The offense to me still looks like a Shafer team | Page 2 |

The offense to me still looks like a Shafer team

So you're essentially guaranteeing that we will win these three road games?

Wake is 2-0 and won on the road at Duke. BC and UConn are each an eyelash from being 2-0.

We beat Colgate, and gave up 8 million yards against Louisville. Don't get me wrong, I think being confident is great, but you may be a bit overconfident speaking in absolute language of what will happen.

Nothing is guaranteed. This is CFB. But all things being equal (weather, turnovers, penalties, special teams) we will beat those three teams.

Wake- Duke isn't a good team with their QB, without him they are even worse. Under Clawson (26 games) Wake has scored more than 24 points ONE time (Elon). They cannot score. I would be shocked if they put up 30 points on our D, as bad as we are. There is no way they hold our O to less than 3o (assuming we don't turn it over a lot or have a lot of penalties). And I am pro Wake as I thought before the season they had a shot at 5-7 (2-6).

BC- in their last 12 games they have scored more than 17 points ONE time (26 last week vs UMass). So again I would be shocked if they score 30 points in our game. They might not even score 20. Their D is pretty good but I think we will outscore them.

UConn- under Diaco (26 games) UConn has scored more than 24 points three times (2x vs UCF). That is playing AAC teams, 1AA teams, and Army twice. They cannot score.

These are three of the worst teams on O in CFB. We should outscore them all. If we were trying to win rock fights I wouldn't be very confident.
if you categorize things in a lumpy enough way, you can say that every offense is the same

That's probably more true than you perhaps presumed.

Football is football.

Offensive football involves the same elements - possessing the ball - snapping the ball - running the ball - throwing the ball - blocking - manipulating space.

Dungey did many of the same things on Friday night that he did last year - option, run, throw deep, throw short.
IthacaBarrel said:
yes, I am 1 week away from totally writing the season off, I am afraid next year might be the year I was hoping for this year.. 6 wins. There are 3 more losses baked in, don't see us beating Pitt, so there are 5 and a loss this weekend makes it basically a write off. Sad but true. I honestly don't see us winning all of the rest either. 3-4 wins tops I am thinking. USF Game is big for this year not big long term but like many of said, it gets old. Now it's not even next year, it's 2018. Shite gets old. I love the Babers hire just hoped we might have more parts and pieces but it's pretty evident, he wasn't joking when he said a season and a half.

I'm going to watch the games looking for progress. Wins are needed and yeah it's going to take longer than we all wish - but I'm amped to see the transformation.
Cuseregular said:
Actually look in the mirror...he's spot on with he comments in this thread. I appreciate the EIU fan coming over to give solace and hope but barrell has nailed the reality of this year and beyond. Much as Babers has said himself, just that all of us hoped otherwise being seduced by the great potential for the O. This D will be historically bad all season with this Tampa 2 and with the natural attrition that has already started it's gonna b a slugfest against the NCsts, VTech, Uconns, BC's, Wakes, meaning we can hope to take 2 or 3 of those and have zero chance against the others. I know patience is needed of course but I for one am somewhat tapped out too (yeah already, cuz I see the handwriting on the wall with this D at this level so undersized and so overmatched). And I'm not sure he'll see this thing through with the cruddy fan support compounding everything else. And I didn't like when he used the phrase in the pre USF presser in response to a question about patterns saying "if I stay long enough" this on top of his Freudian slip at his initial presser..."Syracuse is NOT, er, IS a destination school". Gonna be tough to turn this thing around. May not be possible. If it doesn't happen in the near future for my own sanity I'm going to have to come to grips with the new (in my head at least as its been apparent for a while even if I've chosen not to see it), the reality new or not that we are and will be in the category with Wake, BC, old Duke, Rutgers, etc. It's two games in the season and I'm already depressed. :bang::confused:

We'll welcome you back to the wagon when success comes. Babers is not Shafer. His plan takes time and it will work.
CUSU said:
I'm curious what the attendance looked like at Baylor before they turned that around. Also with the dome Reno I feel like there is plenty to look forward to. I heard that "if I stay long enough"comment too, but I took it as a jokingly attempt to say give me some time before you call for my head.

That's *exactly* what he meant.
oldpinepoint said:
Agree with IB on his post, the offense looks great at times and completely out of sync at others. Too many designed runs for Dungey which tells me that we have issues running the ball and the offensive line is not where it needs to be. It will get better but there is a long long way to go.

