SU Mens Soccer @SUMensSoccer 4m4 minutes ago
51' Hilpert collects a shot distance
56' Duke tries to go forward but the ball goes out of bounds for a goal kick.
59' A Duke midfielder connects with a Duke defender for a header inside the 6 but his header goes just wide
61' Cross steps in front of a Duke forward and makes a great 1v1 stop
66' Lassiter enters for Polk
74' Rynhart and a Duke player get tangled up at midfield. Free kick for Syracuse
76' Hilpert makes a great diving save and punches the ball out for a corner
77' Goal Duke. A foul is called against the Orange in the box and Duke is awarded a PK. The Duke forward deposits it into the net
86' Both teams keeping possession well despite the conditions.
89' Robinson clears a loose ball out of the Orange box