Some of you are ridiculous | Page 3 |

Some of you are ridiculous

What was he supposed to say when he was hired? I kinda want to coach here?

That whole dream job comment was tongue in cheek and I cant believe people are so upset over it.

It's really not hard to avoid making statements like that in public speeches.

"I've always hoped to return to the school where I played...."

"I'm so excited to come back to....."

"I am thrilled to be back at Syracuse..."

Etc....the choices are pretty much limitless. Words matter to some people, again, don't really care that he left, but I get why people are upset. You say something, lots of people are going to assume you mean it. It's kind of normal for that to happen.
I'm guessing that if it was two years further down the road and Marrone left - no one here would have an issue. Things were just getting tantalizingly close.
I think this post sums it up pretty well for me.

If I had to sum up my feelings in one word it would be: disappointed.

I am disappointed that the things we were told as fans from day one and that impressive basketball half time speech didn't come fully to fruition. Granted, maybe that's mostly my fault for believing a fellow alum who said all the right things and had a binder.

I am disappointed that the job he said he would do, isn't fully done yet. And that we are so close to it.

I am disappointed by the timing of this all. Back to .500 and coming off a great second half of the season, headed to a new conference guns blazing. Recruiting plan starting to be realized and tremendous progress seen.

I am disappointed by the way this appears (wonder if we will ever really know) to have been handled. Recruits being lied to and current players not being talked to in advance. Succession plan apparently not in place.

One problem is that I'm not sure who to be disappointed in exactly for some of it: school support, DM, fans (though I am generally disappointed with them year round), etc.

I am not disappointed however that an alum and former coach is going to the NFL.

I hope he does SU proud there as he already has here, I am just disappointed by the timing. I guess to modify one of his quotes that at least for this part of our football history: It Ends Now.

Moving forward I hope TGD is working diligently and the right coach is hired to take us to the next level we are so close to attaining.

Let's Go Orange. Looking forward to PSU in NYC.
I think this post sums it up pretty well for me.

If I had to sum up my feelings in one word it would be: disappointed.

I am disappointed that the things we were told as fans from day one and that impressive basketball half time speech didn't come fully to fruition. Granted, maybe that's mostly my fault for believing a fellow alum who said all the right things and had a binder.

I am disappointed that the job he said he would do, isn't fully done yet. And that we are so close to it.

I am disappointed by the timing of this all. Back to .500 and coming off a great second half of the season, headed to a new conference guns blazing. Recruiting plan starting to be realized and tremendous progress seen.

I am disappointed by the way this appears (wonder if we will ever really know) to have been handled. Recruits being lied to and current players not being talked to in advance. Succession plan apparently not in place.

This is exactly how I feel. This doesn't make me immature or stupid. I understand people leave for greener pastures, but he didn't seem to care about status or money. That's why it hurts.
What was that quote from Coach Boeheim about how he thought if Marrone left that he'd leave the program in a good place because he cares so much about SU?
It'll be a while before this shakes out completely but I'm skeptical that this football team is still very high on his priority list.
I guess when Buzz said to "Get a Life" a lot of fans weren't listening. You would think a college coach of Marrone's age has two basic goals. One would be to win a college championship and the other would be to win an NFL championship. Marrone obviously has an NFL backround and wants to take the latter route. I really can't see how anyone can be upset and fault him for that. Hopefully he brings the Cuse some additional publicity that helps the program going forward.
I don't really buy that. If Marrone is as intelligent as everyone says, he would of had to of been living in a remote distant island in the middle of nowhere to not know or be somewhat aware of just how far the SU program had fallen prior to him taking the position.

Certain things you can't see from the outside. Obviously he knew the records and talent were lacking, but he had no way to predict the support or lack of support from fans and the university once he arrived. Look at the attendance the year after the first Pinstripe Bowl. Basically no change in attendance and support. How could he predict that, regardless of how intelligent or unintelligent he is?
Certain things you can't see from the outside. Obviously he knew the records and talent were lacking, but he had no way to predict the support or lack of support from fans and the university once he arrived. Look at the attendance the year after the first Pinstripe Bowl. Basically no change in attendance and support. How could he predict that, regardless of how intelligent or unintelligent he is?

I just do not concur. I have to believe that Marrone was rather abreast of the challenges set forth for the program. Additionally, I presume he also had conversations with teammates and fellow alums about same. Moreover, if this was truly his dream job as claimed, he himself would've been paying attention to the state of the program all upon getting his alleged dream job, he was fully prepared. As the saying goes, success comes when preparation meets opportunity...
I don't really buy that. If Marrone is as intelligent as everyone says, he would of had to of been living in a remote distant island in the middle of nowhere to not know or be somewhat aware of just how far the SU program had fallen prior to him taking the position.

