Three votes for Hackett | Page 2 |

Three votes for Hackett

One more reason to get this done ASAP, today is the end of the quiet period. We don't want a repeat of the Ray Rice/Greg Schiano fiasco.

Zach Allen, who turned 18 yesterday, is the key point man in this class. It's important to secure him by naming NH at least interim HC.
Each other in a conversation as fans. We think it would be the best move because of the timing if Marrone to Buffalo becomes official.

okay, lol.
It's not that easy just saying hey win games, they all want to do that. You have to know what criteria you have first before looking and see what is available. Somebody that can win with limited resources and a 70% full stadium and find a way to make it seem ok to recruits. .
You missed my point. Winning and all the other attributes aren't mutually exclusive. But, having someone who can "Lead, (is) gameday strong/not one dimensional, teach, recruit, evaluate and is a good salesmen," but does not "win" would absolutely be a disaster.
This is makes sense since they worked together in New Orleans, NOT calling the plays for them.
Stern just said in another thread that lateral moves arent allowed under NFL rules so its off the table anyway. All I know is Doug has a ton of NFL connections so hopefully he uses those connections to create his staff and leave us some kind of staff in place.
You missed my point. Winning and all the other attributes aren't mutually exclusive. But, having someone who can "Lead, (is) gameday strong/not one dimensional, teach, recruit, evaluate and is a good salesmen," but does not "win" would absolutely be a disaster.

Winning is a byproduct of what I wrote.
Stern just said in another thread that lateral moves arent allowed under NFL rules so its off the table anyway.


Lateral Move

  • An NFL team cannot interview an assistant coach who is under contract as an assistant with another team for the following season without the permission of his current organization. Teams will usually give permission upon request, particularly if a lower level coach is set to take an offensive or defensive coordinator position elsewhere, but the current team is not required to give permission.

Read more: NFL Rules for Interviewing Assistant Coaches |

Any move like that needs to include the term "Interim" in the title.
yeah, because that will help recruiting to call the new coach interim. Worked well for UConn basketball.

Several reasons...due diligence; to assess the ability of whoever is named to, you know, actually do the job; to have the leeway to continue to search for even better coach over the next several months; because promoting from within to someone with zero HC experience is one of the few times you can take advantage of a conditional hire.

BTW, I got your point after the first 2 0r 3 question marks.
yeah, because that will help recruiting to call the new coach interim. Worked well for UConn basketball.

Yeah, because the NCAA sanctions had nothing to do with the impact on recruiting at UCONN. They were smart to add Interim to Ollie's title. It gave them time to evaluate. SU should do the same.
Yeah, because the NCAA sanctions had nothing to do with the impact on recruiting at UCONN. They were smart to add Interim to Ollie's title. It gave them time to evaluate. SU should do the same.
Every coach is interim anyway. We just found that out.
Every coach is interim anyway. We just found that out.

We just found out that too many fans, as is their "right" as a fan, over personalize hard core business decisions.

Adding "Interim" when hiring from within, especially when going to some one with ZERO HC experience, adds a level of protection for the University that it would not otherwise have. Why not take advantage of that?
Yeah, because the NCAA sanctions had nothing to do with the impact on recruiting at UCONN. They were smart to add Interim to Ollie's title. It gave them time to evaluate. SU should do the same.
...and it killed recruiting. Eventually, that's what forced the UConn AD to remove the interim title.
...and it killed recruiting. Eventually, that's what forced the UConn AD to remove the interim title.

"Killed" is pretty strong. I tend to think the post season ban and NCAA sanctions were the major factor. I have no doubt that it impacted recruiting - but that was the calculated cost to make sure Ollie was right for the job. And, I dont think the AD was forced to do anything. From what I have read, Ollie has proven himself very capable - at the cost of maybe one or two recruits.
"Killed" is pretty strong. I tend to think the post season ban and NCAA sanctions were the major factor. I have no doubt that it impacted recruiting - but that was the calculated cost to make sure Ollie was right for the job. And, I dont think the AD was forced to do anything. From what I have read, Ollie has proven himself very capable - at the cost of maybe one or two recruits.
Understood, but most thought the interim tag was dumb because KO was absolutely the right guy for the job.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Maybe we snag a semi-big name coach (see CIL's post).
Two distinguised members of the board and I have placed our votes for Nathaniel Hackett to be the next SUHC if the TGD & TBOT can't make HCDM SU's coach for life.
Hackett is young and relatively inexperienced (he was basically a 3rd level assistant coach in the NFL up until 3 years ago). But I think there is some amazing upside with him. He was going to go to med school before the football bug got him. So he's fairly bright. He had the balls and foresight to change the entire offense right before the season started, and it really worked out after taking some lumps in the first 5 or 6 games.

I'd be willing to give him a shot. At 34 years old, it's the age that several recent NFL coaches have been given HC jobs. Of course very few of them have succeeded (Tomlin's the only one, really). It might actually be easier for a 34 year old first time HC to succeed at college than the NFL.

I view Hackett as Lane Kiffen 2.0 (upgraded model). Similar background in both experience and family. However, Hackett is clearly smarter than Kiffen. He's like Kiffen with a 40 point higher IQ.

I like this post and agree. There is plenty of upside with him and I take the risk. He is probably my first choice.

Herman and Diaco are my top external choices. Both could dominate the crappy ACC.

Shaefer is a (OK) backup plan. I think he'd be good enough to make sure we don't implode but I don't see a push to the next level right away.

Jagodsinski is my last resort hire.

All of the other names I read on here suck and are embarrassing. Orgeron is a good idea if we had more things going for us recruiting wise but we don't and he's a garbage coach outside of being a good recruiter. Someone mentioned on another thread that Addazzio must be fuming he took the BC job and didn't wait. Well, I sure want someone better than him if Addazio was at Temple he'd be the guy at the bottom of my list of reasonable options!
I can't believe how many of you are talking yourself in to this Hack thing.

This is a classic Millhouse thinking fast and slow thing. We don't know the answer to the question of who is the best coach we can hire. It's a lot easier to answer the question of how we maintain continuity. We promote Hack!

Nobody at any point during the season said "You know, if we hand the keys to Hackett tomorrow I'd feel good about it" and if you make the claim that you did you're lying to yourself.

People are taking the Hack thing seriously due to circumstance, not merit. That's terrifying. Lets hope the University thinks straighter.

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Hackett is getting a lot of credit for the offense, but are we sure it wasn't Marrones? Hackett isn't ready. Schafer isn't HC material. Only way for the BOT to not absorb backlash over facilities, etc is to make a SPLASH hire. These guys aren't it.
Hackett is getting a lot of credit for the offense, but are we sure it wasn't Marrones? Hackett isn't ready. Schafer isn't HC material. Only way for the BOT to not absorb backlash over facilities, etc is to make a SPLASH hire. These guys aren't it.

This is why I hope Marrone has some input and really does care about this program. Why I know or hope TGD has been on top of this whole thing and the proper evaluations have already been done by the people who are on the inside and have all the information that we on the outside do not have.

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