Statement from the Virginia AD |

Statement from the Virginia AD

If the rest of the ACC tells the B1G to go itself on the way to 16, the B1G will look toward the Big 12 and then we'll get to sit back and get in on the bidding for Texas.
The acc has much more history and ties than the BE fball schools ever had. While the B1G is clearly trying to take it down, it will not fall apart like the BE did.

It may still fall apart, but it won't be easy.

IMO, it won't fall apart at all.
As good a statement as you could hope for. Doesn't guarentee anything, but a good sign.
He basically confirms commitment to the ACC.[/quote]

Yes, but ...

None other than the "dude" has informed everyone that UVA has actually submitted an application to the Big 10 along with GT and UNC. That means there has already been a BOT vote and a done deal since applications only happen when the outcome is clear.

Obviously the AD is out of the loop.

"The Big 10 conference has received applications for membership from UVA, UNC, and Georgia Tech..."

Back to reality:
The 4 NC and 2 VA schools are as tightly connected as any grouping in any conference. SU, BC, Pitt aren't going anywhere. GT and Miami are also tightly linked to UNC and the VA schools: they are all in the same division and share high academic standards.

FSU and Clemson would appear to have a lot of unhappy fans. However Clemson did vote for the $50 million penalty and what are the chances the SEC is going to want to add FSU or Clemson if their focus is adding new markets for their upcoming channel.

The Big 12 lacks a conference channel precisely because the UT LHN is the property of UT exclusively. They also have a small market footprint at their core. Add in the geography mismatch and second tier academics and challenge of creating attrative, competitive divisions and it seems unlikely FSU is going to jump to the Big 12.
Is that statement definitive and sincere enough for you wet blankets out there? ;)

Seriously, unless that guy wants to be called lying a-hole in a month, I think it's pretty clear that UVA and UNC are getting out in front of this and taking the wind out of Delany's sails. They will not be bolting for the BiG, or anywhere else for that matter. If they are solid, that keeps State and FSU solid. All the ACC has to do is remain united and force the BiG to either grab scraps or break up the Big 12. Delany does not hold all the cards here. He's trying to create an atmosphere of instability where there really is none, nor should there be. MD is not a game changer. I think cooler heads will prevail in the ACC, and Delany will be forced to look elsewhere for TV sets. The Big 12 may seem like a more stable conference than the ACC, but my money says they really aren't. If the ACC stays firm, the Big 12 either has to expand, to the chagrin of Texas, or wait for Delany to become impatient and come after them.

The ACC controls it's own destiny, not the BiG. And that is the message that is slowly trickling out...finally.
Oh yeah well if The Dude said it lol...

Of course if The Dude told me I'll live to see tomorrow I'd call all my loved ones and get my affairs in order.
Really, that's what'll keep the ACC together...pull a Nancy Reagan & "just say no"!! ;)
Much stronger statement than UNC's. Still means nothing, but better than the Heels'.
I liked that statement better than the one from Carolina. So if ACC schools hold firm - what is Delaney's end game? Weakening the ACC had at least the potential for cracking the ND nut (many have tried all have failed). So does the B1G keep expanding and if so - who do they go after? UConn for TV sets / northeast presence?

What about Mizzou? I know they didn't grab them last year but they could be low-hanging fruit since Mizzou clearly wanted in last year. They have a decent number of TV sets there too. Unless there is some n0n-aggression pact with the SEC - why not Mizzou if B1G thinks ACC teams and ND are off the table? Someone on here claimed the SEC doesn't have exit fees. True? I think Mizzou would be a good get and a big boy poke in the nose to the SEC.
Is that statement definitive and sincere enough for you wet blankets out there? ;)

Seriously, unless that guy wants to be called lying a-hole in a month, I think it's pretty clear that UVA and UNC are getting out in front of this and taking the wind out of Delany's sails. They will not be bolting for the BiG, or anywhere else for that matter. If they are solid, that keeps State and FSU solid. All the ACC has to do is remain united and force the BiG to either grab scraps or break up the Big 12. Delany does not hold all the cards here. He's trying to create an atmosphere of instability where there really is none, nor should there be. MD is not a game changer. I think cooler heads will prevail in the ACC, and Delany will be forced to look elsewhere for TV sets. The Big 12 may seem like a more stable conference than the ACC, but my money says they really aren't. If the ACC stays firm, the Big 12 either has to expand, to the chagrin of Texas, or wait for Delany to become impatient and come after them.

