My first games were Floyd Little's first year. My dad took me to 3 home games that year, and I was hooked, even though I was only about 5, going on 6. First we had Jim Nance as the fullback, then Larry Csonka.
We stayed good until I was about 10 or 11, and as the football team collapsed and had to be rebuilt, the basketball team was just coming to prominence.
Basketball has never gone away, of course, but football has had 2 peaks, and 2 valleys so far in my 50+ years as a fan. I'm hoping for that third peak. As Toga used to say about basketball - "one championship before the pine box." I was born in the year of the football championship, 1959.
I would like to see us just return to being a good team, capable of winning any game. Not necessarily EVERY game, but any game. Give me a team that can win a consistent 8+ games every year, and a 10 win season a couple times a decade, and that would be just fine for me. Football would be FUN again. We would matter again.