The math of a winner |

The math of a winner


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Lets assume that SU spends the money on an upgrade of Manley or a new football facility. Assuming we can do this for 10m.

If we have a winning team it will do a few things. First of all lets assume a winner brings in an additional 7500 per game. Based on a 6 game home stand that would equate to an easy 1-1.5 million per year in Rev including tickets, concession, ect... On top of that you have the boost to the local guys on the hill. Lets say that is worth a min of 1m a year. So now you make a bowl and once in a while you make money on it. Lets peg that at 200k a year minimum. In addition the University is bound to see and increase in donations to not only the sports teams but the general fund as everyone likes a winner. Lets peg the increase at a modest 750k per year. My point is that by doing an upgrade the University will at a minimum make back their investment in very short period of time. Throw in a bsc bid once every 10 years and a few more top notch bowls and maybe the gate goes up to 10k more per game. Thinking that we need to win to support the upgrade is ass backwards. We need to upgrade to win and to create additional rev. With construction at a stand still in CNY and interest rates at an all time low there will never be a better time to make the move.
Revenue certainty matters a lot more when budgeting than assumptions you've made. If you invest the money and then don't see the attendance increase, you've potentially blown the budget. Doesn't matter so much at a public university, but at Syracuse it could be a big deal.

It why I don't think Syracuse will ever be a winner - they'll never be a consistent winning program with current facilities, but will have a hard time justifying spending the money to upgrade until there is some evidence there will be a payoff. Catch-22. It's not like Syracuse can go to the state to get some help like they did with the Dome, and that would have been the one way I could have seen getting the funding.

This year was absolutely crushing to the long term prospects for Syracuse football.
You're assuming that a $10M facilities upgrade will make SU attractive to recruits that currently have no interest in playing here.

For the same $10M, you could hire Jim Tressel.
You can get new practice facilities. You can get a player's lounge that is part Scores and part video arcade. You can let the players drink out of diamond encrusted chalices. You can buy them an A380 and outfit in such a way that Sheikh Mo would be jealous. You can pay each player 100K a year. You can provide the players with every benefit and luxury known to mankind. But if you dont get a new coach none of it matters.
The upgrade could be done for inside of 10m recruiting would get better and we would win more games which in Syracuse means more fans. This is the approach they should take. In addition the University will be bringing in close to 3 times the money in the ACC that they have brought in through the Big East. As to a new coach im on record that this is the make or break year for Doug Get off to a good start get an extension. repeat this year and buy out his last year
The upgrade could be done for inside of 10m recruiting would get better and we would win more games which in Syracuse means more fans. This is the approach they should take. In addition the University will be bringing in close to 3 times the money in the ACC that they have brought in through the Big East. As to a new coach im on record that this is the make or break year for Doug Get off to a good start get an extension. repeat this year and buy out his last year

Do you know if this is on the board to be done? Or something similar?
We need $10m just to get caught up to average facilities. If you want great, modern facilities you need at least $25m investment
We need $10m just to get caught up to average facilities. If you want great, modern facilities you need at least $25m investment
I dont think so. Manley is a great facility it only needs to be upgraded. The field is fine it doesnt need to be 100 yards as we have the outside facilities and the Dome. Manley could be made to look about as good as almost any practice facility in the ACC we would be in the top third for sure. Ok call it 15m i will split it with you. It is nothing for SU they can mortgage this out for 25 years and pay for it no problem.
you must be high if you think manley is a great facility that only needs 10 mil to be top probably has the worst facilities out of any bcs schools, and there are probably many non-bcs schools with better facilities. we're talking 20 mil at least just to be in the discussion of above average on facilities. yes, the practice field is fine, especially the outdoor facility, but the weight room, all of the locker rooms, the offices, and the player lounge all need to be updated dramatically. that's not even bringing the dome into high school locker room was just as nice as the dome locker room. good facilities do not come cheap, and that is why the administration will never spend the money the program needs, it is too risky.
you must be high if you think manley is a great facility that only needs 10 mil to be top probably has the worst facilities out of any bcs schools, and there are probably many non-bcs schools with better facilities. we're talking 20 mil at least just to be in the discussion of above average on facilities. yes, the practice field is fine, especially the outdoor facility, but the weight room, all of the locker rooms, the offices, and the player lounge all need to be updated dramatically. that's not even bringing the dome into high school locker room was just as nice as the dome locker room. good facilities do not come cheap, and that is why the administration will never spend the money the program needs, it is too risky.
I dont agree with you at all. figure that the land is owned. The infastructure is in place. Assume 20k feet of rehab or new space. Assume a max of 500 per foot. Do the math
You can get new practice facilities. You can get a player's lounge that is part Scores and part video arcade. You can let the players drink out of diamond encrusted chalices. You can buy them an A380 and outfit in such a way that Sheikh Mo would be jealous. You can pay each player 100K a year. You can provide the players with every benefit and luxury known to mankind. But if you dont get a new coach none of it matters.

there was a great story on the Butler basketball head coach on HBO real sports. And it just speaks to the importance of coaching opposed to facilities and expenditures. They compared what they spend on recruiting per year (roughly 70 k,) to the Dukes and Uconns of the world (i bleve duke was at nearly 900k). Just goes to show what good coaching and a field full of players on the smae page can do
there was a great story on the Butler basketball head coach on HBO real sports. And it just speaks to the importance of coaching opposed to facilities and expenditures. They compared what they spend on recruiting per year (roughly 70 k,) to the Dukes and Uconns of the world (i bleve duke was at nearly 900k). Just goes to show what good coaching and a field full of players on the smae page can do

Indiana lives for basketball. It's not like we are in Florida or Texas.
coaching counts just ask roys runts. Lets be honest this was not a very good coaching job this year. Do you agree?
I dont think so. Manley is a great facility it only needs to be upgraded. The field is fine it doesnt need to be 100 yards as we have the outside facilities and the Dome. Manley could be made to look about as good as almost any practice facility in the ACC we would be in the top third for sure. Ok call it 15m i will split it with you. It is nothing for SU they can mortgage this out for 25 years and pay for it no problem.
If you don't agree then look at what the bigger schools have spent on their facilities. they will normally do one thing at a time because their facilities are generally always kept state of the art so they will spend like five or ten mil on one facility. we need to upgrade ALL of our facilities for it to make a huge difference. su is a school that needs to focus on coaching and the recruits will come once the talent is being produced and in the nfl
For the same $10M, you could hire Jim Tressel.

Just for the sake of shits & giggles, lets assume Jim Tressel was genuinely interested in Syracuse. Would you let HCDM go for Tressel?
If you don't agree then look at what the bigger schools have spent on their facilities. they will normally do one thing at a time because their facilities are generally always kept state of the art so they will spend like five or ten mil on one facility. we need to upgrade ALL of our facilities for it to make a huge difference. su is a school that needs to focus on coaching and the recruits will come once the talent is being produced and in the nfl
I dont agree with you. I truly think that with between 10-15 million we can have state of the art You have to remember the infastructure is very expensive today and we have that along with the land. That alone is worth a minimum of 5-10m

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