I didn't see any discussion about the following after the donation was made. If there was, apologies.
During halftime of the Syracuse University vs. Western Michigan football game, Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud and Director of Athletics John Wildhack presented a commemorative football to the Lallys in recognition of a gift commitment of $25 million to support Syracuse University athletics. The donation is among the single largest that the school has ever received.
Apparently the specific use(s) of the money has already been decided between the Lally's and SU and will be announced at a later date.
If you gave the school's athletic department $25M what do you think the school should do with the $25 M? New apartments for the football players? Additions to the renovations to the Dome? Although they were just completed, make the locker rooms and trainers facilities spectacular? How far does $25M go towards making us more competitive in the ACC and attracting better talent - or can money not do that and it's W's that will make the 4 and 5 Stars look more at us with thoughts of committing. Some of you that live in or around SU may have a great take on this knowing what we have now and have your opinion of what we need? Where do you think the $ would be best used?