great season. With the NBA lockout this season it may end up causing a very interesting and stock piled next draft. I figure he will be here through his junior season. If he is then with Baye to back him up and Rak as a 3rd option we are in good shape.
So much to consider there.

Who rebounds better? Do you want them at the four for that reason? Put me on the record for saying Fab is going to be a board monster if he sticks around for awhile.

Who gets off the floor from a two legged standstill quicker which you want a center to do more of in our zone?

Who cuts the dishing lanes wider at center when guards drive and dish? Who gets his hands on a loose ball better in the middle?

Interesting thought to put a more mobile big at center instead of at the wing. Could you imagine us putting Forth at pf and Warrick at center? Except christmas and Keita aren't that far apart.

Defenetly is a interesting debate.

Also for 2013 we are slotted to have a Jr mcw(hopefully) a jr cooney and a senior Dion(maybe). However, we don't have room for a guard to play in 2012 as a freshmen despite big open minutes for 2013. So 2012 means a awfull lot for 2013 in terms of experience.
So much to consider there.

Who rebounds better? Do you want them at the four for that reason? Put me on the record for saying Fab is going to be a board monster if he sticks around for awhile.

Who gets off the floor from a two legged standstill quicker which you want a center to do more of in our zone?

Who cuts the dishing lanes wider at center when guards drive and dish? Who gets his hands on a loose ball better in the middle?

Interesting thought to put a more mobile big at center instead of at the wing. Could you imagine us putting Forth at pf and Warrick at center? Except christmas and Keita aren't that far apart.

Defenetly is a interesting debate.

Also for 2013 we are slotted to have a Jr mcw(hopefully) a jr cooney and a senior Dion(maybe). However, we don't have room for a guard to play in 2012 as a freshmen despite big open minutes for 2013. So 2012 means a awfull lot for 2013 in terms of experience.
You won't have Dion after this year, or likely Fab or Mookie, depending on the status of the lockout.
Dion will go. JB acquiesced to having him stay on more year, probably for Scoop. He doesn't need the headaches once MCW has a year under his belt. I predict Mookie will take his degree and find a school to work on his masters and play one year, or just take his degree. JB booted Harris and Devo, why not Mookie?
Dion will go. JB acquiesced to having him stay on more year, probably for Scoop. He doesn't need the headaches once MCW has a year under his belt. I predict Mookie will take his degree and find a school to work on his masters and play one year, or just take his degree. JB booted Harris and Devo, why not Mookie?

I'm not sure I see any commonality between Mookie's situation and that of Devo or Harris.
Sorry but ... first, why would Dion leave? He's going to pick up a ton of pt this year and is the heir apparent to Scoop. MCW will back up Trish and then Scoop/Dion. Dion will be in a great position with the new class coming in with no serious challengers to his pt post-Scoop ... and we will still have a Final Four team IMO. Mookie will graduate and will move on to Europe or Asia or one of those places ... he won't stay around for a 5th year facing even less pt. I don't think it is a matter of "booting" Mookie. It would justbe more beneficial for him to move on. There really is no comparison with the Devo/Harris and Mookie situations.
Sorry but ... first, why would Dion leave? He's going to pick up a ton of pt this year and is the heir apparent to Scoop. MCW will back up Trish and then Scoop/Dion. Dion will be in a great position with the new class coming in with no serious challengers to his pt post-Scoop ... and we will still have a Final Four team IMO. Mookie will graduate and will move on to Europe or Asia or one of those places ... he won't stay around for a 5th year facing even less pt. I don't think it is a matter of "booting" Mookie. It would justbe more beneficial for him to move on. There really is no comparison with the Devo/Harris and Mookie situations.
Dion thinks this is simply a short detour before the NBA.
Dion thinks this is simply a short detour before the NBA.
Without question ... but he needs to start. How many kids make it to the NBA who aren't starters on the team... and no matter what Scoop will start a pg. I think Dion is around for 1 more when he gets his shot.
i saw jake at the post game tailgate and i didn't noticed a beer in his hand at anytime

A few posts saying they know what Dion is thinking. Im not buying it.

1. Dion had a problem working hard during drills as a freshmen. We don't know if he didn't like Syracuse's drills(was taking them lightly) or if thats just his personallity towards most drills.

2. Dion thought he was in control of his court playing time (bottom line he isn't)
Those two points above do not point to Dion leaving in any way shape or form.

