It's real. The difference between SU and many of the schools with deficits is that we don't build facilities until the money is raised; they charge it to their AD budgets, student fees, and
This is the biggest reason for sure. We are not spending money we dont have.
we also have advantages over peer schools (as far as football attendance). We are still top 10 in basketball attendance, despite being way down this year, and number one in lacrosse attendance. That equates to an extra 10 or $15 million peer schools don’t have..
we also fund very few sports, (18) (14 revenue losers) so we are not funding 25-30 revenue losers Like some other schools. Though in fairness, a lot of the colleges that fund the most teams are “rich schools“ that probably have a certain amount of private funding. Stanford, Harvard, Duke, etc.
if you look at what traditionally our basketball and football coaches get paid compared to other peer schools as well there’s probably close to $5 million of “savings” there as well.
Having the Dome for three sports, saves us money, not needing a basketball facility as well as lacrosse facility too.
it all adds up.
another poster said that it was voodoo accounting. And I’m not disputing that it might be , but I would be curious as to why he thinks that.