This just seriously made me crack up |

This just seriously made me crack up


Pee-Trough Advocate
Aug 17, 2011
Was sitting here thinking about the prospects for this football season, and I randomly thought of the first play from scrimmage in the Minnesota game in Marrone's first season (which I got home to see live in the Dome).

Place is sounded great, they just played the new amazing "This is Syracuse football" intro, fans are screaming for kickoff, ready to exorcise the demons of choo-choo trains and want-to. Local boy Paulus comes home to lead us to victory and set right a bad decision not to play football for us 4 years earlier. The fans were back, near sellout, entire preseason and coaching search was literally leading up to that moment. We were going to do this! We are going to turn it around this year!

First play from scrimmage, and the Center snap from McKenzie goes 50 feet over Paulus' head, and the next play was a touchdown less than 10 seconds into the game.

I don't care who you are, that is one of the funniest football moments I've ever witnessed. Has enough time passed yet that we can laugh at how absurd that was? How many people, in that moment, thought "Marrone sucks and is another Robinson, we're doomed to be 2-10 every year" ? I've never seen such a shift in emotion in the beginning of a game in my life. Absolutely hilarious, can we please laugh at how absurd that was yet? Too soon?
Was sitting here thinking about the prospects for this football season, and I randomly thought of the first play from scrimmage in the Minnesota game in Marrone's first season (which I got home to see live in the Dome).

Place is sounded great, they just played the new amazing "This is Syracuse football" intro, fans are screaming for kickoff, ready to exorcise the demons of choo-choo trains and want-to. Local boy Paulus comes home to lead us to victory and set right a bad decision not to play football for us 4 years earlier. The fans were back, near sellout, entire preseason and coaching search was literally leading up to that moment. We were going to do this! We are going to turn it around this year!

First play from scrimmage, and the Center snap from McKenzie goes 50 feet over Paulus' head, and the next play was a touchdown less than 10 seconds into the game.

I don't care who you are, that is one of the funniest football moments I've ever witnessed. Has enough time passed yet that we can laugh at how absurd that was? How many people, in that moment, thought "Marrone sucks and is another Robinson, we're doomed to be 2-10 every year" ? I've never seen such a shift in emotion in the beginning of a game in my life. Absolutely hilarious, can we please laugh at how absurd that was yet? Too soon?

I was just shocked at that point, the dome went silent in 5 seconds. Could not have been a worse way to start the Marrone Era. Fact of the matter is, we don't give up those two early TD's with easy field position for them, we win that game easily...
Thankfully I was still in line and never saw that play, so for me, it never happened.
I am pretty sure I punched the concrete floors below my seat after that sequence of plays. What a disaster. That place was popping though.
It wasn't just the bad snap, it was the entire circus leading us onto the field. Play clock is counting down and the offense is hanging out on the sideline. We're all watching the clock thinking What. Offense comes sprinting out with about 8 on the play clock, then yeah... I was surprised the teflon didn't end up on the field the way the air came out of that place. Then, beneath us, a student projectile vomited and cleared out the whole section.
You're kidding about the Linda Blair imitation, right?

It wasn't just the bad snap, it was the entire circus leading us onto the field. Play clock is counting down and the offense is hanging out on the sideline. We're all watching the clock thinking What. Offense comes sprinting out with about 8 on the play clock, then yeah... I was surprised the teflon didn't end up on the field the way the air came out of that place. Then, beneath us, a student projectile vomited and cleared out the whole section.

Forgot about the clock running down. Brilliant! The collective "What" that went through the building prior to the worst snap in the history of organized football was palpable.
It wasn't just the bad snap, it was the entire circus leading us onto the field. Play clock is counting down and the offense is hanging out on the sideline. We're all watching the clock thinking What. Offense comes sprinting out with about 8 on the play clock, then yeah... I was surprised the teflon didn't end up on the field the way the air came out of that place. Then, beneath us, a student projectile vomited and cleared out the whole section.

omg, I totally forgot about the chick who puked everywhere. That game was a shitshow.
In hindsight that was hilarious. I remember turning to a friend and both of us staring in disbelief, and then cracking up that "This is Syracuse football."
i dropped my head as low as could be, face in my hands, and muttered probably 20 times "here we go again"
I probably said to myself and to the people I was with "that didn't just happen."

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