Syracuse Basketball Traditions | Page 3 |

Syracuse Basketball Traditions

There used to be "WE ARE" and "SU" signs that the cheerleaders would hold up, alternately. One side of the Dome would do the "WE ARE" and the other side, "SU". When there's a full house, it would get pretty loud. It was a nice alternative to the "Let's Go Orange".
Nice Job- can you work in "and georgtown still sucks" and ""?
That would be really good

How about this?

Down down the court goes old Syracuse
Just watch the guards break the press and go through
Down down the court they are zoning
Fighting for the Orange staunch and true


Victory's in sight for old Syracuse
Each loyal son knows that Georgetown still sucks
And we'll fight yes we'll fight with all our might
For the glory of old Syracuse
When I was student the LGO!!! was the only one until one of my friends stole what the Football team lead by Diamond Ferri and Anthony Smith huddled together and did a Who's House? Cuse House! chant, and so the student section from 2005-2006 did a a Who's House? Cuse House chant to some success. Besides that it was alway LGO!! which was stale a little in my opinion, and at Football games before we bottomed out we had the Hey song.
When I was student the LGO!!! was the only one until one of my friends stole what the Football team lead by Diamond Ferri and Anthony Smith huddled together and did a Who's House? Cuse House! chant, and so the student section from 2005-2006 did a a Who's House? Cuse House chant to some success. Besides that it was alway LGO!! which was stale a little in my opinion, and at Football games before we bottomed out we had the Hey song.

Who's house, Cuse house still happened while I was there
I HATE it when the student interrupt the national anthem with that yell.


And if there's one thing worse than doing something stupid, it's stealing something stupid from baseball fans in another city.

(While we're on the subject, having the student section sing the national anthem before two of our home games was a fantastic idea and should become a tradition.)
The opposing player intros met with:
who cares
big deal
so what
who's he
big sh-t
Started in Manley and was well organized until the admin. cracked down and tried to stop it after it was going on for like 20 years.

The cheerleaders still use those signs. They kind of get ignored.

It doesn't help that the Dome events staff likes to blast music during both teams' introductions. Noise upon noise: the Syracuse tradition!
Bring back the song "Amen" song, which will played as soon as the game is clearly in hand. The challenge is to see how soon before the end of the game we can play that. If I remember correctly, the SSS played that song as the Siena game started the year after our 144-92 win. Classic smack.

Show the introductory signs to the entire audience. Right now they only show it to those behind the baskets; make it seem like only part of the dome is participating. And you don't need to run with the signs; just spin around so everyone in the stadium can see it.

A real coordinated wave behind the basket where one row waves in one direction while the row immediately in front or behind goes the other. My guess is this would only work on the student's side.

Dome Ranger 2.0 (since I would think the original has bad knees). This does not allow Dome Eddie to show up, however.

This was awesome - loved that at both football and hoops games. What happened - did that even make it into the early '90s?
I tried this, poorly, in another thread. Here's a starting point:

Down down the court goes old Syracuse
Just watch the guards break the press and go through
Down down the court they are zoning
Fighting for the Orange staunch and true

Rah rah rah

Victory's in sight for old Syracuse
Each loyal son knows we never more will lose
And we'll fight yes we'll fight with all our might
For the glory of old Syracuse

Brilliant! Of course, I have no idea what the real lyrics are. Also, the fight song of the Badgers, which they sing at all the basketball, goes:

On Wisconsin, on Wisconsin! Plunge right through that line.
Run the ball clear down the field, boys, touchdown sure this time. U rah rah!

