State of the program and this fan(dom)...a tad long |

State of the program and this fan(dom)...a tad long


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
Oh where to start after this weekends events. Do I go glass half full or glass half empty. Well in keeping with the overall tenor on here the last few days, lets go and start with the dark side. Have to say that in my 43 years of going to these events this was as dour a football event that I recall since the 70's.

No energy from the field, no energy from the kids, no energy from us in the stands. Lethargy all the way around with a "learned helplessness feeling" permeating until, finally, 3/4 of the way into the "game" when some of the kids woke up not just continuing to go through the motions. I don't recall ever being as depressed in the stands watching the team. It really reminded me of the 70's when I would look at the physicality of the team with respect to the "look test" and conclude we look for like a MAC or FCS team than a team with a strong div 1 historic tradition. Very disturbing when combined with the on the field action. From appearances we all were thinking that we have a long way to go. But appearances...more on that later.

Anyway, keeping in glass half empty mode, the haphazard way of how the day was put together with some of what was already chronicled on here, along with some of the other aspects that have effected some of us personally (like most likely losing our FINE lot in the continued evolution of the University causing a counter effect of a continuing devolution of some the fan base and support of the program from reading comments on here and from listening around town).

Combined with other things like me trying to get my '59 national championship ED signed football donated up there for a while (ultimately a no go without enough interest on their part to make it happen). Things like not having the basic competence in being able to let the fandom know the time of the event and then not sticking with it. And on and on.

Collectively it does add up and cause an exhaustive fatigue when it comes to SU football. It is what it is I guess and before I made a spring game post I wanted to give it a couple days to get a grip on it and a couple days perspective.

And the conclusion I've come to is that I'm either a masochist or my orange blood goes too long and too deep to bail now. I think back to the early days (70's and 80's for me) and the perspective I had back then. As a fan I really didn't expect anything in return for my "fandom" and going to the games and being a "supporter". Nothing.

I'm embracing that perspective again. It isn't life and death this thing. It's fun and regardless of how dopey they do and run things up there (very dopey BTW), I'm embracing the fun. Even with a struggling team I and most of the rest of us are die hards with no end in sight. Why?

The product is pretty reasonable really financially, and most significantly some of the best times I've had in life are centered around these events and the family and friend interactions that occur. That realm has mushroomed and grown exponentially with this great board and the great people we now spend a lot of time with, both in person at such august event like the spring "game" as well as bantering on here with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

That's huge gents (and ladies), as lets face it very few in our immediate realms are in this deep on this Orange stuff so it's been pretty awesome to get to know so many others who share this lack of balance. As for the big picture I realize that there isn't enough of "us" to sustain this program, so with what's going on lately and how they're handling things up there and putting all their eggs obviously in a "win and they will come" approach, they better hope and pray that success is on the horizon because the general tone out here in the 'Cuse isn't good right now. And that's not just with people on this board who are complaining believe me.

But enough of all that....lets go to the positive and glass half full. Despite the logistical problems noted the Club 44 experience was amazing. Near gourmet fare that Tomcat chronicled made this the best keep secret in SU gastronomic history. The combo with the lax game makes it a no brainer $ event. The mishandling of things logistically that created a no care with respect to the fandom isn't going to change apparently, so whatever.

The one thing about a spring game that is true is that it means very little in terms of what happens with the X's and O's on the field in terms of if it means success or failure the following fall based on that. This due to the unique variables such as injuries, not the usual formations and play calling and just the general "wing it" attitude that occurs. But what you can tell is what I mentioned earlier getting a feel for the general athleticism, size and abilities of how they look and who can and do what.

Hopefully my negative impression beyond few obvious players in this regard was due to the (as usual) crazy amount of injuries to so many key players. So keeping that in mind I'm jettisoning my earlier 70's pessimism and embracing the Lemoynecuse approach for now. Hopefully this isn't folly and once back healthy this perception improves. This team can have an over the hump season. Why?

