Tiana battling Cancer again | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Tiana battling Cancer again

I've written about six different things and erased them. This sucks for so many reasons. Immunotherapy is proving to be a potential gamechanger, but it's not there yet.

Tiana is a wonderful person and ambassador.

Hope immunotherapy does finally get there. I've unfortunately seen it bat .000 for those around me sadly. Of course there are many wins for people out there too.

Reading up on how they are trying to use AI to help with finding solutions to antibiotic resistant bacteria- hoping AI can eventually also finally a home in the race to defeat cancer.
Hope immunotherapy does finally get there. I've unfortunately seen it bat .000 for those around me sadly. Of course there are many wins for people out there too.

Reading up on how they are trying to use AI to help with finding solutions to antibiotic resistant bacteria- hoping AI can eventually also finally a home in the race to defeat cancer.
It’s getting closer, my father in law beat stage IV prostate, kidney and lung cancer with chemo and immunotherapy. There is hope and inspiration out there. Always remain positive, and cancer sucks!
It’s getting closer, my father in law beat stage IV prostate, kidney and lung cancer with chemo and immunotherapy. There is hope and inspiration out there. Always remain positive, and cancer sucks!

Oh absolutely I know we will get there. Love hearing the success stories they are so critical to lean on for those battling away. Without a doubt there will be a day when Cancer loses way more than it wins.
Terrible news. My thoughts and prayers go out to Tiana as she battles this terrible disease. She’s a fighter as she’s already shown and I have no doubt she’ll kick its ass. F cancer.
I've written about six different things and erased them. This sucks for so many reasons. Immunotherapy is proving to be a potential gamechanger, but it's not there yet.

Tiana is a wonderful person and ambassador.

Agreed, science has come along way and most cancers that are caught reasonably early most people have a decent chance of winning or extending their lives significantly. As you noted though were still not all the way there and certain cancers remain extremely difficult to treat or diagnosis (pancreatic leading the charge). Seems were about 10-15 years from really being able to use immunotherapy and the new medicines and treatments that are just now coming along. There's a lot of stuff just now in the testing phase that looks extremely promising (including a blood test that can diagnose years in advance of actual cancer forming) but still waiting on that silver bullet that remains elusive.
Agreed, science has come along way and most cancers that are caught reasonably early most people have a decent chance of winning or extending their lives significantly. As you noted though were still not all the way there and certain cancers remain extremely difficult to treat or diagnosis (pancreatic leading the charge). Seems were about 10-15 years from really being able to use immunotherapy and the new medicines and treatments that are just now coming along. There's a lot of stuff just now in the testing phase that looks extremely promising (including a blood test that can diagnose years in advance of actual cancer forming) but still waiting on that silver bullet that remains elusive.
What I am about to relate is hard for me but everyone should know.

I hope that day when cancer can be detected early with a blood test is soon.

I want to wish Tiana the best. I hope she can overcome whatever type of cancer she has.

I lost my beautiful, Miss N.J., sister from breast cancer that metastasized to her bones and the wonderful woman I lived with from ovarian cancer both in 2014. Taking care of them was exhausting but the most wonderful thing I have done in my life. Six months caring for each. Then cancer took them and there is nothing you can do.

This comment is not made to be frightening, it just is the way cancer works.

For those who do not know, cancer will make you look like a nazi, (capitalizing this word is too kind), concentration camp prisoner before it's finished with you, as it will not let you eat and slowly takes you away. I hated it but it's the way it happens. It made me turn to relaxing with a drink at the end of the day when I had them both in bed asleep then it was two drinks. I went to my doctor to tell him about my misfortune and he asked how I was doing. He told me to stop drinking immediately and I stopped cold turkey the same night.

I had my prostate removed in 2015. The numbers have been great since every six months. Like JB I have beaten it so far.

I want to say to every person on here - please get your regular physical, breast exam and pay attention to your doctors advice if he wants you to go see a urologist or cancer specialist.
Men pay close attention to your PSA Prostate Specific Antigen number. 0.0 - 0.1 is where it should be.

I'm sorry and apologize if I frightened anyone here - it's not what I meant to do - just be aware and be careful. Enjoy your life and every wonderful sunset.

Thank you.
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What I am about to relate is hard for me but everyone should know.

I hope that day when cancer can be detected that blood test is soon.

I want to wish Tiana the best. I hope she can overcome whatever type of cancer she has.

I lost my beautiful, Miss N.J., sister from breast cancer that metastasized to her bones and the wonderful woman I lived with from ovarian cancer both in 2014. Taking care of them was exhausting but the most wonderful thing I have done in my life. Six months caring for each. Then cancer took them and there is nothing you can do.

This comment is not made to be frightening, it just is the way cancer works.

For those who do not know, cancer will make you look like a nazi, (capitalizing this word is too kind), concentration camp prisoner before it's finished with you, as it will not let you eat and slowly takes you away. I hated it but it's the way it happens. It made me turn to relaxing with a drink at the end of the day when I had them both in bed asleep then it was two drinks. I went to my doctor to tell him about my misfortune and he asked how I was doing. He told me to stop drinking immediately and I stopped cold turkey the same night.

I had my prostate removed in 2015. The numbers have been great since every six months. Like JB I have beaten it so far.

I want to say to every person on here - please get your regular physical, breast exam and pay attention to your doctors advice if he wants you to go see a urologist or cancer specialist.
Men pay close attention to your PSA Prostate Specific Antigen number. 0.0 - 0.1 is where it should be.

