the crane the crane | Page 134 |

the crane the crane

A question for tomcat. I have watched a girder go up get supported and bolted together and have watched as recently as an hour ago crew walking on the railed girders doing whatever it is they do make sure the railingsare secure, etc. thenlook away to something else I am describing look back after 15 mins. and the crew is gone. The only way I have seen a crew get down is with Walt lifting them up and down in a red carrier. No carrier, gone, how?
A question for tomcat. I have watched a girder go up get supported and bolted together and have watched as recently as an hour ago crew walking on the railed girders doing whatever it is they do make sure the railingsare secure, etc. thenlook away to something else I am describing look back after 15 mins. and the crew is gone. The only way I have seen a crew get down is with Walt lifting them up and down in a red carrier. No carrier, gone, how?
I was wondering the same thing last nite. After they removed the straps from Walt that held the last girder, I watched two crewmembers walk along the top of the truss toward the lowest part of the truss on the north side. I'm thinking they walk until they can be picked up by a telescopic hoist along the north side. There's also at least one elevator on the north side to lift crews to the top of the wall and think they set another one along forestry drive as well. However, neither would work to get folks to the top of the truss...
The truck with the girder pulled away but not toward Skylar...maybe going to park for now while they unload other trucks first? Yes, this whole crane thing is a great mystery. How do these guys get in position and what tools do they carry with them? The folks who walk the truss must be brave souls...
The trailer carrying the newest girder has disappeared. Walt and his hoist straps are now exiting the area - wither thou goest Red tractor and girder. maybe to the area Skylar is working?
The truck with the girder pulled away but not toward Skylar...maybe going to park for now while they unload other trucks first? Yes, this whole crane thing is a great mystery. How do these guys get in position and what tools do they carry with them? The folks who walk the truss must be brave souls...
Are you familiar with the pic of the ironworkers eating lunch on an I beam on the empire state? Iconic shot and they are way up scary sh**
The trailer carrying the newest girder has disappeared. Walt and his hoist straps are now exiting the area - wither thou goest Red tractor and girder. maybe to the area Skylar is working?
No, it kind of drove straight or just partway left from where it had been parked. I was thinking it might be turning around to back up toward skylar, but not so far...
Are you familiar with the pic of the ironworkers eating lunch on an I beam on the empire state? Iconic shot and they are way up scary sh**
I love that pic...I had it in my office at one time. These crews are much safer than they were 80+ years ago...and their tools are so much better.
Aha! Walt and his lifting straps weren't hanging around for nothing - another girder thistime the right color tractor.
And just like that a different truck with another girder...time for more spirals, too...
The new yellow crane is lifting the spiral parallel to Irving then the offload of the newest girder. the op has put the spiral in the back of the yard next to the girder there. Yup, unless we have them in storage we need spirals.
Are you familiar with the pic of the ironworkers eating lunch on an I beam on the empire state? Iconic shot and they are way up scary sh**
Waiting for the new yellow crane with the latticed tip to move its boom and shrink to almost nothing so Walt can maneuver. Tech in crane building.
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Don't know where Walt's op is going to put it but if it's in the back this will be amazing work.
And the truck carrying the previous girder has reappeared. Now we'll have two offloads.
Looks like we need three more long, thin spirals for this section.
Girder in place (almost).

20 girders now in place.

16 left to do.
Note: these numbers were from before the 2nd girder was placed that day.

With 15 left to do, at a rate of 4-5 girders per week, we're looking at about 3 more weeks before the truss is up.
If the old cables are gone by then (they should be), the new cables could start to be connected to the truss.
Current visible girder count: 3 for Walt, 1 for Skylar.
There does appear to be a spiral shortage, however. Only 1 in sight by Walt. Hopefully there are a few others by Skylar and a few more en route.
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They are putting the girder where the counterweights are stored along the Irving inner fence

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