Specifically, it appears (if I believe what I read in the paper saturday) the coach has evolved. Wizened up to see that you can't win with what you've been doing. His philosophy on the qb position makes me think contrary to what I was thinking in Nov. '11 that maybe indeed he doesn't have a death wish by trying to win big (and continuing to fail) with the current qb situation.

It interesting to recall when you look back at the seminal moments that reflect what the future may very well bring vis a vis success or failure. I recall in the GRob era watching him in the pregame with his team all too rah rah that I knew right then and there that he'd be a failure as a leader and a coach.

Had a similar premonition with Marrone down on the field watching the RU game with TexanMark. Losing that game and specifically several moments was the point at which I thought this regime was destined to failure too (specifically those moments were when we're dominating them and leading them and they're kicking out of their own endzone ensuring good field position for us, that this isn't the time to try and block a punt...whooops they did it anyway, penalty and first down for RU; similarly running up and down the field on them with success leading the game and about to put the game away on the one yard line, I'm thinking punch it in, sweep the corner, sideline out pass or whatever, don't at the one yard line run a slant with a bullet pass that could end up as a jump ball...oops again).

To his credit afterward he realized it and said there's growth potential. And now with the qb situation with what I FINALLY read in the paper. (spare the the head coach here shouldn't have to to learn on the, we're different folks, it is what it is). I have hope. Hope that he realizes he has a player who can single handedly make the difference between a winning season and a losing season. And though Nassib will have the green light to run a little more this year he's not saying these things in anticipation of Nassib being that player who can do these things. Good kid, strong kid, character kid, but not enough of a dual threat guy. The other kid on the other hand...

We have a once a decade player here gang, whose Cam Newtonesque. Or more accurately has the potential to go down that type path. I've been propping this kid Broyld for two years now. They get it up there after seeing him. I'll bet right now that he's going to get 10-15 touches a game. A lot of which are going to come out of some type of wildcat formation this fall to compliment Nassibs qualities and take some pressure off him.

Nassib being Nassib which was equal parts good and bad with hopes for more good than bad this year with some help from AB this time around. This kids arm as I reported is awesome as demonstrated by the one throw he had (running right full speed, slowing turning full opposite left and throwing a dart strike to Loeb on the other side of the field), the others in warm ups. Unreal ability.

He'll be able to loosen up the defenses with some runs and some passes out of the wildcat as well creating on the run. He's CAN make all the throws with time and experience in this scenario. He's too valuable to not be at a position where he can use his strengths and that he has instincts with. That being qb position primarily. Of course as we've seen he'll be used in addition in the other packages from other positions but these are not his strengths in the WR/TE/RB positions. His instincts and abilities aren't maximized in these positions.

I'll say this right now, barring injury, suspension, etc. he'll be the qb next year. Loeb no chance. Kinder a bit surprising no chance unless he evolves the way Don Mcpherson did. But with AB he's already there physically. People need to understand this guy is the best talented athlete here in the modern era when accounting for size, speed, etc. His intensity is what you want your best player to have and hopefully that intensity can be keep in check and guided in the appropriate direction ala Scoop Jardine.

The back fields in Smith, Gulley, and AAM will be potent enough, the WRs solid to potentially spectacular, and the DB's stellar. Once Spruill is back the LB's will be serviceable to potent as well. The concerns, as usual will be the lines as we're going to miss Hay and Tiller if nothing else for their pure physicality. This underscores the need for a O and Qb that goes sideline to sideline in at least some of its approach vs. pocket drop back and whatever else we've been doing.

Like Lemoynecuse I'm optimistic that we take a step forward this year. There's always huge significant concerns up here, and despite the worst spring game experience in historical memory, this team, this staff, this program (with facility enhancements on the horizon) has the potential to have a break out year. Break out meaning more exciting to watch, along with a few more wins and being bowl eligible.

There, that's the glass half full approach and now I'll just have to cross my fingers that I don't have to go to the dark side glass half empty world again God forbid I hear some whacked out story before the fall that our best player has 1) blown an ACL in a horseshoe game, 2) is suspended indefinitely for being part of the Medillin Cartel, 3) has the first ever Cocyxx dislocation, or 4) went to the Fab Melo school of class attendance.

