The First Syracuse Mention in CBB Corruption Trial | Page 2 |

The First Syracuse Mention in CBB Corruption Trial

McCullough and Bazley are the only other elite recruits in the last decade+ that were at the level where money might have been discussed. Not sure who represents/represented them.

I can think of a few more that might fit. Think more like 6-10 years back. Devo, Flynn, Greene, Harris, Dajuan, Fab, scoop. Not saying anything nefarious went on but thatd be the group. Along with cmac/baz
The talent level recruited by UNC, Duke, Kentucky is so different than Syracuse.
Maybe our budget was lower...:rolleyes:

If you cut the players of UNC, Duke and Kentucky, their blood is blue. Ours is just red.
Like anything, without specifics this is a worthless accusation. And one lodged from a legal proceeding that the NCAA will sweep under the biggest rug it can find/make.
Juicy stuff but terrible writing. They never even introduce who Code was.

Merl Code Jr. was a former Clemson basketball player and an Adidas consultant (if you were wondering who he was. But yes poor writing.)
I can't believe anyone lumps Syracuse in with Duke, UNC and Kentucky in recruiting these days. This guy must be an old timer who remembers the 80's.
I can't believe anyone lumps Syracuse in with Duke, UNC and Kentucky in recruiting these days. This guy must be an old timer who remembers the 80's.
They'll need a fall guy when the hits the fan. So enjoy our blue bloodedness while it lasts.
He's an awesome writer. You're not even in the ballpark with this veiled accusation.
If he is such a great writer, how did Syracuse get thrown in with teams that are blatantly buying the best recruits every year. Like, which one doesn't belong with the others. We were investigated for 10 years and there was no hint of any of what is alleged.
If he is such a great writer, how did Syracuse get thrown in with teams that are blatantly buying the best recruits every year. Like, which one doesn't belong with the others. We were investigated for 10 years and there was no hint of any of what is alleged.
I don't know if he's a good writer but wasn't that a quote?
I don't know if he's a good writer but wasn't that a quote?
Yes. He is using his platform to spread unsubstantiated allegations. Everyone just assumes the other 3 schools have been buying the talent or flat out cheating academically. SU was investigated. Fab, GRHS. got help writing a paper, the subject of which was his life journey from growing up in Brazil to playing for the Orange. I was aware of many people at Syracuse who had papers and academic work done for them, it was common there and in high school and I'm sure everywhere else. And that was the smoking gun which the NCAA used to besmearch JB and the program. No evidence of agents and payoffs, unless Boeheim's friends at the NCAA just decided to let that stuff go.
Duke literally disgusts me. How they get away with this is beyond my comprehension. I truly believe that K is Satan incarnate

Haven't seen anyone mention Malachi Richardson yet. He was a MCDAA.
Fab Melo too. Even DaJuan Coleman to an extent - he was offered something by Kentucky.
Dont forget Rak
FWIW, Rak, McCullough, and Mali all signed with Andy Miller agency. Highest rated recruits of recent years to Miller and Miller named in testimony. Was Miller funneling recruits to Cuse??? Seems to be smoke that our best recruits all went to Miller. Hope this scandal ends soon don’t like the tea leaves on this one.
FWIW, Rak, McCullough, and Mali all signed with Andy Miller agency. Highest rated recruits of recent years to Miller and Miller named in testimony. Was Miller funneling recruits to Cuse??? Seems to be smoke that our best recruits all went to Miller. Hope this scandal ends soon don’t like the tea leaves on this one.

Staff pulled Rak at the very tail end of the recruitment from Gtown too when they were for a long time considered locks.
If he is such a great writer, how did Syracuse get thrown in with teams that are blatantly buying the best recruits every year. Like, which one doesn't belong with the others. We were investigated for 10 years and there was no hint of any of what is alleged.

He's literally just re-posting what is being said in open court. There is no agenda. Relax man it's ok. Not everything is an anti-cuse conspiracy.
He's literally just re-posting what is being said in open court. There is no agenda. Relax man it's ok. Not everything is an anti-cuse conspiracy.
If Syracuse was not involved in this pay to play scheme and most of the other "major" programs were, then it is likely that they would have been targeted because they didn't go along with them and the shoe companies.
Let me test my understanding. Schools pay agents to direct (or funnel cash to) high school players to their school. The agents do so with the hope of representing the kid when he goes pro. Or taking a cut of the cash going to the kid. Seems to me the kid has to have high enough ceiling for the agent to want him or get a % of the payout to make it worth while neither of which would apply to the kids mentioned other than Melo. Other is the agent going for quantity over quality which seems like a lot of work for not a very big return. Am I missing something else?
Here is a real question. Why shouldn't high school recruits have someone to guide them that knows how the system works and how to get them the best possible spot for their chance to get to the next level?
If Syracuse was not involved in this pay to play scheme and most of the other "major" programs were, then it is likely that they would have been targeted because they didn't go along with them and the shoe companies.

Pretty naive to believe that "most of the other 'major' programs" were involved and we were not, if that is what you are suggesting.

I refuse to believe that JB is either a Saint or completely out of the loop in terms of employing tactics that "most of the other 'major' programs are and he'd have to be one or the other based on your belief.
Pretty naive to believe that "most of the other 'major' programs" were involved and we were not, if that is what you are suggesting.

I refuse to believe that JB is either a Saint or completely out of the loop in terms of employing tactics that "most of the other 'major' programs are and he'd have to be one or the other based on your belief.
We were investigated thoroughly and nothing came to light. Additionally, list of programs with dollar amounts paid to specific players were released by the FBI and Syracuse was not on them. Those are established facts.
We were investigated thoroughly and nothing came to light. Additionally, list of programs with dollar amounts paid to specific players were released by the FBI and Syracuse was not on them. Those are established facts.

Maybe, but the conclusions you draw from those facts are not necessarily valid.
Pretty naive to believe that "most of the other 'major' programs" were involved and we were not, if that is what you are suggesting.

I refuse to believe that JB is either a Saint or completely out of the loop in terms of employing tactics that "most of the other 'major' programs are and he'd have to be one or the other based on your belief.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Ive stated this multiple times on here before. When coach k, jb and roy were all interviewed together last year during the ncaat, the response consistent among all three was “doesnt the fbi have more important issues to worry about?” If youre 100% uninvolved with this stuff, that isnt your primary response. Coach k also said college basketball is cleaner then its ever been. So obviously he knows what goes down or has in the past but never did anything or report anyone. Why is that?

I dont believe jb has actively tried to pay a player. Would i be surprised if he looked the other way when a quid pro quo was offered from a third party? No.

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