The fact that we are putting pressure on the record books AND looking out of sorts should be all the evidence we need.

This is exactly what Babers means. We are on track.
Actually look in the mirror...he's spot on with he comments in this thread. I appreciate the EIU fan coming over to give solace and hope but barrell has nailed the reality of this year and beyond. Much as Babers has said himself, just that all of us hoped otherwise being seduced by the great potential for the O.

This D will be historically bad all season with this Tampa 2 and with the natural attrition that has already started it's gonna b a slugfest against the NCsts, VTech, Uconns, BC's, Wakes, meaning we can hope to take 2 or 3 of those and have zero chance against the others. I know patience is needed of course but I for one am somewhat tapped out too (yeah already, cuz I see the handwriting on the wall with this D at this level so undersized and so overmatched).

And I'm not sure he'll see this thing through with the cruddy fan support compounding everything else. And I didn't like when he used the phrase in the pre USF presser in response to a question about patterns saying "if I stay long enough" this on top of his Freudian slip at his initial presser..."Syracuse is NOT, er, IS a destination school".

Gonna be tough to turn this thing around. May not be possible. If it doesn't happen in the near future for my own sanity I'm going to have to come to grips with the new (in my head at least as its been apparent for a while even if I've chosen not to see it), the reality new or not that we are and will be in the category with Wake, BC, old Duke, Rutgers, etc. It's two games in the season and I'm already depressed. :bang::confused:

Good post agree 100%, I will be there Saturday but man I am not expecting things to be that different, if they are than great but I have seen this scenario before and I have said day one if dino can't do it then I will be resigned to the fact that it ain't going to happen anytime soon whatsoever...I went to 1 game last year ( still had the 4 tickets), my interest was strongly renewed with Babers and still is but it's like getting gut punched every year. It's brutal and again if people think anyone on this forum is part of the overall problem then that is just downright wrong.
There is a lot of truth in the post.

Babers has Dungey running the option at times, and throwing post and streak patterns- similar to what Lester did.

And, once again, like last year, our defense is a problem.

I am disappointed that our talent level is not better - I thought we had improved it.

Agree on the talent issue and I don't see how anyone in good faith can ink any victories, the guarantees are nothing more than toss up games, IMO
the louisville game was 26th in yards per play out of the 38 games since the start of 2013

it was ninth in total yards. 11th in points

it's going to get weird this year with people looking at different valid stats and coming to wildly different conclusions.

dear god, 28 points is 11th out of 38

i think louisville is quite good on defense so being 26th might not be so bad (there are some truly atrocious games at the bottom)
That's probably more true than you perhaps presumed.

Football is football.

Offensive football involves the same elements - possessing the ball - snapping the ball - running the ball - throwing the ball - blocking - manipulating space.

Dungey did many of the same things on Friday night that he did last year - option, run, throw deep, throw short.
this isn't going to come as a big surprise to you but i think this is way off. if it's all the same, there wouldn't be so many different schemes
We'll welcome you back to the wagon when success comes. Babers is not Shafer. His plan takes time and it will work.
Well after this weekend me and my wagon will be there for virtually every game the rest of the way (away games included) as has been the case for quite some time in this long almost 20 some years of hoping and praying were getting good again (really good that is), 46 years overall with my wagon.

I'll be thinking of you when during and after one of these games that gets out of hand when first the front left wheel of the wagon rolls over me, then the left rear wheel does the same; and since I'm a Syracuse football fan my body will be thrown forward 44 yards after that so the right front wagon wheel can roll over me too, followed by the right rear wagon wheel for posterity and then the horse behind my wagon will drop a deuce on my mug....I'll survive, wipe myself off and then look to the skies and remember another post saying we will need to be patient.

And then I'll get up sit my arse in some stands somewhere the next weekend and try not to flinch when I see the same wagon steam rolling down toward me once again...ahh, the joys of being a Syracuse football fan.
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the louisville game was 26th in yards per play out of the 38 games since the start of 2013

it was ninth in total yards. 11th in points

it's going to get weird this year with people looking at different valid stats and coming to wildly different conclusions.

dear god, 28 points is 11th out of 38

i think louisville is quite good on defense so being 26th might not be so bad (there are some truly atrocious games at the bottom)

And for whatever it's worth (30 was always a nice magic #), that was really a 31 point type game for us. We would have kicked a pretty easy FG on that one drive, but we were so far behind. That was the 4th down where we got the illegal procedure.

