Things I did and did not like (after meditating for several days) |

Things I did and did not like (after meditating for several days)


2023-24 Iggy Award Most 3 Pointers Made
Aug 26, 2011
Yes, I did meditate.

Since I want to end this on a positive note I'll begin with the things I did not like from the game.

1. The offense was indeed offensive early. Look, I don't have a problem with getting a three and out. It's going to happen sometimes. But we only converted one first down in the entire first half. Part of that was due to Provo's turrible drop, but the numbers don't lie. That was abysmal offense, and really discouraging to see given that we thought with experience everywhere on that side of the ball that we would be ready to go from the start. Of course, there was one glaring point of inexperience...

2. Macky looked like crap early. I really had doubts about Macky coming in to this season, and he just got worked over in the first half. It got so bad I was running scenarios in my head trying to figure out if it was too late to move Chibane over and plug Sweet Lou into his guard spot. I'm glad he rebounded, but I'm still not at all confident in the center position. I've been quietly terrified that we have a below average center, and below average defensive tackles, they just aren't gaining much going up against each other in practice, and once they encounter an average player or heaven forbid an above average player the weakness there will really show. Above all else I really hope I'm wrong about this.

3. Special teams snapping. Not much to say here, it was bad.

4. The safeties in coverage. I think the Thomas brothers are barely adequate here. They are talented guys though, and I do expect them to improve as the season goes on.

5. Our zone defense seemed extremely soft. We did get beat on a few occasions in man coverage, but I felt like it was way too easy for Price to pick apart our zone downfield, especially in long passing situations.

6. The conservative play calling when a TD would have sealed the deal. I did not like playing for the field goal and to burn clock on three straight running plays. We should have run play action once and at least taken a shot at the end zone to lock up the game.

The things I liked:

1. Ant rebounding from a fumble at a crucial point in the game to run with some steam and score a long TD. Actually, in general I was very encouraged by how well Ant ran inside. He's tougher and more complete than people give him credit for I think. I expect as the season goes on and the backups get more experience that we'll see Ant catching more balls and running a little less though.

2. Adam Harris. I've believed that if we see a lot of Harris that's a bad thing for our offense, but he won me over some. I recall a tough run that he made, and he pulled in the TD. That should be an easy grab, but even so a lot of guys find a way to not make that play. He did. I don't think he's Rob Konrad, but I think that he'll be more of a weapon at fullback than I expected and that's a big positive for a team with a shaky center.

3. The safeties against the run. The Thomas brothers are very good providing support on running plays, especially Shamarko. That's good, because I think the line and linebackers still need some time to gel.

4. The halftime adjustments were excellent. This might be the biggest reason to believe in our coaching - they make great adjustments on the fly. I have no idea how they fixed the issues with the offensive line, but whatever they did worked. The next step in their development will hopefully be to have the team look crisper from the start, but at the very least there are good reasons to believe that we can respond to surprises early in the game effectively.

5. Prince and Kobena. They didn't see the ball much, but both of those guys have that look that when they get the ball they have big dreams, and they seem to have the speed and wiggle to be real threats. I'm really excited about both of those guys. To a lesser extent I was glad to see that Stevens was more than just camp hype.

6. While I'm not sure that Nassib displayed enough that I'm convinced he has a true sexual understanding of the game of football and how to be a quarterback yet, he did make some excellent decisions and some even better throws. More importantly, I think Nassib has led the team on enough late game scoring drives that the team rallies around him in those moments and really believes that if the game is ending and they need a score that they can do it and he will get them there. It looked to me like at the end he was making plays to win the game and not just manage it.
6. While I'm not sure that Nassib displayed enough that I'm convinced he has a true sexual understanding of the game of football and how to be a quarterback yet, he did make some excellent decisions and some even better throws. More importantly, I think Nassib has led the team on enough late game scoring drives that the team rallies around him in those moments and really believes that if the game is ending and they need a score that they can do it and he will get them there. It looked to me like at the end he was making plays to win the game and not just manage it.

LOL! What the... Sounding Cali like there!
A couple of other things...from what I understand the game plan for offense was based on last years film, and I believe HCDM said that they came with a completely different scheme than they prepped for; this would likely explain the issues the o-line (especially Macky) had in the first half.

Our defense concerns I think will be addresses by better offense. In the first 2 posessions a drop by Provo that would have given a first down, and a high throw that Chew didn't seem to be expecting caused a couple 3 and out on the first couple of drives. at one point the plays were 45 to 19 Wake, this would neccasarliy weaken the defense. As our offense does not make those errors it will make a big difference, because lets face it Provo and Chew do have great hands and are normally very consistant I think as our Bigs up front and LBs gain more experience they will be able to apply better pressure on the QB not allowing him the ability to make the decisions this one made as easily as he did.