He knew what he was getting into, he thought/expected more help along the way. His bad.
He said this was his dream. Then, he fled at the first chance. There simply must be some level of accountability for this.

Now, the Bills is his dream.

He is a used car salesman. Most everybody needs cars, so there is nothing inherently wrong with used car salesman. They are a necessary evil. Unfortunately, some of us (not necessarily me) believed in this used car salesman.

I define "good guy" differently than some, I guess. There has to be a higher degree of honesty and ethical behavior. He did not "finish the job". He did not handle the exit well (from what I can gather).

That said, he is neither completely unethical nor a villain. Just because he is an achiever, it does not mean he can be unaccountable for his actions. It will be interesting to see who he raids from the SU staff...

Just pointing out BS. If people want to call that "bitter", I cannot stop them. I cannot be too bitter, because I was not always fully committted. It's a wonderful opp to find someone even better, and it is time to move on.

Further regarding the "alumn" and "dream" aspect of his brand, it was consistenly used as a wedge in numerous debates on this board. From a posting perspective, I hope we learn to take these cannards with a grain of salt in the future.

Unreal. Not completely, how generous.

Go back to not posting, you're better off.
Marrone is a liar because he said being the HC at Syracuse was a dream of his and that he didn't tell everyone who asked that he was interviewing for a promotion when he was.

Some people really need to take a step back and get a grip.

Uh, the people who needed to know knew from day one.
It's the way this was handled that gets me. Clearly Chip Kelly told Oregon that he was going to look so there was a contingency plan in place. Plus it looks like his players, the most important people in thus situation also new and supported if. It seems like Marrone told no one he was going to do this now the program is screwed and the players feel betrayed. Not a very classy way to go out or someone who is all about life lessons.

Whether Kelly told them or not, they KNEW he was the hot commodity. Apples and oranges.
I have no issues with Doug moving on to an NFL head coaching gig. It's the pinnacle of football coaching and all coaches not named Boeheim strive to win at the highest level of their respective sport. I do have a minor issue with how it was done. Who saw this move coming? I'm waiting to hear from Doug directly on the reasons why he left. And I don't want to hear "because it's the NFL calling" stuff. No ****, we know that. What issues with the university caused him to flee his "dream job"? I think he owes Syracuse fans an explanation for why he decided to flee so suddenly.
I am confident he will be very forthcoming and give all the details to the press regarding his move.
I am confident he will be very forthcoming and give all the details to the press regarding his move.

I hope so. I just want to hear from the horses mouth what the reasons are. If the reasons are because he was promised certain things by the university and they did not deliver, then the school and the fans need it laid out for them in public. People have worked hard to bring the football program back to respectability, improve other athletics and assure the school a better future in the ACC. The school needs to step up and support the football team. The fans need to step up and support the football team. There's no reason, with all of the distinguished alumni from this school, why SU is at the bottom of the BCS for facilities.
Boeheim is the lone exception in major college sports when it comes to loyalty. The university has taken advantage of that for years by reaping the rewards of his success and also not paying him what he is worth. Assuming that Doug was the next Boeheim was a mistake by both the school and the fans. It's time for SU to really invest for the future of the football team.
I'm guessing that if it was two years further down the road and Marrone left - no one here would have an issue. Things were just getting tantalizingly close.

My thoughts exactly - one more year with 8 or 9 wins and a legit top 20 finish and then I would have been more prepared for his departure. It's obvious he's an nfl guy.
Unreal. Not completely, how generous.

Go back to not posting, you're better off.

Talk about unreal. You're out of touch on this one. Good day!
This guy resurrected our program literally from the dead. We were lower than dead. The NFL came calling. The NFL. The pinnacle of any coach's dream (regardless of the comment he made). If anyone thought he would actually be our coach for the next 20 years then I have oceanfront land in Syracuse that I can sell you. Sure this hurts but this is how sports work in this day and age. Succeed and move on.

I for one wish him well. He is a good guy and I hope that he does well at the next level. Some of you need to grow up and stop taking things so personally.

Just catching up... I think you can be both happy for Marrone and disappointed/mad that he's going. Business wise I totally get it. From a "I bought into everything he was selling" point of view, I'm pissed.
I'm really hoping people don't truly think they will get anything relevant from his presser. If he was pissed at the BOT, you think he's going to come out and bash them in a presser. Come on, think about what your saying. Just because you would like to know the answer has absolutely no relevance to whether you should know why he left.
Uh, the people who needed to know knew from day one.

Obviously I was being sarcastic. That's the purpose of the last sentence.

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