I don't believe they've changed the lyrics for bball, but then Wisconsin basketball didn't exist back in the sixties, which was when I was last there and took in one (1) hoops game in 4 years.
I sat behind the Michigan student section. I do not believe that the cheers were initiated by the cheerleaders. The students were very well organized on their own.
When my son enrolled at USC, and we had orientation, we had an orientation luncheon. At the luncheon, there was about a half hour session with members of the marching band who played all of the fight songs, and if there were hand motions we learned them then, and did them at the luncheon. This stuff needs to start on day one with the students. It is not only about athletics, but about general school spirit and pride. Michigan students ALL knew the words to their fight song, and also sang it over and over loudly!!! Then ended it with one of their fight cheers. It was very impressive. I think the athletic department needs to work on this. This ties in to fundraising and everything. It all comes down to those memories of cheering, etc.
I was there in the Manley Zoo years, and I have lived with that spirit we had for years. I also did the "who cares" "so what" who's he...cheer, and still do it by myself quietly. It was a great cheer to rouse everyone up at the beginning of the game. I guess it is considered "not nice" to say that about other players. We were much tougher back then.
I thought USC only had one fight song? That annoying repetitive one that they drone on and on and on with.

As far as the Michigan Fight Song, I know some words to that as well:

Hail to the mother f'ers
Hail to those old cork suckers
Hail hail to Michigan the cess pool of the Earth

Hail to the masterbaters
Hail to the fornicaters
Hail hail to Michigan the cess pool of the Earth
After much discussion about our fans and the Final Four, it got me thinking about traditions Syracuse basketball has. For example with other schools, Kansas does Rock, Chalk Jayhawk (which is incredible), Penn St (We are...Penn St), etc. What should Syracuse start or continue doing? Or what should Syracuse stop doing?

-Personally, I like how the students yell "O!" during the national anthem. Same way Cornell yells "red" and Michigan yells "hail". At least it is something new.
-Syracuse should really try to do "Go Orange" like Penn St. does We Are...Penn St. As long as it isn't led by cheerleaders.

We used to sing Amen at the end of games as we were winning...why we lost that I have no idea. I blame the liberals. ;)
SO SO SO agree about where the students sit. Changed that from the Manley days. You need serious fans court side. Not people like the dome knitter, who I guess knit her way away since I don't see her anymore. I can't tell you how much it would upset me to watch a Syracuse game only to have a lady knitting in the front row. It was pure embarrassment.
We didn't have any placards at Manley. We didn't need them. Fans should know what to do. The Michigan fans did. They did not use placards that I could see.
And USC has 2 major fight songs. If you listen you hear both all the times at games. Even though I don't think their cheers are as organized as Michigans were, my point was that USC started at student orientations with learning the school spirit. And not in a wimpy, stupid way. But with a marching band blaring in our ears as we ate lunch. Believe me it was attention getting, and got us all in the spirit.
Bring back the song "Amen" song, which will played as soon as the game is clearly in hand. The challenge is to see how soon before the end of the game we can play that. If I remember correctly, the SSS played that song as the Siena game started the year after our 144-92 win. Classic smack.

Show the introductory signs to the entire audience. Right now they only show it to those behind the baskets; make it seem like only part of the dome is participating. And you don't need to run with the signs; just spin around so everyone in the stadium can see it.

A real coordinated wave behind the basket where one row waves in one direction while the row immediately in front or behind goes the other. My guess is this would only work on the student's side.

Dome Ranger 2.0 (since I would think the original has bad knees). This does not allow Dome Eddie to show up, however.
We did this when I was in Sitrus(played Amen) I think we stopped in 82/83 because the band is not allowed to play while the game is still going on- and when it over we played down the field.
The basketball team could stay on the court and sing the alama mater, but that would probably interfere with interviews and mr excitments announcements
[sarcasm font on] What about jingling of the keys on 3rd down? [sarcasm font off]
"you you you you" pointing after a foul is called on opposing player.
My brother in law still do this at every game. We get looked at like a couple of knuckleheads, pisses me off.
Let's just have Lou Reed or Grace Jones write us something. Easy peasy.

RU does the half say R the other say U thing. No thanks. Is it so hard to come up with something original?

Everything really starts with the student section. If they can figure something out, other people will probably jump in. Personally, I always liked the S-Y-R-A-C-U-S-EEEEE chant. But I learned it sitting next to the band my first year, and I'm not sure most people even know about that chant.

Don't think you can just shoe horn the fight song into basketball. Kinda need their own thing.

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