That play did bug me a bit. Having an OL move out wide to line up seems gimmicky to me. Especially when you get a procedure call on it. Might as well just fake a FG at that point. I also wish we went Hail Mary at the end of the 1st half, but there's certainly some hindsight in that comment. I just think with Ishmael and ET, there's a couple of guys who can go up and get it.
Actually look in the mirror...he's spot on with he comments in this thread. I appreciate the EIU fan coming over to give solace and hope but barrell has nailed the reality of this year and beyond. Much as Babers has said himself, just that all of us hoped otherwise being seduced by the great potential for the O.

This D will be historically bad all season with this Tampa 2 and with the natural attrition that has already started it's gonna b a slugfest against the NCsts, VTech, Uconns, BC's, Wakes, meaning we can hope to take 2 or 3 of those and have zero chance against the others. I know patience is needed of course but I for one am somewhat tapped out too (yeah already, cuz I see the handwriting on the wall with this D at this level so undersized and so overmatched).

And I'm not sure he'll see this thing through with the cruddy fan support compounding everything else. And I didn't like when he used the phrase in the pre USF presser in response to a question about patterns saying "if I stay long enough" this on top of his Freudian slip at his initial presser..."Syracuse is NOT, er, IS a destination school".

Gonna be tough to turn this thing around. May not be possible. If it doesn't happen in the near future for my own sanity I'm going to have to come to grips with the new (in my head at least as its been apparent for a while even if I've chosen not to see it), the reality new or not that we are and will be in the category with Wake, BC, old Duke, Rutgers, etc. It's two games in the season and I'm already depressed. :bang::confused:
So where do we think HCDB is going to go to be a head coach if he can't turn this thing around? He's over 50 and has never had success as a head coach at a p6 program. If he can't make it work at Syracuse he's going back to FBS or he is going to be an OC either at a p6 place or in the NFL. Given everything I've seen of HCDB I don't see him going back to a coordinator position if he can help it. I think he's ours until he gets to a 7 win season.

However if he can get this to a regular 7/8 wins I can see one of the big boys who has fallen on hard times go after him (perhaps our neighbor to the south and west a bit who likes to wear a lot white and blue?). He's proven it at a non-p6 level, now he has to prove it at a non-traditional school without a strong recruiting base... if he gets it to work here the next logical step is to see how he would do with the unlimited resources and tradition of a big boy which for better or worse our neighbor down south has.
Cuseregular said:
Well after this weekend me and my wagon will be there for virtually every game the rest of the way (away games included) as has been the case for quite some time in this long almost 20 some years of hoping and praying were getting good again (really good that is), 46 years overall with my wagon. I'll be thinking of you when during and after one of these games that gets out of hand when first the front left wheel of the wagon rolls over me, then the left rear wheel does the same; and since I'm a Syracuse football fan my body will be thrown forward 44 yards after that so the right front wagon wheel can roll over me too, followed by the right rear wagon wheel for posterity and then the horse behind my wagon will drop a deuce on my mug...I'll survive, wipe myself off and then look to the skies and remember another post saying I need to be patient. And then I'll get up sit my arse in some stands somewhere the next weekend and try not to flinch when I see the same wagon steam rolling down toward me once again...ahh, the joys of being a Syracuse football fan.

I didn't mean to downplay the pain of losing consistently over time - I was attempting to say this time will be different and worth the wait.
So where do we think HCDB is going to go to be a head coach if he can't turn this thing around? He's over 50 and has never had success as a head coach at a p6 program. If he can't make it work at Syracuse he's going back to FBS or he is going to be an OC either at a p6 place or in the NFL. Given everything I've seen of HCDB I don't see him going back to a coordinator position if he can help it. I think he's ours until he gets to a 7 win season.

However if he can get this to a regular 7/8 wins I can see one of the big boys who has fallen on hard times go after him (perhaps our neighbor to the south and west a bit who likes to wear a lot white and blue?). He's proven it at a non-p6 level, now he has to prove it at a non-traditional school without a strong recruiting base... if he gets it to work here the next logical step is to see how he would do with the unlimited resources and tradition of a big boy which for better or worse our neighbor down south has.
Babers really likes the idea of playing half his games in a domed/controlled environment; much more advantageous to his offense. A lot of the Northeast is inclement during football season. With stadium redo coming to help recruiting, I think he sees SU as a good spot. Play games in the dome and ACC country...
Babers really likes the idea of playing half his games in a domed/controlled environment; much more advantageous to his offense. A lot of the Northeast is inclement during football season. With stadium redo coming to help recruiting, I think he sees SU as a good spot. Play games in the dome and ACC country...

