They say we have a bad fan base |

They say we have a bad fan base


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us and after reading through some of these posts i have to agree. some of you are as stable as the weather and will turn against the coach and the team after a loss and for that i am embarrassed.
as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us and after reading through some of these posts i have to agree. some of you are as stable as the weather and will turn against the coach and the team after a loss and for that i am embarrassed.

Albany, how many home football games have you been to this year?
I actually agree. There are bad losses in every coaches career. its how u rebound
Thats not relevant . I never turn my back on my teams, never. Im as loyal as they come.

What's even funnier is the faux rage by people complaining posters have called for Marrone to be fired or that posters have turned their backs on the team.
I know. Just messin with ya

The game made me sick i wont lie , but i remember the yankees being terrible in the 80's and early 90's but that didnt stop me from rooting for them.
I'm a Knicks fan, Bears fan, and Syracuse fan. 5 - 6 years ago what the hell could have been worse then that, except being a Bills fan I guess. I even watched 75% of all the Knicks games, talk about loser.
I find equally funny that if you criticize coaching or poor play, there is a contingent here that believes you are a poor fan.

Sat. was a bad day on the field and coaches and players were both culpable.

If you can't talk about the good and the bad, why even come to the forum?

Bad days happen.

This is an internet forum to discuss the team, performance, tactics, the competition, etc. - and praise and criticism is a legit part of the dialogue.

I think some people here are little too thin skinned. You can't always smell the roses - especially when someone drops a deuce on your porch.
That's why I've avoided the board since the game. No point in reading the quick, emotional reactions to a very frustrating game. Gets irrational way too quickly.
Me too... this is the first time I've looked at the board since Friday night.
The game made me sick i wont lie , but i remember the yankees being terrible in the 80's and early 90's but that didnt stop me from rooting for them.
I was disappointed, not sick. It was an ugly, but entertaining game. I think that the atmosphere for the game was much better than any in recent memory.

As far as the game goes, Syracuse missed lots of opportunities (obviously). If they make an adjustment on the field goal protection after the first block, we're talking about a Syracuse victory this morning and not a loss. It was pretty clear what Rutgers was doing to block the kicks... I'm not sure why a coach didn't watch the video and make an adjustment. Do they not have access to video during the game? I guess if they don't, then it would have been harder to make the adjustment "in game".
as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us and after reading through some of these posts i have to agree. some of you are as stable as the weather and will turn against the coach and the team after a loss and for that i am embarrassed.
The weather is actual quite stable a lot of places. In fact, in most parts of the West you can set your watch by it. Just sayin'... :)

as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us and after reading through some of these posts i have to agree. some of you are as stable as the weather and will turn against the coach and the team after a loss and for that i am embarrassed.

It's an Internet fan message board for die hards.

This isn't your first rodeo, people are going to vent after a loss, especially to Rutgers.
It's an Internet fan message board for die hards.

This isn't your first rodeo, people are going to vent after a loss, especially to Rutgers.

and people are going to vent about people venting... because it's a fan board and fans have different opinions. So your really posting the same thing as the OP, except it's ok because it's from your POV.
and people are going to vent about people venting... because it's a fan board and fans have different opinions. So your really posting the same thing as the OP, except it's ok because it's from your POV.

I'm not posting the same thing. If you want me to get detailed, Albanycuse make an assertion of our whole fan base, "They say we have a bad fan base as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us", but that assertion comes from this evidence, "and after reading some of these posts, I have to agree".

He extracts support for a statement about our fan base as a whole from a sample of reaction to an emotional loss from our message board.

That isn't venting. That is making an argument w/r/t people venting. I am disagreeing with him.

I tried to be light-hearted in my reply because 1) albanycuse is a long time poster and 2) at the end of the day, the both of us only want SU to have success. We may disagree on certain things along the way, but that is ok.
I'm not posting the same thing. If you want me to get detailed, Albanycuse make an assertion of our whole fan base, "They say we have a bad fan base as a tactic when it comes to recruiting against us", but that assertion comes from this evidence, "and after reading some of these posts, I have to agree".

He extracts support for a statement about our fan base as a whole from a sample of reaction to an emotional loss from our message board.

That isn't venting. That is making an argument w/r/t people venting. I am disagreeing with him.

I tried to be light-hearted in my reply because 1) albanycuse is a long time poster and 2) at the end of the day, the both of us only want SU to have success. We may disagree on certain things along the way, but that is ok.

Don't be lighthearted when replying to AlbanyCuse - he doesn't deserve it. :D
Do we have to swear some sort of alliegence to Marrone in order to be a good fan? Did that rule apply to P? Or G-rob? Good God. Anyone that doesn't have at least a bit of concern after what we saw last week, is just not being honest with themseleves. I love syracuse as much as anyone on this board. That is why I am concerned. This board right now seems like Pravda. Lets only say good things about the state.
Do we have to swear some sort of alliegence to Marrone in order to be a good fan? Did that rule apply to P? Or G-rob? Good God. Anyone that doesn't have at least a bit of concern after what we saw last week, is just not being honest with themseleves. I love syracuse as much as anyone on this board. That is why I am concerned. This board right now seems like Pravda. Lets only say good things about the state.

1 - the first statement says it all. No I'm not going to be real concerned b/c of one game. A little bit concerned? Absolutely, there have been plenty of people who've been a little bit concerned about the offense since the first game with Paulus. The way the board blew up after the last game was not a "little bit concerned scenario"

2 - Really? Let's only say good things. Have you not been reading all the threads and posts since the middle of the game through today? Where are you getting the idea that everyone is all warm and fuzzy about the game. Until today it's been about a 95% bash fest on the program.

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