Who cares? It is comparing Washington apples to Syracuse Oranges. (See what I did there). There will be significant early overlap. He will have spots and a built in dynamic. Part of who he recruits will be predicated on how they perform. Just like us. He is dynamic and charismatic. We are SU. It is impossible to draw meaningful comparisons based upon the vagaries of geography, tradition, and the minds of boys. I am among those who believe that losing Hopkins and gaining security with JB was a clear net plus. Hop is no longer "us", so he is "them".
I like your play on words! Very clever. I also agree in premise that side by side comparison is not necessarily valuable because of many variables.
But, for many on this board, especially those that have taken heat for even suggesting that Syracuse recruiting is down trending,it may provide one of the best gauges of health. Pre-Hop - post-Hop.
I'm skeptical that the extension of JB (even though he is without question one of the best coaches EVER) will solidify the program.
It might help with the next class or two (and especially with the one or two and done guys). But many of the elite players have been spurning us for the blue bloods.
If I was a high school player today, I would want to know who I'm playing for for my entire career. That is not a given with a head coach who will be nearing 80 years old at the end of this contract. I'm not convinced this provides enough stability.
It's a hard position to be in. And I think gauging the pre/post Hop recruiting could prove invaluable. Like I posted before...
If we outrecruit Hop for the next 4 years it will close the mouths of the critics. If we come up short, we have an opportunity to see it, acknowledge it, and rectify it.
That said, I think the next few years will be very telling. I don't (like some folks) think we are collapsing anytime soon. I do, however, think there are important reasons to be measuring the health of our recruiting. The future of our program depends on our willingness to honestly evaluate it.