SU's marketing staff consists of 3 people. Georgia has 7 full-time people. Look around the country. If you expect things to change, you need to change the staff construct.
Sure, the jobs can have benefits. But do you see the marketing and communications staff members at every single home game - whether that's softball, women's lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, women's hockey, or basketball, football? You do. That's a lot of nights and weekends. Not to mention the social media attention that requires near 24 hour monitoring these days.
Demands have changed. Unfortunately, staffing numbers have not.
This is no disrespect at all as I appreciate your contributions to the board and such, but have you ever worked in college athletics? Specifically in the external space? Outside looking in, it's all glamorous - I GET TO GO TO GAMES FOR FREE!. But very rarely do you see how the sausage is made. It's not all it is cracked up to be, especially now compared to 20 years ago.