Young youthfull freshmen being ignortant. Where have I heard that one before?
Maybe with Gerry our assitant coach being told not to shoot so much in the first half of a national title game and draining 5 threes. Howbout with a young Derrick Coleman not working on his freethrows and starting fights. We sure love him now don't we?? Funny how Dion took us on our back to keep us in the Marquette game and hes the one guy people don't like the most on the team isn't it?
Without question ... but he needs to start. How many kids make it to the NBA who aren't starters on the team... and no matter what Scoop will start a pg. I think Dion is around for 1 more when he gets his shot.
don't agree with that. Marvin Williams at UNC was a 6th man and turned that into the number 3 pick. Dion needs to show potential and coaches realize he will be playing behind a 5th year senior and 3 year starting jr.
don't agree with that. Marvin Williams at UNC was a 6th man and turned that into the number 3 pick. Dion needs to show potential and coaches realize he will be playing behind a 5th year senior and 3 year starting jr.

This is so true. Starting and being relied on as one of the main players can expose weaknesses and counteract potential. Coming in behind experianced players and not being as keyed on by the other team can work in a young tallented kids favor, plus when you don't do anything its not as noticable. Plenty of guys stay to long and actually move down the draft boards. Look at Dominic James, woulda been a first rounder if he came out as a freshman. The more he played the more obvious it became that he wasn't ever going to be a good shooter. 3 years later he goes undrafted.

I think Dion is in a great possition to shine this season. He started showing it late last season. He will be available for JB to use when Brandon or Scoop aren't starting well or simply make a stupid play. He'll get to watch from the bench and see what the defense is doing before getting out there.
Dion has talent, but it was hard to ignore his attitude problem last year. I hope for his sake that he has matured.
A SF who will evolve to shoot the long ball is our biggest need, and not in terms of 012 but 013.
Tough to put that pressure on a freshmen in 013 if a senior fair and sophmore Grant don't develop one.

We already have Grant, Fair, Rak Keita and maybe a Jr Fab to pound it inside in 013. Plus Noels or possibly a second year Dajuan. Unless JB sees something REAL special about Amile I just don't see why we would take that chance.

Maybe someone thinks Fab will go after his Jr season, Dajuan isn't coming and Rak and Keita will be forced to move to center forcing us to play a small lineup for long periods in 013?? Hey can't argue the last time we had Melo, Duany, Pace, Edelin playing swingmen with a Warrick(Noels type) and a true gunner in Gerry it worked out well.

Center with Rak and Keita is kind of in a strange position because we don't konw how Keita and Rak will fill out to bang by their senior and Jr Seasons. But their dribble game leaves much to be desired to seem like a finesse off the dribble PF type offensively.

Nerlens Noel is not in any way similar to Hakim Warrick, except for maybe shot blocking. They play completely different positions on top of that. And why not go after Amile Jefferson, he's a top 50 talent and we will have a third scholie, even if we land DC2.
Besides being one of the best SG's off the dribble in the country people don't realize that Dion is also a great passer. Sure he looks to score first but He can throw a ball right on target like MCW did at the AA game. He has a nice speed burst dribbles with his head up and seems to have good peripheral vision . The thing with last year was we didn't get to use our SG's passing skills because...

1. KJO started his drive on the perimeter in isolation and he didn't get doubled which took away any passing ability Dion or Triche had. We rarely ran a drive and dish to KJO or Southerland in the corner.

2. Rick was on Scoops side so Scoop throwing the post up pass to Rick was common sense. Why make a longer pass across the lane (to the opposite elbow) instead of a drop pass over the opponents PG.

3. CJ took advantage of teams off the dribble on Ricks side while Rick was doubled.

4. No low post threat on the team. Rick CJ Fab and KJO were all high post.

5. We obvioulsy needed more scoring from our SG's especially with Rick playing on Scoops elbow taking away most of Scoops driving opportunities.

Compare that to Flynn having RJackson in the low baseline post and Rautins and Devo on the perimeter. To Wes and Andy on the perimeter with Rick or AO in the low post with the ball in KJO's hands.
Give them the right chemistry to work with though in 2012 and Dion and MCW will be one of the best passing backcourts in the country with Triche. I would venture to say the best maybe.
Man could we use Dajuan or Fab to play tough inside big time.

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