Chew & Provo came back to have great games, and let us not forget how steady Lemon was, he caught EVERYTHING thrown his way except when the defender was draped on him and he got the interference call.

I think this is the best of both worlds, ALOT of teachables from the game and we did not have to loose to gain them...let's just say I think this weeks practices will be far more intense than they would have been if they rolled!
I think this is the best of both worlds, ALOT of teachables from the game and we did not have to loose to gain them...let's just say I think this weeks practices will be far more intense than they would have been if they rolled!

I think I said this at the tailgate...I'm not going to subscribe to the "this is the best thing that could've happened" mentality, I'd have rather dominated Wake. However, it's obvious that we have a ton to work on, and the players know it, and the coaches are going to ride them hard all week. I expect an absolute demolition of Rhody on Saturday, and I expect to see a lot of backups get a lot of snaps (I want to see Kinder play).

Also, anyone on Twitter knows that our players have a huge chip on their shoulders after the mass exodus Thursday. They were really peeved people left. I think that they're going to come out fired up.
I think I said this at the tailgate...I'm not going to subscribe to the "this is the best thing that could've happened" mentality, I'd have rather dominated Wake. However, it's obvious that we have a ton to work on, and the players know it, and the coaches are going to ride them hard all week. I expect an absolute demolition of Rhody on Saturday, and I expect to see a lot of backups get a lot of snaps (I want to see Kinder play).

Also, anyone on Twitter knows that our players have a huge chip on their shoulders after the mass exodus Thursday. They were really peeved people left. I think that they're going to come out fired up.
I'm hoping to see Jerome Smith. Backup QBs would be nice though, especially if we get down to the 3rd QB.
I'm hoping to see Jerome Smith. Backup QBs would be nice though, especially if we get down to the 3rd QB.

I'd like to see Gulley, Rene, Smith and AAM. Let Bailey rest for USC. I also think we need to save our starting DBs as much as we can. We've already burned Reddish's shirt, so hopefully he plays a lot. Get Phil, Ri'Shard, Keon, and Kevyn to 100%.
I'd like to see Gulley, Rene, Smith and AAM. Let Bailey rest for USC. I also think we need to save our starting DBs as much as we can. We've already burned Reddish's shirt, so hopefully he plays a lot. Get Phil, Ri'Shard, Keon, and Kevyn to 100%.
I'm still foolishly holding out hope that we can redshirt AAM. The cut off for me is 75 carries. If he's going to play enough for that then cool, but if less than that I'd rather have Gulley and Smith see the ball.

Agree with you on Reddish. If we burn a guy's redshirt then they should be out there a lot.
Just some quick ones for me.


Chew, Lemon, Provo
Crume, Goggins, Bromley
run defense
Loeb holding
Kobena on K/O returns
adjustments made by the staff


DB/S coverage
DB tackling
FG/XP long snapping (where is Rodgers?)
Getting the right players on the field at the last second (I think we even scored a TD with 10 on the field)
continue to be undisciplined on the field with the stupid penalties at bad times.
I'm still foolishly holding out hope that we can redshirt AAM. The cut off for me is 75 carries. If he's going to play enough for that then cool, but if less than that I'd rather have Gulley and Smith see the ball.

Agree with you on Reddish. If we burn a guy's redshirt then they should be out there a lot.

If Smith can get it done if we want a short-yardage guy (I think he can, he was awesome pre-injury in the spring), I don't have an issue RSing AAM at all.
Just some quick ones for me.


Chew, Lemon, Provo
Crume, Goggins, Bromley
run defense
Loeb holding
Kobena on K/O returns
adjustments made by the staff


DB/S coverage
DB tackling
FG/XP long snapping (where is Rodgers?)
Getting the right players on the field at the last second (I think we even scored a TD with 10 on the field)
continue to be undisciplined on the field with the stupid penalties at bad times.
Good call on Chew, Lemon and Provo, I didn't give any of those guys enough credit.

I'd give Raupers credit, but I hate punting in general so I won't allow myself to say anything positive about a part of the game that I'd like to see just disappear. Interior DL was much better than I expected too.
Good call on Chew, Lemon and Provo, I didn't give any of those guys enough credit.

I'd give Raupers credit, but I hate punting in general so I won't allow myself to say anything positive about a part of the game that I'd like to see just disappear. Interior DL was much better than I expected too.

