Taking all things into consideration, hasn't Darryl Gross been worth his pay and more? | Syracusefan.com

Taking all things into consideration, hasn't Darryl Gross been worth his pay and more?


Walk On
Aug 28, 2011
Upstate has a link to AD pay for collleges around the country. Do we feel DG has been worth it or not? My personal feeling is that he gets it. He understands what it takes to get us where we want to be as fans of SU, even though some of the things he does don't sit well with us. Even the things we consider as mistakes are done in furtherance of keeping SU relevant in the world of "big time" college athletics. I hope he sticks around for a long time. I do feel, that for some of you, he could hand deliver us a Football national championship and you would still hate him and he never does anything right. What do you think?
He's had some growing pains, and one really bad football coach hire, but he gets an A from me. Never did care much for Jake.
He ACComplished something that had been worrying most fans for years - provided stability for our athletic programs. Bravo.

H/T to TWO, also.
He ACComplished something that had been worrying most fans for years - provided stability for our athletic programs. Bravo.

H/T to TWO, also.

Who knows how much he actually had to do with the ACC invite. His role could have been limited to answering the phone.

I think he's an "empty suit".
Upstate has a link to AD pay for collleges around the country. Do we feel DG has been worth it or not? My personal feeling is that he gets it. He understands what it takes to get us where we want to be as fans of SU, even though some of the things he does don't sit well with us. Even the things we consider as mistakes are done in furtherance of keeping SU relevant in the world of "big time" college athletics. I hope he sticks around for a long time. I do feel, that for some of you, he could hand deliver us a Football national championship and you would still hate him and he never does anything right. What do you think?

Excellent. Changed the porfile of the school as NY's college team, lots of great hires (we will soon forget that Grob ever existed), Melo center, etc. etc. To suggest that he had nothing to do with the ACC move is beyond dumb.
It's only a blemish on a positive record but I think the possibility of playing more and more high profile games in NYC, rather than Syracuse, is a net negative, and I'm saying this as someone who does not live in Syracuse. Of course, that hasn't happened yet. We'll see. He sure seems to be a strong advocate of playing games in NYC. This is ground well-covered in other threads, but I don't think that's fair to the local fans and he is to blame, if it happens.
I'm very happy with Dr. Gross and a lot of the SU sports have grown and got better since he has been there.
Even if Football were still in a rut, you can't overlook what he's done for every non revenue sport here. Definitely worth the money.
Excellent. Changed the porfile of the school as NY's college team, lots of great hires (we will soon forget that Grob ever existed), Melo center, etc. etc. To suggest that he had nothing to do with the ACC move is beyond dumb.

Have you ever read Crouthamel's two part article on the History of the Big East?

If you had, you would know how little the AD's had to do with the birth of that or any Conference.

Spouting off without knowledge is the defition of "beyond dumb". You don't have a clue on Gross's involvement but you have an opinion. And you know what they say about "opinions".
What are you basing that on?

I have heard him talk at alumni functions.

I have met a lot of "empty suits" in business.

Gross's getting credit for the successes of SU basketball and lacrosse is hilarious.

I'll remember him for three things:

1. GRob - That was HIS pick
2. Lionizing of the players who quit in 72
3. A nickle and dime ad campaign that's a waste of money.
Gross's getting credit for the successes of SU basketball and lacrosse is hilarious.

Who has ever given Gross any credit at all for those two programs?

You'd have more credibility on this forum if you stuck to the topic at hand, rather than reaching out for untruths and distracting from your original point.
He needs to (1) put the men back in Orangemen, and (2) get big-time OOC games back in the Dome.
Upstate has a link to AD pay for collleges around the country. Do we feel DG has been worth it or not? My personal feeling is that he gets it. He understands what it takes to get us where we want to be as fans of SU, even though some of the things he does don't sit well with us. Even the things we consider as mistakes are done in furtherance of keeping SU relevant in the world of "big time" college athletics. I hope he sticks around for a long time. I do feel, that for some of you, he could hand deliver us a Football national championship and you would still hate him and he never does anything right. What do you think?

He's been an excellent AD. He managed to build up the entire AD to the point where all of our teams have a chance to win and be successful. Football, basketball and lacrosse are our most important sports, but Jake seemed to treat the balance of our programs as something he had to deal with. Gross has managed to identify sports that Syracuse can be successful at and they actually are successful. If Darryl had anything to do with the ACC, this is it. The ACC takes its minor sports much more seriously than most of the Big East, and having a comprehensive athletics program definitely made Syracuse more attractive to other conferences.

I hope he's at Syracuse for a long time, and think he will be, but unfortunately a certain segment of our fan base and local population will scream GROB!!!!1!!! even after Doug Marrone wins his first ACC championship game.
Jake was fine for the 1970s and even the early 80s but I don't think he ever understand the emerging marketing and TV angle picking up steam in the late 80s onward. He was "old white guys smoking Marlboro's and drinking Scotch" type of AD...great for the times before the Internet, 3rd tiered rights, etc...

