Thoughts on Mike Lindsley? |

Thoughts on Mike Lindsley?

While I disagree about Axe, I enjoy his program, I agree on Lindsley. Yesterday he promised wall-to-wall football coverage, a bunch of SU talk, etc. Today, he spent most of his time asking this question, "Should sporting events play the games on Sunday 9/11 or should they take it off in honor of what happend ten years ago?" Well, I have not heard a single person suggest they shouldn't play, so why is this a topic? He spent maybe 5-10 minutes on football/SU, and the rest was on baseball and breaking down elbow issues with pitchers. I just didn't get it. And it seems he spends WAY too much time on baseball history when I don't think this is the town to talk about that.

I agree, I miss Danny as well.
It's a puzzle to me as to why it seems to be so hard to find a reasonably intelligent and knowledgeable person with some on air skills to do a local sports talk show. Hell we've probably got more than a few who post on this site who could do it.

Maybe the national sports talk venue has gotten so bad that locals are not that picky? I really don't listen to sports talk radio so I'm not the one to judge. What I see on TV is depressing.
Mike Lindsleys show is nothing more than mindless baseball ramblings intertwined with excessive advertising. He has brought absolutely nothing to SU Football. Back with Danny Parkins, I would gladly give him an hour from my day to hear his take on SU athletics. I haven’t listened to The Score since he left. Lindsley has absolutely killed the noon slot.

In all honesty, they should give that timeslot to Donnie Webb. I’d prefer to hear his take on SU Athletics….
I havent listened to the Score since DP left. It seems they all ramble on about nothing. I would rather listen to 2 hours of the emergency broadcast system alert than listen to Lindsley
Lindsley // flat out sucks. Real we could draw straws at least we have good topics we might be bad on the radio but could we be that bad?
I thought Lidsley would be better. He's a smart guy and very knowledgable, but after listening to him for the past couple of months its clear that he's just not talk show host material. He makes a fine second fiddle, but he just doesn't have the dynamic personality you need to be a lead guy. Schine and Parkins could carry a show and make it interesting. Lindsley hasn't shown that ability. There's no shame in that, trying to talk to yourself for 3 hours a day and be intersting to other people is HARD. There's a reason why Schine went directly to NYC and Parkins directly to Kansas City. They had IT.
hes horrible, I listened once and coule care less about baseball and how the reds and pirates need pitching upgrade. parkins owned it and syracuse needs another adam shien to make sports radio around here tolerable.
Before the Wake game he was trying to talk about opening day for football, and he was going on and on about the Phillies pitching staff, and how only the kid from SF could beat them, than it was sidtracked to last years world series, (a good 15 minutes there) than he tried to talk about the excitement od seeing the new whuch he rambled about SU hoops and Fab Mello, and about 15 minutes about his friend who saw Johnny Flynn play in High School...this was opening day for 'Cuse football, I think he may have said the word football once during my half hour lunch break. I thought Parkins was kind of cocky & thought he knew everything, but at least he brought football inforduring football season HE WAS TALKING ABOUT LAST YEARS WORLD SERIES
Before the Wake game he was trying to talk about opening day for football, and he was going on and on about the Phillies pitching staff, and how only the kid from SF could beat them, than it was sidtracked to last years world series, (a good 15 minutes there) than he tried to talk about the excitement od seeing the new whuch he rambled about SU hoops and Fab Mello, and about 15 minutes about his friend who saw Johnny Flynn play in High School...this was opening day for 'Cuse football, I think he may have said the word football once during my half hour lunch break. I thought Parkins was kind of cocky & thought he knew everything, but at least he brought football inforduring football season HE WAS TALKING ABOUT LAST YEARS WORLD SERIES

Classic Lindsley. I've emailed before to give constructive criticism and the response I get is "that's fine then don't listen." so I usually don't.
Who would you have as a replacement?

