Tony Bennett retiring | Page 9 |

Tony Bennett retiring

I hear what he is saying and understand his decision. However I hate the implication by all these guys who step down saying "I want the players to be paid" yet basically say the game is being ruined by it. Everything was fine as long as the "adults" were making $, and now that the game is getting tough everyone who benefitted is jumping ship.
Yikes, that's an overly simplistic way of viewing the current landscape. Bennett, like just about every other coach out there supports players earning money. It's the WAY things are currently being conducted that's causing these guys to quit, not because players are making money. Plenty of examples in this thread about the craziness of NIL and now kids can pick a new school every year if they want to secure a bigger bag. Many have referred to it as the Wild Wild West; I just call it a $h1tshow. Its quite a bit more than "the game is getting tough".

A guy like Bennett, how do you develop a program with the continuity he has always relied on in this environment? That's not what he signed up for when he got into coaching. He didn't quit because players can make money.
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How? He quit 20 days before the season starts. That is quitting on your team.

It's also conveniently timed so that the university has no choice but to name an interim coach from his staff.
Listening to his announcement, I believe he felt like he was quitting on his family if he kept going doing something he didn’t love. Tough choice, team or family, but I know the choice I’d make.
Lol. The argument is fairly straightforward. Time and circumstances change from when an athlete signs a letter of intent and they, like all students in college, need to be in situations that prepare them best and have full say over that future.

NIL is broken, but so was the system before. Blaming the athletes then and now is dumb. It's on the people in charge to fix it so it's healthy for all.

Lol for sure on your 'straightforward' notion. Except, unlike "all other students in college," the majority of these "athletes" would've likely not even gotten in to their respective college of voluntary choice, let alone at zero financial cost to them as "all" (majority) of students. Therefore, on a probable much different career path or plight.

Moreover, the only thing that changes from when an "athlete" signs their letter of intent and being in "situations that prepare them best," etc., is remarkably, abling to fleece/hustle that same "broken system" that gave them the opportunity they would've never had in the first place.
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I hate NIL.

Can’t wait to watch our hired gun QB and our 5-1 football team though.


I'm very hypocritical when it comes to this. I want us to have all the money and spend like we're Steve Ballmer, especially for football.

I think Im ok with it more on football since we have been so bad or mediocre for so long, I so badly want to be good.

I root for Syracuse no matter what. I just have to be ok with it and crack jokes.
I'm very hypocritical when it comes to this. I want us to have all the money and spend like we're Steve Ballmer, especially for football.

I think Im ok with it more on football since we have been so bad or mediocre for so long, I so badly want to be good.

I root for Syracuse no matter what. I just have to be ok with it and crack jokes.

Yeah I get why people saying they don’t like it.

But at some point, by watching it, you are part of it.

I remember plenty of folks on the board saying they were going to quit watching. Now that the football team is competitive I see them every week posting. *shrug*
Yeah I get why people saying they don’t like it.

But at some point, by watching it, you are part of it.

I remember plenty of folks on the board saying they were going to quit watching. Now that the football team is competitive I see them every week posting. *shrug*

Ha, yeah. You take the good and ignore the ugly part. Not like it was super clean prior to NIL and I still was fine with it then.
Ha, yeah. You take the good and ignore the ugly part. Not like it was super clean prior to NIL and I still was fine with it then.
i'm a total hypocrite. i'm happy some of you lunatics fund our dynamic qb throw touchdowns. i'm not going to be angry that someone finds good use of money to pay a kid who will be going pro anyway.

I'm just saying the system is stupid if you think that's the best way to support your alma mader. If you are merely a fan of the football/basketball definitely fund your entire 401k. I think it's a great investment.

Steve Brule Confusion GIF
I think that's great. I'm not attacking anyone who considers funding kids with full rides an initiative worth pursuing. I think the system is ghoulish that we've come to this.

Part of me is happy it's all falling apart and real coaches are just walking away. Eventually the game will corrode because we'll be left with salesmen coaching vs real coaches like Tony Bennett.
It's all about marketing and brand. Perfect for the used car salesmen, hucksters, and outright con men.

Really a microcosm of present day pop culture.
It's all about marketing and brand. Perfect for the used car salesmen, hucksters, and outright con men.