Please God how bout a little luck for this program....if you made it this far, congrats, you're an orange masochist like me.
The program is very fortunate to have fans with your passion. Thanks for the write up. Also, most people who saw Broyld's state championship games will agree with you 100% about him. I'm sure you, like many of us, thought the chance of him ever suiting up in Orange was pretty slim. Hopefully his time at Milford was beneficial to him and his future.
The first half of the Spring game was depressing. It made me dread this upcoming season, like no other SU season. I think the closer we are style wise to last year the uglier it will be. However last we we saw a mixture of the spread, especially in the red zone. We saw some more of it in the Spring game. I expect to see even more of it this year, and that is what will give me hope (until at least the Minn game). No matter what we run the OL has a lot of work to do. This OL has a lot of question marks. I think we have some talent but they are all so damn young it likely won't help.

I just hope that we aren't stuck trying to copy Stanford. That is easier said than done. Some mock drafts have them with 4 players going in the 1st round. If we have to wait for that to happen, it will be a long journey.
Do any of you guys remember 2010 at all? Do you remember how hard Marrones teams played until that now infamous 5 game stretch? That 5 games was an anomaly not the norm. The spring game is just a meaningless exhibition
Cuseregular... Great post. I feel the same way and its hard to not try and be opti istic every season regardless
Do any of you guys remember 2010 at all? Do you remember how hard Marrones teams played until that now infamous 5 game stretch? That 5 games was an anomaly not the norm. The spring game is just a meaningless exhibition

2010 and 2011 were very similar. Do you not remember that we ended 2010 looking awful? We got pushed around at home to a UL team that had a 3rd string walkon QB. We got pushed around by a mediocre UConn and BC teams, both at home. We squeaked by a bad RU team. Those last 4 were very similar to the last 5 this past year. In 2010 we were 5-5 vs D1A teams. Last year we were 4-7. The really wasn't much difference between the two.
Great post buddy. I do disagree on one point though. I don't think AB will ever be the full time QB here. I think he will get a lot of touches in various ways and from various positions, but as he gets even bigger, I think he ends up as a TE who is moved around some and used in different ways not typical of a TE.
Great post buddy. I do disagree on one point though. I don't think AB will ever be the full time QB here. I think he will get a lot of touches in various ways and from various positions, but as he gets even bigger, I think he ends up as a TE who is moved around some and used in different ways not typical of a TE.

I agree Bees -- the most recent comparison I can think of is former Stanford star Teyo Johnson, who was also a ridiculous athlete for his size. While Johnson didn't have the best NFL career, he was awesome in college as a hybrid WR/TE. You can create plenty of mismatches at this level when you have a kid like that.

I will also reiterate something I wrote earlier that a lot of posters are forgetting or overlooking. We do have a uber-talented dual-threat QB on this roster, and his name is Terrell Hunt. He is every bit the athlete Broyld is, but receives little fanfare on this board, and maybe that's a good thing. He was a starter on Christ-the-King's basketball program and probably could have played hoops at a mid-major program. Missing this spring hurts his development a lot, because I believe he would have made a strong push for QB2 this season. He's that talented.
That 5 games was an anomaly not the norm.

A bad half of football is an anomaly. A bad two game stretch is an anomaly. Having a full fledged 5 game collapse when you are one win away from bowl eligibility isn't an anomaly.
I agree Bees -- the most recent comparison I can think of is former Stanford star Teyo Johnson, who was also a ridiculous athlete for his size. While Johnson didn't have the best NFL career, he was awesome in college as a hybrid WR/TE. You can create plenty of mismatches at this level when you have a kid like that.

I will also reiterate something I wrote earlier that a lot of posters are forgetting or overlooking. We do have a uber-talented dual-threat QB on this roster, and his name is Terrell Hunt. He is every bit the athlete Broyld is, but receives little fanfare on this board, and maybe that's a good thing. He was a starter on Christ-the-King's basketball program and probably could have played hoops at a mid-major program. Missing this spring hurts his development a lot, because I believe he would have made a strong push for QB2 this season. He's that talented.