I'm sure about, ohhhh... 4 minutes into the game Friday night, Babers was thinking how nice it can be playing on an indoor fast track with the right players.

I think it's the first time I saw students arriving at one student section (upstairs overflow is seated late) while students were leaving another (downstairs).
Babers really likes the idea of playing half his games in a domed/controlled environment; much more advantageous to his offense. A lot of the Northeast is inclement during football season. With stadium redo coming to help recruiting, I think he sees SU as a good spot. Play games in the dome and ACC country...

Babers is comitted for 3 years...can't say why I know this but once 2019 hits SU will need to pony up to keep him or not based upon how successful the program gets. His goal is to win the ACC and ultimately have a chance to win the NC. No one runs his offense in the NE...because of this he's counting on better recruiting, fan support and the Dome's controlled environment to get him there. Recruits of the caliber like Devito will keep him here much longer.

I don't know if you guys know this but he could have gone elsewhere for more money. However, we are so much more like how Baylor turned it around and plus some - program down, small town, controlled environment plus our rich history - I was told that HCDB said that Briles recommended he come here to take advantage of all of these things we have here over a few more dollars elsewhere.
Actually look in the mirror...he's spot on with he comments in this thread. I appreciate the EIU fan coming over to give solace and hope but barrell has nailed the reality of this year and beyond. Much as Babers has said himself, just that all of us hoped otherwise being seduced by the great potential for the O.

This D will be historically bad all season with this Tampa 2 and with the natural attrition that has already started it's gonna b a slugfest against the NCsts, VTech, Uconns, BC's, Wakes, meaning we can hope to take 2 or 3 of those and have zero chance against the others. I know patience is needed of course but I for one am somewhat tapped out too (yeah already, cuz I see the handwriting on the wall with this D at this level so undersized and so overmatched).

And I'm not sure he'll see this thing through with the cruddy fan support compounding everything else. And I didn't like when he used the phrase in the pre USF presser in response to a question about patterns saying "if I stay long enough" this on top of his Freudian slip at his initial presser..."Syracuse is NOT, er, IS a destination school".

Gonna be tough to turn this thing around. May not be possible. If it doesn't happen in the near future for my own sanity I'm going to have to come to grips with the new (in my head at least as its been apparent for a while even if I've chosen not to see it), the reality new or not that we are and will be in the category with Wake, BC, old Duke, Rutgers, etc. It's two games in the season and I'm already depressed. :bang::confused:
Is this the same Cuseregular i was talking to at the tailgate and was all,pumped up for the season? What the heck?
Babers is comitted for 3 years...can't say why I know this but once 2019 hits SU will need to pony up to keep him or not based upon how successful the program gets. His goal is to win the ACC and ultimately have a chance to win the NC. No one runs his offense in the NE...because of this he's counting on better recruiting, fan support and the Dome's controlled environment to get him there. Recruits of the caliber like Devito will keep him here much longer.

I don't know if you guys know this but he could have gone elsewhere for more money. However, we are so much more like how Baylor turned it around and plus some - program down, small town, controlled environment plus our rich history - I was told that HCDB said that Briles recommended he come here to take advantage of all of these things we have here over a few more dollars elsewhere.

Babers mentioned that himself more than once...the part about coaching somewhere else for more money.
yes, I am 1 week away from totally writing the season off, I am afraid next year might be the year I was hoping for this year.. 6 wins. There are 3 more losses baked in, don't see us beating Pitt, so there are 5 and a loss this weekend makes it basically a write off. Sad but true. I honestly don't see us winning all of the rest either. 3-4 wins tops I am thinking. USF Game is big for this year not big long term but like many of said, it gets old. Now it's not even next year, it's 2018. Shite gets old.

I love the Babers hire just hoped we might have more parts and pieces but it's pretty evident, he wasn't joking when he said a season and a half.

If you walked out of Citizen Kane after the first three scenes, you wouldn't know what "Rosebud" meant.

texascpa said:
Babers mentioned that himself more than once...the part about coaching somewhere else for more money.


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