The ACC controls it's own destiny, not the BiG. And that is the message that is slowly trickling out...finally.

The Big 12 is anything but stable. How anyone can classify a conference that lost Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, and Texas A&M and replaced them with TCU, WVU and 2 blank slots boggles my mind. Has there even been confirmation that their GOR agreement was signed?
In addition to SU, I'm also a Carolina grad. To cannibalize and expand on another post, UNC & UVA are basketball first schools. Love football; worship hoops. I don't believe either one will chase more money at the expense of hoops.

There is also too much history with Wake & Duke. And while State & VT may dream if being the "it" school in their respective states, I believe they'll ultimately figure out they are where they belong. All these schools have true rivals that interest their fans & students.

These schools firm a solid six who if they stay together keep NC & VA to themselves. It is also the base for a very solid conference.

For a number if reasons, some related & some very different, SU, BC, Pitt, & Miami have no better options than the ACC. With our solid six add four for ten.

Clemson, FSU, & GT are different in that they share their states with SEC schools. The fact that they are in competition with the "it" SEC schools in their states make them more unstable & less predictable.

As a higher ranking academic, GT is probably the least unstable. Call them 11. ND makes 12 with no real chance they're all in anytime soon. Perfect for hoops. As for football, stay at 11 & get creative. Make ND's 5 games the extra conference game for the division with only five teams & rotate a team each year into the other division. Then have ND play the other side the next year. Bet NCAA will be good with ACC Championship game under this scenario.

Or come up with a better idea. But for the love if God no more partials & no to the usual suspects out there now.

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The Big 12 is anything but stable. How anyone can classify a conference that lost Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, and Texas A&M and replaced them with TCU, WVU and 2 blank slots boggles my mind. Has there even been confirmation that their GOR agreement was signed?

Texas is the reason that the Big 12 has that Sugar Bowl deal. Which is probably their strongest card to play right now.

Texas is also the reason that the 4 schools couldn't leave fast enough.

It's one stable school, two schools who will never be left behind (OU, Okie State) and then 7 other schools along for the ride and praying it works.
In addition to SU, I'm also a Carolina grad. To cannibalize and expand on another post, UNC & UVA are basketball first schools. Love football; worship hoops. I don't believe either one will chase more money at the expense of hoops.

There is also too much history with Wake & Duke. And while State & VT may dream if being the "it" school in their respective states, I believe they'll ultimately figure out they are where they belong. All these schools have true rivals that interest their fans & students.

These schools firm a solid six who if they stay together keep NC & VA to themselves. It is also the base for a very solid conference.

For a number if reasons, some related & some very different, SU, BC, Pitt, & Miami have no better options than the ACC. With our solid six add four for ten.

Clemson, FSU, & GT are different in that they share their states with SEC schools. The fact that they are in competition with the "it" SEC schools in their states make them more unstable & less predictable.

As a higher ranking academic, GT is probably the least unstable. Call them 11. ND makes 12 with no real chance they're all in anytime soon. Perfect for hoops. As for football, stay at 11 & get creative. Make ND's 5 games the extra conference game for the division with only five teams & rotate a team each year into the other division. Then have ND play the other side the next year. Bet NCAA will be good with ACC Championship game under this scenario.

Or come up with a better idea. But for the love if God no more partials & no to the usual suspects out there now.

Well you're probably wrong about one of either BC or Syracuse as one could be a B1G target. But I do hope they both stay put and this conference shows some solidarity.