I think Terrell Hunt was the name on a lot of radars here until missing the spring session. When something like that happens, people start to wonder if he'll ever be back and if he'll be able to stay on the team (I really hope it was an isolated incident by a kid going through some tough personal times, as has been discussed here). But also, one thing I worried about, and perhaps others, was just him missing the snaps, and how far behind that puts him in development. Whole thing is just unfortunate.

It's a little deflating that Loeb and Kinder will likely never play a down, or at least it really sounds that way. If it does end up that way, I hope it's more a reflection of recruiting misses (or b listing) than ability to develop QBs.
Great post. You are a true fan, a lifer like so many of us. I wear it on my sleeve like you. I cant tell you the number of post that i just bang out and wish i could take back. But you know what that is what a true fan is one from the heart. I dont know if we are ever going to recapture the magic of the donovan days but we could. I hope that Doug is the guy to get us there but im a program guy and the coach as much as i may like him is at the end of the day a means to an end. The jury is out on Doug. If he can turn the corner we may have our next next JB. If not we move on. Of all of the things that have happened in the last 20 years there is nothing more important than being part of the ACC. If we had been left behind im afraid we would never have come back. Now we have hope. If Nancy has any balls at all she will step up make the investments needed and realize that this is our time. Thanks again for a great from the heart post.
Enjoyed reading your post. I respect your opinion, and your devotion as a fan of the Orange is beyond admirable. I just hope somehow you are mistaken about some things.

As far as the team play goes I am in the familiar spring spot of being reservedly optimistic. I feel like the 2012 team will be an improvement over the 2011 team and certainly no worse. The 2011 squad suffered a leadership void after the graduation of so many big personalities on the 2010 team that won the Pinstripe Bowl. The signs began to surface with the sudden rash of player mishaps during a 2 week break before fall practice began, and then Marinovich showed up for camp with a funky mustache and the season had a strange feel to it. Chandler Jones may be a first round draft pick, but he was injured for most of the season.

The 2011 team nearly made it to a bowl game even though it lost it's final 5 games. In 2012 I expect improvement in all 3 phases. The special teams because they can only improve. The offense is adding 2 playmakers in Sales and Broyld. The defense will have more mature play at LB and solid play on the front and back end- closer to 2010 than 2011, and if the special teams is better the defense will be even stronger.

I just hope the team is healthy and we get to see Sales, Lemon and Broyld on the field with maybe Kobena or Smith or PTG or AAM or maybe even one of the freshman. The quality and depth of the skill position players on offense is improving and could present a different level of challenge for opposing defenses. Nassib believes Sales adds a whole new dimension to the offense. At the very least it's nice to hear Nassib express confidence. No denying Broyld is an explosive talent. HCDM has already said SU is lucky to have him, and Broyld hasn't even played a game yet. If the system is simplified and the QB does run more to keep the defense honest that could help to set up more big plays too.

Why not? It's April.
Great post buddy. I do disagree on one point though. I don't think AB will ever be the full time QB here. I think he will get a lot of touches in various ways and from various positions, but as he gets even bigger, I think he ends up as a TE who is moved around some and used in different ways not typical of a TE.
I'll make a friendly bet with you and CIL. If he's not the starter next year by mid year at the latest then at a late year tailgate next season I'll fire up some surf and turf for you two. It's a simple got a kid with this much talent you maximize the touches he'll get. And the one position that obviously offers maximum reps is qb. The fact that he is qb makes it a no brainer.
2010 and 2011 were very similar. Do you not remember that we ended 2010 looking awful? We got pushed around at home to a UL team that had a 3rd string walkon QB. We got pushed around by a mediocre UConn and BC teams, both at home. We squeaked by a bad RU team. Those last 4 were very similar to the last 5 this past year. In 2010 we were 5-5 vs D1A teams. Last year we were 4-7. The really wasn't much difference between the two.
The entire season counts my friend. Not much difference? You need to be objectiveand you aren't. You're finding fault in a very good season. At the end of 2010 SU also looked great in beating KSU in a bowl game. But I guess we overlook all the good things.
The entire season counts my friend. Not much difference? You need to be objectiveand you aren't. You're finding fault in a very good season. At the end of 2010 SU also looked great in beating KSU in a bowl game. But I guess we overlook all the good things.

