Saw it over the weekend and as expected there were things that were stretched and added. There were only a couple things I did not like. I took issue with the way some of the dwarves looked cartoonish while others looked more like short humans. Thorin in particular was too good looking for a dwarf. Then there was the height issue. The dwarves were all roughly the same height as Bilbo which I found disappointing.
My biggest beef with the movie was the way they handled the finding of Sting. In the movie they had Gandalf find it and basically gift it to Bilbo instead of the book where Bilbo chooses it for himself. To non-Tolkien fans it probably seems like nothing but in reality it kind of changes the whole arc of the story.
All in all I enjoyed it. I mean after all it was The Hobbit on the big screen and I have waited all of my life for that so hard to be to critical.
I guess it's a smart move from a financial standpoint . . . I'll have to remember that the next time Peter Jackson delivers a lecture on the evils of Western Capitalism.The chief complaint has been that the movie is too long and feels padded, which is true, since Jackson is turning as 270 page book into a trilogy. How could it not be padded? There are certain scenes that could have either been trimmed or cut altogether to streamline the film a bit more, but do they really take away from the overall experience? I don't think so..
Arwen wasn't a guy (she was a character, but much more minimal in the books), but the character she took the place of in that particular sequence was a guy. I can't for the life of me remember the character name, but he was pretty badass and I remember being disappointed when they cut him out of the film version just so they could give Liv Tyler more to do.
I enjoyed it, twiceFinally saw it. The CGI for Azog was terrible! I mean, like really bad. Why basically create that storyline, and then have the baddie look so bad? Smaug better make up for it.
Overall, I liked it. I'm going to reread the book and compare.