Donnie Webb?
The former sports anchor for WTVH 5 (completely drawing a blank on the name)?
Another former SU student?
Who would you have as a replacement?

Donnie Webb?
The former sports anchor for WTVH 5 (completely drawing a blank on the name)?
Another former SU student?

Kevin Maher? He's now a sports anchor at a station on LI.
Danny was on Ax's show this week. They discussed Buffalo Bills vs Kansas City, The Big 12 falling apart, and college football in general. Best segment in a couple weeks.

Parkins had a funny line that when he talks east coast football too much, he'll get emails that say dumb things like "Go back to Jersey!"

I'll give Lindsley one ounce of credit: He's interviewed several New York State high school football coaches. He needs to keep doing that...keep those connections going that help recruiting as much as possible.
Too many local shows now. Having 3 local shows is far too much for a city this size. And to be honest they all blend together on that station. Nobody stands out, nobody is that good. I have listened to Brent Axe at times where he goes 40 min to 2 hours without a phone call and him just killing clock. It's obvious nobody is listening and the people who do don't care enough to call in. Usually that is when I flip on the SIRIUS and listen to Mad Dog Russo.

You could PROBABLY get away with 2 local shows in this town with a National Show in between as a buffer. I was no Parkins fan, he would just say stuff that he knew would get people riled up and call. Even he didn't believe the stuff he was saying half of the time. Cheap radio stunts. Like saying last year the "Fans" lost us the Pitt game because they were too quiet. Nonsense like that.

It is amazing though that in Syracuse, NY where we have the Newhouse school that has produced a who's-who of sports broadcasters, that our Play-by-Play man for football/basketball and our local radio shows are for the most part terrible. You would think by mistake we could get someone good in those roles. BY MISTAKE! The pool should be huge. 1260 should just have a folding table outside the dome every May with all the Newhouse graduates conducting interviews!

The prime example is the one kid who worked at 1260 for a while, lost his job, now just got a job on WFAN (granted he won a contest but he still WON for christ sakes)! Not good enough for us, but good enough for the #1 Sports Radio station in the country. Go Figure!
It is amazing though that in Syracuse, NY where we have the Newhouse school that has produced a who's-who of sports broadcasters, that our Play-by-Play man for football/basketball and our local radio shows are for the most part terrible. You would think by mistake we could get someone good in those roles. BY MISTAKE! The pool should be huge. 1260 should just have a folding table outside the dome every May with all the Newhouse graduates conducting interviews!

The prime example is the one kid who worked at 1260 for a while, lost his job, now just got a job on WFAN (granted he won a contest but he still WON for christ sakes)! Not good enough for us, but good enough for the #1 Sports Radio station in the country. Go Figure!

I think the issue is that anyone who's any good goes on to higher profile jobs in bigger markets. We get the leftovers.

I think I've listened to parts of Lindsley's show once, on media day and I didn't last too long. Ax is ok in small doses but his show is about 2 hours too long (I think Francessa is the only person that can do a 1 person show for more than a few hours), and Ax takes forever to say nothing.
I much prefer listening to the lcoal guys vs. national guys because you get both local stories and national stories and the latter from a local perspective. I also think the national guys feel pressure to "perform" while the local guys just relax and talk. I didn't like Bud Poliquin until I started listening to his show and found him to be an OK guys. (He often comes off a bit cold and cynical in print: in person it's the opposite). Jim Lersch plays off him well. Lindsley is a good reporter but not a "natural" as a host. He's a "Just the facts, Ma'm'" type. Also, when you call in, he doesn't incorporate what you said into the dicsussion- it's like the call is an interruption to his show, (which is why he doesn't get many of them). Brent is underrated. Great personality, sort of a local bartender type, very welcoming to guests and callers. And he's not the idiot some people like to think he is. My only complaint is that sometimes he pretends that you just said something that proves his point when it didn't necessarily do so. But he finesses that well.

It sure beats listening to true idiots like Colin Cowherd and Tim Brando.

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