Really a microcosm of present day pop culture.
Right. The teachers of basketball and life will jump in, do it for 10-15 years and make enough retirement money, and promptly retire. There's def a delta btw Tony Bennett leaving too early and Jim Boeheim staying too late. that's the sweet spot for coaching
Good for Tony. I plan on retiring at 55, so I can empathize with his decision. I hope when I announce my retirement in (still quite a few years away) that nobody thinks I’m sick or dying. Retiring at 55 should be considered an accomplishment.
Yikes, that's an overly simplistic way of viewing the current landscape. Bennett, like just about every other coach out there supports players earning money. It's the WAY things are currently being conducted that's causing these guys to quit, not because players are making money. Plenty of examples in this thread about the craziness of NIL and now kids can pick a new school every year if they want to secure a bigger bag. Many have referred to it as the Wild Wild West; I just call it a $h1tshow. Its quite a bit more than "the game is getting tough".

A guy like Bennett, how do you develop a program with the continuity he has always relied on in this environment? That's not what he signed up for when he got into coaching. He didn't quit because players can make money.
I disagree with your second sentence. The coaches all say they are for it, but if you shot them with truth serum most (,in my opinion,) would say that they wish players weren't paid and things didn't change. The environment that you say led to his retirement is strictly the result of players getting paid. Can't separate the mechanism that provides the payment from the payment, payments that are long overdue.
I disagree with your second sentence. The coaches all say they are for it, but if you shot them with truth serum most (,in my opinion,) would say that they wish players weren't paid and things didn't change. The environment that you say led to his retirement is strictly the result of players getting paid. Can't separate the mechanism that provides the payment from the payment, payments that are long overdue.
They may be long overdue, but the way they are going about it is killing college athletics.
They may be long overdue, but the way they are going about it is killing college athletics.
Maybe or it may just be changing it. Time will tell, and navigating that is on the Wildhacks of the world, and the plan should not be (in my opinion) fans it's on you
Maybe or it may just be changing it. Time will tell, and navigating that is on the Wildhacks of the world, and the plan should not be (in my opinion) fans it's on you
It’s just not sustainable the way things are setup.Right now it’s the Wild West.Everyone involved knows this but nobody seems to know how to structure it so it will last.
I disagree with your second sentence. The coaches all say they are for it, but if you shot them with truth serum most (,in my opinion,) would say that they wish players weren't paid and things didn't change. The environment that you say led to his retirement is strictly the result of players getting paid. Can't separate the mechanism that provides the payment from the payment, payments that are long overdue.
I disagree with your second sentence. A coach could be very supportive of players being paid but totally against the ability to transfer multiple times for example over a 3 to 5 year college career. Perhaps they don’t accept brazen player tampering by programs which also doesn’t mean they are against the player being paid. On and on.

When kids do it they're quitters though
The entire system was built on the idea revenue producing sports would fund non-revenue sports, which was feasible since the athletes weren’t being paid. Now with athletes getting money, the challenge is how to fund non-revenue sports and pay athletes (and stay in line with Title IX).

The best option may be separate the athletics department into a separate entity which only handles revenue sports, with athletes capable of choosing to spend some of their earnings on college. Or not. We’ll have some “student/athletes”, and some just athletes with a school name on their uniform (much like Kurt Vonnegut predicted would happen). Non-revenue sports cease to have scholarships and remain part of Title IX.

While it’s probably not great, whatever schools figure out nonrevenue sports are an anchor in the current environment and figure out a way to effectively jettison them will be the winners in the revenue sports.
This is the eventual end game for football and both basketball teams. Someone will hold the franchise to have a team for {school name} and will pay the school a rights fee to use the name, colors, stadium, etc. Class attendance will be optional (read: forbidden) for the players. It will all be outside the NCAA.

I believe there are a bunch of conferences which have a by-law which requires a football team for membership. If a school announces they don't play NCAA football anymore, it could trigger the expulsion by-law, thereby getting them out of any GoR which may exist.
What happened to the word "Stipend?" They WERE getting paid on top of all that came with a college education which appears to be something 95% of these kids could give a damn about. If a kid is good enough to make a million out of high school, let him go pro immediately.. Case closed.
Tell that to the NBA. "One and Done" isn't a creation of the NCAA; it's part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the NBA owners and Players' Association. You can call it the "Help keep us from drafting another Kwame Brown" rule.

The central problem with all of this is that there is no viable minor league system in basketball and football like there is in baseball. It would be great if the NBA adopted the same rule as baseball does IRT to the amateur draft, there's a "look" coming out of HS (age 18), but if you go to college, you can't be redrafted until you turn 21 (3 years). If the NBA owners and PA made it part of the CBA, there shouldn't be any legal problems.
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