Taggart | Syracusefan.com


Somewhere on this forum is an old thread where I said Taggart at FSU would end up being a bad hire, and Cristobal at Oregon would be a good hire. I'm wrong on almost everything, but I think I pegged that situation pretty well.
Ouch. Not a good sign when your player is publicly saying that.

"Earlier Tuesday, Florida State offensive lineman Baveon Johnson questioned the team's conditioning level, saying it "wasn't our strong suit." Johnson later said of the Boise State game, "No, we weren't prepared. I wasn't prepared, we all weren't prepared."

Didn't Taggert have an issue in Oregon with player scares related to over-conditioning? Is it possible he's tuned it down too much?
I mean, there's just no way to expect kids who are largely from the south, and play in Florida, to compete physically with a team from Idaho. Taggart is just stating the obvious here, guys.
People from Idaho are vigorously nodding their head.
People from Idaho are vigorously nodding their head.

He's going to blame global warming soon. It will be his ISIS moment.

Train wreck.
The day Fonzi put the water skis back on.
When I heard FSU moved the game to Tallahassee from Jax, I knew there was some desperation involved. That storm was never expected to be anywhere near Jax on Saturday (or Sunday), and the irony of it all is they moved their nice night game to a hot day game at home and it bit them in the ass.
How about “The little engine that could”... please let me forget that one.
A family friend had a press pass for that PC. He said the entire room was in a stunned silence with mouths gaped open & blinking eyes. When he tells the story, he says they all looked like the duck in the AFLAC commercial with Yogi Berra.

How about “The little engine that could”... please let me forget that one.

How about “too much on my plate” to know which running back was in the game for goalline carries with the game on the line.
It's amazing how many coaches still have no clue about over-training/under-training, tracking the training they're doing, using data to assess how they train. This is pretty simple sh_t in 2019.

A coach once told me that ADs don't want to hire guys with better academic credentials than they've got. So while some kind of sports physiology background seems like a no-brainer, that could work against a coach in the hiring process.

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