I thought the interior linemen were better than the ends for the most part.
Well, I think all the red shirt talk with AD (Adonis) is wishful thinking. It was reported he was supposed to play Thursday. By all accounts he's ready to contribute. I think he gets a good look on Saturday. One glaring aspect while sitting in the stands Thursday night was the need for a power back. How many times in the 1st 3 qtrs when Bailey tried to run between the tackles, was he stopped for a loss or barely broke the line of scrimmage. I like Bailey a lot, but I think the "all around back" or "every down back" gets thrown his way a little too often. We need a pile mover and someone that doesn't go down on first contact.
hard to see AAM getting 75 carries. 7 freshmen in Su History have gotten that many carries. No way the 3rd-4th back on the offense gets that many.
I thought the interior linemen were better than the ends for the most part.

Agree. I was disappointed in Jones although he probably got doubled some. But I didn't put him in dislikes because he did OK, just not as much as I thought he would.
I think I said this at the tailgate...I'm not going to subscribe to the "this is the best thing that could've happened" mentality, I'd have rather dominated Wake. However, it's obvious that we have a ton to work on, and the players know it, and the coaches are going to ride them hard all week. I expect an absolute demolition of Rhody on Saturday, and I expect to see a lot of backups get a lot of snaps (I want to see Kinder play).

Also, anyone on Twitter knows that our players have a huge chip on their shoulders after the mass exodus Thursday. They were really peeved people left. I think that they're going to come out fired up.
I think I said this at the tailgate...I'm not going to subscribe to the "this is the best thing that could've happened" mentality, I'd have rather dominated Wake. However, it's obvious that we have a ton to work on, and the players know it, and the coaches are going to ride them hard all week. I expect an absolute demolition of Rhody on Saturday, and I expect to see a lot of backups get a lot of snaps (I want to see Kinder play).

Also, anyone on Twitter knows that our players have a huge chip on their shoulders after the mass exodus Thursday. They were really peeved people left. I think that they're going to come out fired up.

May have come out wrong...not the best thing that could have happened, but get the best of both worlds...there is a difference. I agree the best thing that could have happened is they destroyed them and there was a mass exodus of idiots because the team played well :crazy:. I was saying that SINCE the team played so poorly they are able to use the teaching moments but still able to win i.e. the best thing that comes of a loss is the obviousness of the improvements that need to be made, but didn't loose to have it happen.Believe me it makes sense in my head, and does not contradict your point either...I think for the young guys it offers some completely different teachables than a blow out...but like you ideally we blow them out
hard to see AAM getting 75 carries. 7 freshmen in Su History have gotten that many carries. No way the 3rd-4th back on the offense gets that many.
That's kind of my point. If a freshman RB isn't going to at least be the second back, and there are competent guys in the program ahead of him, is it really worth it to burn the year for a very minor role?
May have come out wrong...not the best thing that could have happened, but get the best of both worlds...there is a difference. I agree the best thing that could have happened is they destroyed them and there was a mass exodus of idiots because the team played well :crazy:. I was saying that SINCE the team played so poorly they are able to use the teaching moments but still able to win i.e. the best thing that comes of a loss is the obviousness of the improvements that need to be made, but didn't loose to have it happen.Believe me it makes sense in my head, and does not contradict your point either...I think for the young guys it offers some completely different teachables than a blow out...but like you ideally we blow them out

It's all good, I was agreeing with your point. That game was a huge teachable moment.

Agree. I was disappointed in Jones although he probably got doubled some. But I didn't put him in dislikes because he did OK, just not as much as I thought he would.

In Jones' defense, there were two plays that I saw where he probably could've gotten a sack if not for an uncalled hold, but yeah, he wasn't overly impressive. He's not a huge worry for me though.
I thought HCDM said Chandler was being evaluated, that may be why we didn't see what we expected from him. Anyone know what happened to him?
That's kind of my point. If a freshman RB isn't going to at least be the second back, and there are competent guys in the program ahead of him, is it really worth it to burn the year for a very minor role?

My thing with that is, Bailey and Gulley are too much alike. I think AD brings something to the table that they don't, and that's a true smash mouth rb. And that's a need. I agree if your #1, and #2 were like last year with a true thunder and lightning package then yes you might not have a role for him, but this year is totally different. And just my opinion, I think AD beats out Smith for the #3, then being the first power back in the game.
I thought HCDM said Chandler was being evaluated, that may be why we didn't see what we expected from him. Anyone know what happened to him?

I heard, they are evaluating a possible acl.
Just some quick ones for me.


Chew, Lemon, Provo
Crume, Goggins, Bromley
run defense
Loeb holding
Kobena on K/O returns
adjustments made by the staff


DB/S coverage
DB tackling
FG/XP long snapping (where is Rodgers?)
Getting the right players on the field at the last second (I think we even scored a TD with 10 on the field)
continue to be undisciplined on the field with the stupid penalties at bad times.


3rd down offense and defense

Redzone defense

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