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This group might be the only people that can


Hoops Inside Info Guru
Aug 29, 2011
understand. Every Sunday I play in a poker tournament at the casino. It's one I've done
very well in and I enjoy it. I don't know if I can go Sunday. I feel as if the starch has been
knocked out of me. I really feel like the game was stolen from us. I feel lousy. Maybe I
will feel better after a good nights sleep. Which I won't get because I don't sleep well and
throw in this game results.
Fudge those refs... I've been hot all night
I feel you on that. I had plans to play poker tonight myself but after that loss it took all the excitement out and I just sat home. If your place is like mine though you’ll probably get a lot of comiserations from people though heh
understand. Every Sunday I play in a poker tournament at the casino. It's one I've done
very well in and I enjoy it. I don't know if I can go Sunday. I feel as if the starch has been
knocked out of me. I really feel like the game was stolen from us. I feel lousy. Maybe I
will feel better after a good nights sleep. Which I won't get because I don't sleep well and
throw in this game results.
you got it dasher! This loss stinks but gotta look at the big picture!
you got it dasher! This loss stinks but gotta look at the big picture!
The funny thing is, I went in to this game thinking the biggest game is Wake. The reason I think that, even if we won today, if we lost to Wake, we would get the 3rd best ACC bowl game. Now, if the Tigers run the table, if we beat Wake, we get a new years day bowl (if we win out) and if we lose to Wake, we get the 2ud best ACC bowl game. But it still doesn't help.
understand. Every Sunday I play in a poker tournament at the casino. It's one I've done
very well in and I enjoy it. I don't know if I can go Sunday. I feel as if the starch has been
knocked out of me. I really feel like the game was stolen from us. I feel lousy. Maybe I
will feel better after a good nights sleep. Which I won't get because I don't sleep well and
throw in this game results.
Don't play poker if you're not mentally in the right place to be fully focused, especially in a tournament where it's important to battle. I also used to have a lot of trouble sleeping and just figured out how to make it work for me. Shoot me a PM about that if you want!
Also don’t play at 4 in the morning either like I did yesterday heh
Don't play poker if you're not mentally in the right place to be fully focused, especially in a tournament where it's important to battle. I also used to have a lot of trouble sleeping and just figured out how to make it work for me. Shoot me a PM about that if you want!
Thx like a dope, I just had a choc milk. That won't help.
The funny thing is, I went in to this game thinking the biggest game is Wake. The reason I think that, even if we won today, if we lost to Wake, we would get the 3rd best ACC bowl game. Now, if the Tigers run the table, if we beat Wake, we get a new years day bowl (if we win out) and if we lose to Wake, we get the 2ud best ACC bowl game. But it still doesn't help.
I feel your pain my man! Good news is ND is next and starting tomorrow we are all going to be posting our coaching tips on how to beat ND! Page turns in the AM with you take money at the poker table!!
understand. Every Sunday I play in a poker tournament at the casino. It's one I've done
very well in and I enjoy it. I don't know if I can go Sunday. I feel as if the starch has been
knocked out of me. I really feel like the game was stolen from us. I feel lousy. Maybe I
will feel better after a good nights sleep. Which I won't get because I don't sleep well and
throw in this game results.
The game was stolen. Im also pissed that Dino didnt absolutely go nuts on those calls.
Sure we could of should of but the bottom line is we had 3 possibly 4 terrible calls change the outcome of this game.
Im pleased that the National press is calling it out as that shows we were hosed.
The game was stolen. Im also pissed that Dino didnt absolutely go nuts on those calls.
Sure we could of should of but the bottom line is we had 3 possibly 4 terrible calls change the outcome of this game.
Im pleased that the National press is calling it out as that shows we were hosed.
I feel where you’re coming from but that’s just not his style.
The game was stolen. Im also pissed that Dino didnt absolutely go nuts on those calls.
Sure we could of should of but the bottom line is we had 3 possibly 4 terrible calls change the outcome of this game.
Im pleased that the National press is calling it out as that shows we were hosed.
And if he went nuts and got penalized, everyone would say how can the players be expected to keep his cool when the head coach can’t. FWIW when Cuse didn’t get the late hit call against Shrader I was screaming at the TV at Dino to go nuts but in retrospect, wouldn’t have done anything but make me feel better.
I had an uncle who used to go to the casino early in the morning to play against guys that had played all night.
I'm pretty sure your uncle owes me money...

Good luck at the tournament Sunday, you know you are going to play
understand. Every Sunday I play in a poker tournament at the casino. It's one I've done
very well in and I enjoy it. I don't know if I can go Sunday. I feel as if the starch has been
knocked out of me. I really feel like the game was stolen from us. I feel lousy. Maybe I
will feel better after a good nights sleep. Which I won't get because I don't sleep well and
throw in this game results.

I slept like shyt last night after that loss. It means we’re back baby!
The game was stolen. Im also pissed that Dino didnt absolutely go nuts on those calls.
Sure we could of should of but the bottom line is we had 3 possibly 4 terrible calls change the outcome of this game.
Im pleased that the National press is calling it out as that shows we were hosed.

I'm pretty sure your uncle owes me money...

Good luck at the tournament Sunday, you know you are going to play
I swear to God, I don't want to go. But I am. How does that make sense?
I swear to God, I don't want to go. But I am. How does that make sense?
It’s tough but we gotta do it. If the players won’t stop then how should we. I’m going to my tournament in 2 hours as well. Good luck in yours and hope to see you win yours
It’s tough but we gotta do it. If the players won’t stop then how should we. I’m going to my tournament in 2 hours as well. Good luck in yours and hope to see you win yours
good luck to you as well.
Okay, 114 people in the tournament. Pays top 15 Guess where I finished??? Yep 16th. I did knock 5 people out ($100 a pop) so I made 245 for the day. The bubble. Perfect.
Thanks dasher i was just coming on for an update, nice job!

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