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SU Board


Walk On
Sep 18, 2011
Question? What gives the SU Board authority to investigate this in 2005. Shouldn't something like this be turned directly over to the police and then the board goes by the police investigation after everything is straightened out. I do not know if i am understanding what happend in 2005 but it seems like Su board investigated found nothing and that was it. What gives them authority to do this? Now if it is true the SU Board would be on the hook.
The Police investigated as well. SU conducted their own investigation either parralel to the police investigation or afterwards. I'm pretty sure that that is normal operating procedure for Universities who are generally as concerned with moral law as much as civil/criminal law.
The university investigated in 2005. The police were notified in 2003 and supposedly stated that they couldn't investigate because of the statute of limitations. 2005 was also when the Post-Standard and ESPN did their investigations. The university acted responsibly and within their rights (not to mention, IMHO, they were morally obligated to do their own investigation).
Something is rotten in Denmark. Both these accusers are lying through their teeth. It's comical.
As I recall the story the alledged victim (please don't use his name in case he is one of these indviduals seeking some form of personal gratification) went to the police in 2003 and was told that it was beyond the SOL but investigated and found no corroboration or justification for the allegations... not that the allegations were true or false. He then went to ESPN OTL in 2005 and the PS picked it up from there. Both decided there was no evidence or corroboration to justify printing (funny there is now) ... but the University picked it up as a consequence of being interviewed by the PS and ESPN OTL. They then launched an immediate 4 month investigation (good for them) and found no justification or corroboration for the allegations.
As I recall the story the alledged victim (please don't use his name in case he is one of these indviduals seeking some form of personal gratification) went to the police in 2003 and was told that it was beyond the SOL but investigated and found no corroboration or justification for the allegations... not that the allegations were true or false. He then went to ESPN OTL in 2005 and the PS picked it up from there. Both decided there was no evidence or corroboration to justify printing (funny there is now) ... but the University picked it up as a consequence of being interviewed by the PS and ESPN OTL. They then launched an immediate 4 month investigation (good for them) and found no justification or corroboration for the allegations.

Is it true that the police investigated in 03? I'm under the impression they didn't, because of the SOL, but I could have missed something.
Is it true that the police investigated in 03? I'm under the impression they didn't, because of the SOL, but I could have missed something.
That's what it sounds like. Also, DA Fitzpatrick is quoted in this morning's PS article that he has no recollection of any of this being brought to his office.
Yeah ... sorry. If the police were investigating such an incident believe me that Bill would have been brought in immediately. That would be a big whoa there ...let's make sure we have all our ducks in a row. But I thought the initial allegation was made in the late 90's when he was told that the SOL had expired but then went back in 2003. Mea Culpa
If you were the SU board wouldn't you want to look into it just to make sure? They went ultra conservative and well beyond what was necessary to be sure. In a case like this it's better to err on the side of safety. We are the anti-Penn State!

Imagine if this story broke and there hadn't been any investigations on the schools part?
As I recall the story the alledged victim (please don't use his name in case he is one of these indviduals seeking some form of personal gratification) went to the police in 2003 and was told that it was beyond the SOL but investigated and found no corroboration or justification for the allegations... not that the allegations were true or false. He then went to ESPN OTL in 2005 and the PS picked it up from there. Both decided there was no evidence or corroboration to justify printing (funny there is now) ... but the University picked it up as a consequence of being interviewed by the PS and ESPN OTL. They then launched an immediate 4 month investigation (good for them) and found no justification or corroboration for the allegations.
okay that makes more sense. Good for them for covering all there bases.

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