UCon - Is it True? | Syracusefan.com

UCon - Is it True?


All American
Aug 26, 2011
is it true that Drummond is going to UCONN this year - and there are no scholarships available??
I realize it shouldn't be too hard for Calhoun to run someone off if that's the case. but it just doesn't seem right..
Yep. They claim they're getting one of their kids financial aid instead but players who are offered from schools aren't eligible as far as I know, so it sounds like Calhoun is pulling some smoke & mirrors stuff.
That is bad enough. But remember, the reason that the Huskies don't have ships available is because they have been sanctioned by the NCAA. To over recruit, while on sanctions, would seem to be a slap in the face of the NCAA infractions Committee.
i read something about the kid they are yanking the scholly from having a parent or an uncle or someone that works for the school, so he can get free tuition possibly. either way i think this is calhoun's last big FU to the ncaa, i think he is going to make a run at the repeat and call it quits. because if they have a good season, which they will, oriakhi, drummond and lamb will be gone and they will be in a rebuild with limited schollies.
i read something about the kid they are yanking the scholly from having a parent or an uncle or someone that works for the school, so he can get free tuition possibly. either way i think this is calhoun's last big FU to the ncaa, i think he is going to make a run at the repeat and call it quits. because if they have a good season, which they will, oriakhi, drummond and lamb will be gone and they will be in a rebuild with limited schollies.

+1, exactly.
That is bad enough. But remember, the reason that the Huskies don't have ships available is because they have been sanctioned by the NCAA. To over recruit, while on sanctions, would seem to be a slap in the face of the NCAA infractions Committee.

Great point. And... yet more proof of how toothless the NCAA is.
i read something about the kid they are yanking the scholly from having a parent or an uncle or someone that works for the school, so he can get free tuition possibly. either way i think this is calhoun's last big FU to the ncaa, i think he is going to make a run at the repeat and call it quits. because if they have a good season, which they will, oriakhi, drummond and lamb will be gone and they will be in a rebuild with limited schollies.

This would not surprise me at all! Calhoun's last stand! Well done!
According to the ESPN article Calhoun met with the Univ Pres and their internal compliance officer and decided to yank a schollie from a player that is not a walk-on. He had offers from a half dozen D-1 schools. This is blatant flaunting of the NCAA penalty but some chicken sheet ncaa attorney will probably say it is a grey area and therefore the ncaa can't do anything since it is not strictly financial aid that is being offered in lieu of a schollie. They will probably be final 4 and for this Calhoun is willing to risk pulling a Calamari. This year will be his swan song and it is not even within him to consider the possible repercussions to his program. He preaches team play but ultimately its all for him, plain and clear.
Why wouldn't they, not playing by the rules has already paid huge dividends - keep going with what's successful. The NCAA encourages it.
The report indicates that Bradley will be going on financial aid ... So the kid loses schollie to make room and, according to report, has to pay back financial aid. So now talking about getting Ledo?!!!? Hmmmm...more financial aid? Lost 3 schollies...plan on recruiting for 3 schollies. That would be 3 kids on financial aid...Great end run around NCAA penalties...Hell, who needs the NCAA anyway.
Why wouldn't they, not playing by the rules has already paid huge dividends - keep going with what's successful. The NCAA encourages it.

This is becoming more evident with each passing day.
The report indicates that Bradley will be going on financial aid ... So the kid loses schollie to make room and, according to report, has to pay back financial aid. So now talking about getting Ledo?!!!? Hmmmm...more financial aid? Lost 3 schollies...plan on recruiting for 3 schollies. That would be 3 kids on financial aid...Great end run around NCAA penalties...Hell, who needs the NCAA anyway.
This is really a very bad precedent in many, many ways.

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