Exactly the entire season counts. Fact is we won one more game in the 2010 regular season vs D1A teams. The 2010 schedule was much easier as well. We caught some breaks that year and had a SR led team vs a young team in 2011. The final output was not much different.
Injuries/Academic Issues/off field issues make or break a Team with few good backups. O-Line Play is the key to the season
It's a little deflating that Loeb and Kinder will likely never play a down, or at least it really sounds that way. If it does end up that way, I hope it's more a reflection of recruiting misses (or b listing) than ability to develop QBs.

Well, you can only play one QB at a time. Every program has at least 4 qbs and half of them never play a down in a game during their 4 years. Don't get deflated over that. Realize that Nassib is actually a decent college QB and those 2 guys you mention aren't as good as who has been brought in besides them.
Well, you can only play one QB at a time. Every program has at least 4 qbs and half of them never play a down in a game during their 4 years. Don't get deflated over that. Realize that Nassib is actually a decent college QB and those 2 guys you mention aren't as good as who has been brought in besides them.

Understand you can only play 1, but part of recruiting a QB each year is that you hope to always have a fully developed QB ready to go when one graduates. From the reports we've heard, when Nassib graduates, we won't be turning to the Senior on the roster or the Junior on the roster unless we injuries push us to Plan C.

I also understand that recruiting over existing QBs happens as well, and that's a good thing if you go from a graduating senior to, say, a redshirt freshman or sophomore because you recruited a much more talented kid.

I was just referring to the reports that while Loeb and Kinder may be developing somewhat, it doesn't seem to be anywhere near the level required for them to be considered a serious option. So I hope that's not due to QB development in general.
I'll make a friendly bet with you and CIL. If he's not the starter next year by mid year at the latest then at a late year tailgate next season I'll fire up some surf and turf for you two. It's a simple got a kid with this much talent you maximize the touches he'll get. And the one position that obviously offers maximum reps is qb. The fact that he is qb makes it a no brainer.

What kind of bet is that? You love cooking surf and turf. Man up and strap yourself to a chair so everyone can throw salsa and sour milk at you.

And if you're right, Bees and CIL sit in the chairs.

Either way, the milk is in my fridge right now aging.
What kind of bet is that? You love cooking surf and turf. Man up and strap yourself to a chair so everyone can throw salsa and sour milk at you.

And if you're right, Bees and CIL sit in the chairs.

Either way, the milk is in my fridge right now aging.

Now we're talking. A Tailgate Event to watch.
What kind of bet is that? You love cooking surf and turf. Man up and strap yourself to a chair so everyone can throw salsa and sour milk at you.

And if you're right, Bees and CIL sit in the chairs.

Either way, the milk is in my fridge right now aging.

Where is Lil Joe when you need him?

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Either way, the milk is in my fridge right now aging.

Why the fridge? Leave it outside and let the heat and humidity ripen it up. That is, when the heat and humidity return.
It's a little deflating that Loeb and Kinder will likely never play a down, or at least it really sounds that way. If it does end up that way, I hope it's more a reflection of recruiting misses (or b listing) than ability to develop QBs.
Not really, as Loeb was a throw away scholarship in Marrone's first class, brought in just because we needed another QB. Kinder was the second option behind Jonny Miller in that class. I think Miller never playing here is even more depressing. That kid's tape was fantastic.
Not really, as Loeb was a throw away scholarship in Marrone's first class, brought in just because we needed another QB. Kinder was the second option behind Jonny Miller in that class. I think Miller never playing here is even more depressing. That kid's tape was fantastic.
You should have seen him in HS kid was a stud could make all of the throws he never came back from his injury which is a shame. Also sucks because that HS would have been a great pipeline for us.

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