I love the NY's Team Motto: it pisses off the Rutgers and UConn fans to no end. LOL

Don't forget St. John's. I think the team wearing those t-shirts at MSG during the regular season caused a collective stroke among some SJU fans and administrators.
Have you ever read Crouthamel's two part article on the History of the Big East?

If you had, you would know how little the AD's had to do with the birth of that or any Conference.

Spouting off without knowledge is the defition of "beyond dumb". You don't have a clue on Gross's involvement but you have an opinion. And you know what they say about "opinions".
I'm pretty sure us moving into the ACC has nothing to do with the "Birth of the Conference", and that the 1980's is much different than today's landscape.

If you weren't a stubborn old man maybe you could realize that calling him an "empty suit" is an opinion. You don't have a clue on Gross's involvement but you have an opinion. And you know what they say about "opinions".
I'm pretty sure us moving into the ACC has nothing to do with the "Birth of the Conference", and that the 1980's is much different than today's landscape.

If you weren't a stubborn old man maybe you could realize that calling him an "empty suit" is an opinion. You don't have a clue on Gross's involvement but you have an opinion. And you know what they say about "opinions".
I agree with Bnoro on this one. I have been involved with SU longer than most and feel as if he has been an excellent AD. The move to the ACC has saved Syracuse Football as we were not going to the Big and would have ended up withering on the vine. Truly could have been the death of our program as we know it today and i do think that Doc had a big hand in this. Grob was a major mistake but the timing on P was worse. I hope the guy sticks around a long time.
I'll never forget Jake saying "we can't afford field turf"...and the first thing Gross said was "we cant afford not to have it". The difference is night and day.
I agree with Bnoro on this one. I have been involved with SU longer than most and feel as if he has been an excellent AD. The move to the ACC has saved Syracuse Football as we were not going to the Big and would have ended up withering on the vine. Truly could have been the death of our program as we know it today and i do think that Doc had a big hand in this. Grob was a major mistake but the timing on P was worse. I hope the guy sticks around a long time.

Agree Gross has been fanastic the last few years.. He is a salesman, I see what Townie is saying as he is an emptie suit. Personally, I think its a generational thing but you cant argue with the results. His hiring of GROB was a colassal error but he didn't know the landscape at that point
I have heard him talk at alumni functions.

I have met a lot of "empty suits" in business.

Gross's getting credit for the successes of SU basketball and lacrosse is hilarious.

I'll remember him for three things:

1. GRob - That was HIS pick
2. Lionizing of the players who quit in 72
3. A nickle and dime ad campaign that's a waste of money.

When you pick a side you REALLY pick a side. All in.

Can you come up with anything positive? Field turf? Ditching the horrific SJ logo and color scheme that Jake allowed to happen? Anything?

1972 thing is so far down my radar. I didn't even remember it until you said it, it was a halftime honoring in front of about 50 people in the Dome who stayed in their seats during halftime.
When you pick a side you REALLY pick a side. All in.

Can you come up with anything positive? Field turf? Ditching the horrific SJ logo and color scheme that Jake allowed to happen? Anything?

1972 thing is so far down my radar. I didn't even remember it until you said it, it was a halftime honoring in front of about 50 people in the Dome who stayed in their seats during halftime.

The Players' Boycott actually happened in 1970.
I'll never forget Jake saying "we can't afford field turf"...and the first thing Gross said was "we cant afford not to have it". The difference is night and day.

Jake worked under the Buzz Shaw administration, and Buzz was tight with the cash. There were a lot of projects that Jake wanted to undertake, but he couldn't get the money from the higher-ups.

Cantor opened up the checkbooks when she took over.
Im not sure i agree with you on Jake. Sure Buzz was tight but Jake didnt exactly push and if he had i believe things would have happened. We have had a few breaks over the years. The Dome being the biggest until the ACC.
He's been an excellent AD. He managed to build up the entire AD to the point where all of our teams have a chance to win and be successful. Football, basketball and lacrosse are our most important sports, but Jake seemed to treat the balance of our programs as something he had to deal with. Gross has managed to identify sports that Syracuse can be successful at and they actually are successful.

Exactly. Case in point: track and cross country. Jake couldn't be bothered with non-revenue sports and hired track coaches whose entire emphasis was on sprinting. In the snowiest city in America, they were a sprint-first track program.

Gross came in, thought "hey, maybe we can't compete nationally with SEC and other warm-weather schools in the sprints," and hired Chris Fox to re-emphasize distance running. Now we've got decent track teams and one of the best cross country teams in the Northeast (and we hosted the Big East Champsionship, something Jake never cared to bid for).

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