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Dcuse -- I've always said that my family's crest translates from Latin into English as "Often wrong; seldom in doubt". Probably a good motto for all this conference realignment stuff. (Unless of course you're the Dude or Frank the Tank & never wrong!)

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Texas is the reason that the Big 12 has that Sugar Bowl deal. Which is probably their strongest card to play right now.

Texas is also the reason that the 4 schools couldn't leave fast enough.

It's one stable school, two schools who will never be left behind (OU, Okie State) and then 7 other schools along for the ride and praying it works.
I seriously have no idea why they got so much $$ for a tv deal. Texas and Oklahoma don't play in every game. And the other 8 schools are located in areas that have less eyeballs than there is in a 10 block radius of my old apartment.
Texas is the reason that the Big 12 has that Sugar Bowl deal. Which is probably their strongest card to play right now.

Texas is also the reason that the 4 schools couldn't leave fast enough.

It's one stable school, two schools who will never be left behind (OU, Okie State) and then 7 other schools along for the ride and praying it works.

Living here in Texas, the fans of other schools really are on pins and needles knowing Texas can blow up the Big 12 at any time. OU fans are confident that Texas takes them along as a partner but are assured of a soft landing anyway. With their improved academics and research, they are on the same level as Nebraska so the B1G can take them (OU is a King, never hurts to have them around). The SEC would take them. The ACC would take them (survival mode, on or near par with FSU and NCState). The PAC already agreed to take them with Texas.
Texas has a situation not so dissimilar to ND - they are in the catbird's seat. The difference is that their lucrative deal screws everybody else. I seriously doubt they will easily give up LHN so they might be a passive player in all this. They know they have a home regardless of what anyone else does so they probably are not in a hurry. If they are not proactive, then it is up to the Big 10 to force their hand but who can the Big 10 poach? OU is probably not going anywhere without Texas so who can they raid worth raiding?
Texas is the reason that the Big 12 has that Sugar Bowl deal. Which is probably their strongest card to play right now.

Texas is also the reason that the 4 schools couldn't leave fast enough.

It's one stable school, two schools who will never be left behind (OU, Okie State) and then 7 other schools along for the ride and praying it works.


People like to point to the Big 12's bowl agreement with the SEC as a sign of stability. I think it's moreso a statement by the SEC that it realizes that if it is going to further expand, Big 12 teams are where it's going to expand from. The SEC isn't going after FSU and let's face it, most of the ACC schools don't fit the SEC model.
Texas has a situation not so dissimilar to ND - they are in the catbird's seat. The difference is that their lucrative deal screws everybody else. I seriously doubt they will easily give up LHN so they might be a passive player in all this. They know they have a home regardless of what anyone else does so they probably are not in a hurry. If they are not proactive, then it is up to the Big 10 to force their hand but who can the Big 10 poach? OU is probably not going anywhere without Texas so who can they raid worth raiding?

Remember that OU tried to put a deal together with the PAC that did NOT include Texas. If the PAC has changed positions, they may seek three Big 12 teams and then speak with Texas. Also, the PAC and B1G have good relations, they could work out a deal so that the B1G takes another school or two to break the Big 12 in half.

I'm not saying the above will happen, but the potential is there.

If the LHN is not making money, ESPN may cut off the deal. Texas would then be free to make the best deal they can.
Remember that OU tried to put a deal together with the PAC that did NOT include Texas. If the PAC has changed positions, they may seek three Big 12 teams and then speak with Texas. Also, the PAC and B1G have good relations, they could work out a deal so that the B1G takes another school or two to break the Big 12 in half.

I'm not saying the above will happen, but the potential is there.

If the LHN is not making money, ESPN may cut off the deal. Texas would then be free to make the best deal they can.
Sounds like that could be tortious interference, or could cause Texas to really secede.
Sounds like that could be tortious interference, or could cause Texas to really secede.

It's only tortious if it can be proved. These things are discussed in private and "gentleman's agreements" are made.

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