I'm sorry and apologize if I frightened anyone here - it's not what I meant to do - just be aware and be careful. Enjoy your life and every wonderful sunset.

Thank you.

Excellent information about listening to your doctor, it really can be the difference in life or death. Sorry to hear about your sister and wife, a truly awful scenario and as you noted the most frustrating part is "there's nothing you can do".

I also have to echo your thoughts about listening to your doctor but I would also add if something feels off have it investigated and listen to your body. Without getting to into detail I had developed an odd symptom in January 2020 and after blowing it off for a month or so decided to get it checked it out because I knew something wasn't right. While the cause of said symptoms apparently weren't overly serious following up on this led to a discovery of cancer somewhere else. Without getting to personal I was very lucky as it was still incapsulated and had not yet spread. Sometimes it comes down to luck but again if something feels off don't dismiss it you never know what could be behind it.
It's painful and scary. Like many others, I have lost family members and friends due to this dreadful disease, including a fraternity brother two weeks ago, who coincidentally would have been celebrating his 65th birthday today.

What's scary is there is no guarantee cure. Some people respond to treatment and never deal with it again, while other people think they kick cancers butt, but they get diagnosed again, like Tiana, and my friend I just lost.

Plus, it's not easy to diagnose. Some people wake up one day and have a grapefruit sized tumor to deal with. It's maddening.

I applaud everyone who has fought cancer and won. And I pray that you don't have to deal with it in the future. Good luck Tiana. We hope your treatment goes well and is successful.

As you noted the worst aspect is that its completely unpredictable and follows zero pattern. You can be someone who is completely healthy whose never smoked a cigarette in their life be diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer while someone else can live to be 85 and smoke half a pack a day and never develop any issues. There's also the very rare cancers that affect like 1 in a million people. Read an article a month or so ago about a 20 something scientist from the UK who just developed a new strain of anti-biotics to treat bacteria that is very resistant to anti-biotics who was diagnosed with heart cancer (who the hell knew such a thing existed. She was given less then a year to live and the only treatment is a surgery that half the time results in death during the operation and won't stop the issue from returning eventually. Just sickening stuff.
I lost my beautiful, Miss N.J., sister from breast cancer that metastasized to her bones and the wonderful woman I lived with from ovarian cancer both in 2014. Taking care of them was exhausting but the most wonderful thing I have done in my life. Six months caring for each. Then cancer took them and there is nothing you can do.

This comment is not made to be frightening, it just is the way cancer works.

For those who do not know, cancer will make you look like a nazi, (capitalizing this word is too kind), concentration camp prisoner before it's finished with you, as it will not let you eat and slowly takes you away. I hated it but it's the way it happens.
My sympathies Bill, it is the absolute worst. I lost my wife in 2020 to a recurrent cancer that was supposedly slow-growing and easily operated on - which it was. Until suddenly it wasn't. Then chemo worked until it didn't. Then immunotherapy showed some effectiveness, but it was too little too late and my wife was far too weak to continue treatment.

This was also during Tiana's first battle and she was inspiring to my wife and I. And it is crushing to hear that she is in stage IV so soon after being pronounced cancer-free ... just like my wife was.
50 years of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology plus being a retired executive in the Biotechnology industry. I have had a few shots of a favorite beverage after reading Tiana’s news. It really hit me. Sadly, I know this stuff.

My late wife of 40 years was diagnosed at Stage IVB, as was my Mom, my Brother, my Mother-in-Law, and my Father-in-Law.

Stage IV doesn’t “always” mean terminal, but at the absolute minimum this is extremely serious. Extremely. Especially so for female cancers. She is a warrior and was an inspiration to my late wife so it feels more personal to me. Cancer always feels personal to me and did so every day of my career. Even more-so for those it claimed among my loved ones,

I wish for her as I would wish for myself and what I learned from my wife and my Mom: don’t let cancer win for even a single day. Fight the fight of your life and never forget that you are still alive. At the very worst, you have to stay alive long enough for something to pop out of clinical trials. Even Phase II trials, because decent results in that phase can sometimes get fast tracked to you. There are a ton of things in clinical trials, and things that can prolong your life. Maybe even cure you. You have to hold onto that. As fans and alums who are rooting for you, we are holding onto that too.

As I posted above, prayers to Tiana. Beyond family and friends, this one feels personal.
Lost my wife to a rare cancer when my daughters were little.
5 and 9.
Surgery at Penn followed by months in Rochester at the Mayo clinic where they almost pulled off a miracle.

Saturday my Daughter got married at a beautiful setting in the Adirondacks.
My wife wasnt there in person but she was present in spirit and i see her through my daughters as they are so much their Mom.
You are correct in saying never give up and fight for each day.
I will keep this young woman and her family in my prayers as she moves forward with her fight. My God look over her and be with her every step of the way.
Wow, just heard this today. What a gut punch for Tiana as I'm sure she was keeping up with her oncology appts as scheduled and doing everything the doctors told her to do. F Cancer, what terrible news. As many of you said previously, she is a fighter and will give it all she has to beat cancer this time too.

This saying sticks in my head: The days are long but the years are short and no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Live your best life everyone.
It’s difficult to choose an appropriate emoji for Tiana’s situation. She’s definitely a courageous warrior but my heart breaks for her not being able to play the game she loves and excels at. I feel so sad that she has to face cancer again. She has been so special in a number of different ways, cheering hard for her!

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