The Steves - 2003 |

The Steves - 2003


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
2003 in film - Wikipedia

I really liked:
Bend It Like Beckham
Big Fish
Cold Mountain
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Gods and Generals
The Last Samurai
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mona Lisa Smile
Mystic River
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Runaway Jury
Under the Tuscan Sun

But the Steve goes to: Love Actually

master and commander.. wish they had done some more.. really like the books
a mighty wind

the cooler.. its classic for gamblers
lord of the rings
love actually very good
how to lose a guy in 10 days
pirates the caribbean
school or rock
bad santa
finding nemo
x-men 2
the italian job
open range
old school
league of extraordiny gentlemen
tomb raider cradle of life
2 fast 2 furious
daddy day care
secondhand lions
cheaper by the dozen
seabiscuit.. cant get enough horse racing movies
out of time
the haunted mansion
shanghai knights

I assume you mean Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I didn't care for the LOR films. I found them over-wrought and lacking in the humor of the Star Wars series or the whimsey of Harry potter. I recall one sequence where they had battled a series of monsters and one of the characters wondered "What Horror Awaits Us?" That summarized those films for me. they needed a Han solo like character to cut through the operatic stuff. Also, I wasn't all that impressed with rank after rank of CGI soldiers. I compare that unfavorably to the finale of "The Charge of the Light Brigade", (see 1936).
I assume you mean Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I didn't care for the LOR films. I found them over-wrought and lacking in the humor of the Star Wars series or the whimsey of Harry potter. I recall one sequence where they had battled a series of monsters and one of the characters wondered "What Horror Awaits Us?" That summarized those films for me. they needed a Han solo like character to cut through the operatic stuff. Also, I wasn't all that impressed with rank after rank of CGI soldiers. I compare that unfavorably to the finale of "The Charge of the Light Brigade", (see 1936).

Fair enough. Just interested in your take.
... I wasn't all that impressed with rank after rank of CGI soldiers. I compare that unfavorably to the finale of "The Charge of the Light Brigade", (see 1936).


Man, this has always bugged me. People love these movies but I can't get past (no, really, I've never gotten past this part and don't intend to) the hour-long battle scene in the second one. Cool, CGI soldiers. And more CGI soldiers. Enough already.

A Mighty Wind, Lost in Translation, and the Kill Bills were good. Elf's cool, too.

I believe The Fog of War came out in 2003. One of my favorite films, a doc about Robert McNamara. Powerful stuff, especially for any history buff.

That's what it's all about - getting various takes.

I never argue with people about movies. Our reactions to them are so personal- it's pointless. There are no "wrong answers".

Actually, here's a wrong answer: those who say that Love Actually isn't a great movie. (Or, better yet, these SJWs who have been popping out of the woodwork at Christmastime and complaining about how misogynistic it is.)

Anyway, that's my pick for the top movie of 2003. Not the strongest year, but it's a really nice film.

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