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View from 309


Living Legend
Dec 31, 2013
This is way late but I went to the game Tuesday and wanted to put some thoughts out there.

$25 for parking now? Sweet lord!!!!

Bonnies brought a ton of fans. Had a whole group of students in *roughly* section 313 making a lot of noise. Fun Group. SU student section gets a big fat F compared to them. We should play these guys yearly. Them along with Niagara, Canisius, Siena... more NYS teams in the Dome please!!!!

I know it's not realistic but I wish we would even figure out deals to play teams like this in their buildings every once in a blue moon, like every five years. You'd rarely lose to them there anyways plus I think it would generate a rivalry and some buzz that could draw travelers from those schools and keep the locals a little more excited for those early season games. Oh and overall more butts in seats which makes more money and more fun for the players. Anyways... to the game...


The closer lineup (for now) is G, Cooney, Richardson, Roberson, Lydon. I made a post before the season trying to map out how I thought the minutes would be divvied up and wondered out loud if Lydon could or would be allowed to play the 5. Welp, only a couple games in and we have our answer. With him at the 5 there are going to be times where we get absolutely hammered on the glass but for now I prefer feeding him the minutes. He does a great job at covering a lot of space and has a knack for blocking jump shots which you don't see too often. He should be able to help us create more turnovers in comparison to your thicker bodied bigs but he certainly won't be able to move bodies like them. We'll see how this experiment plays out.

Coleman STRUGGLED in the first half but I thought his intensity and his intent was much better in the second half. Saw him throwing his weight around a little which is what he needs to do. I miss that pit bull attitude he had as a freshman. Glad to see him execute when JB called a play for him to start the second half. Still have some hope that he can round into form and if he does I think we're in better shape than some may currently think.


Roberson had 12 rebounds but I feel like I barely noticed him out there. His shooting form is not conducive to improvement. Bent elbows... eesh i don't think he's ever going to extend his range like I know some (and myself at one point) had hoped. He needs to get back to attacking the basket from the high post (dribbling, backing, just finding his way to the hoop.)

Richardson showed off even more of his arsenal on Tuesday. I have a very very good feeling about this kid, THIS season. His stroke is exactly how a coach would teach you to shoot it. He likes to bully his way closer to the basket by using his broad body with big, long steps straight to the rim while holding the ball over his head to protect it from the defender. Lets hope he can improve on this move as the season goes and work toward developing that sweet and effective Euro step.


Thought Cooney had a much better floor game than against Lehigh. Love to see him finishing on some of those drives to the hoop. If he can keep that up and take care of the ball he should be in for a solid year. It's all about consistency with Trevor. He's shown he can do everything we want him to be able to do offensively but it just seems to come and go. Defensively he was on top of his game Tuesday.

KJ - agree with what someone said in a different thread. Take him out of the pg role and let him go out and try to score. His minutes will be limited this season as they were Tuesday.

Frank is my man. I really want him to keep getting more minutes. Defensively he is already very good and I just love the way he skates to the basket with his head up in the mold of Edelin and Scoop. Keep playing this kid Jimmy!

Finally silent G: Kid is Smoooooooth. As he grows into "the man" role I think he will get even better. His patience and basketball IQ are evident every minute of the game. Defensively I've always preferred him up top and this season he will spend the majority of his time there which will help us.

Overall... I think we all should stay positive despite the glaring hole at the 5 spot. Lots of things to like about this team, we should be fun to watch and WILL beat some teams that we shouldn't.
Nice write up! I really feel for Coleman. He wants to get better far more than we want him to. In the meantime, it's not traditional, but Lydon seems to be the guy. He is fun to watch! Duke has a very tall, skinny freshman (#14, name I can't remember) who is helping them, getting a lot of accolades. We are Lucky with Lydon!
Frank is my man. I really want him to keep getting more minutes. Defensively he is already very good and I just love the way he skates to the basket with his head up in the mold of Edelin and Scoop. Keep playing this kid Jimmy!

i like the majority of your analysis. but, there is no way in hell we are playing at st. Bonaventure again anytime soon.
Nice write up! I really feel for Coleman. He wants to get better far more than we want him to. In the meantime, it's not traditional, but Lydon seems to be the guy. He is fun to watch! Duke has a very tall, skinny freshman (#14, name I can't remember) who is helping them, getting a lot of accolades. We are Lucky with Lydon!

Brandan Ingram. He might be slightly longer than Lydon, but not as skilled. He was 2-11 from the line tonight.
This is way late but I went to the game Tuesday and wanted to put some thoughts out there.

$25 for parking now? Sweet lord!!!!

Bonnies brought a ton of fans. Had a whole group of students in *roughly* section 313 making a lot of noise. Fun Group. SU student section gets a big fat F compared to them. We should play these guys yearly. Them along with Niagara, Canisius, Siena... more NYS teams in the Dome please!!!!

I know it's not realistic but I wish we would even figure out deals to play teams like this in their buildings every once in a blue moon, like every five years. You'd rarely lose to them there anyways plus I think it would generate a rivalry and some buzz that could draw travelers from those schools and keep the locals a little more excited for those early season games. Oh and overall more butts in seats which makes more money and more fun for the players. Anyways... to the game...


The closer lineup (for now) is G, Cooney, Richardson, Roberson, Lydon. I made a post before the season trying to map out how I thought the minutes would be divvied up and wondered out loud if Lydon could or would be allowed to play the 5. Welp, only a couple games in and we have our answer. With him at the 5 there are going to be times where we get absolutely hammered on the glass but for now I prefer feeding him the minutes. He does a great job at covering a lot of space and has a knack for blocking jump shots which you don't see too often. He should be able to help us create more turnovers in comparison to your thicker bodied bigs but he certainly won't be able to move bodies like them. We'll see how this experiment plays out.

Coleman STRUGGLED in the first half but I thought his intensity and his intent was much better in the second half. Saw him throwing his weight around a little which is what he needs to do. I miss that pit bull attitude he had as a freshman. Glad to see him execute when JB called a play for him to start the second half. Still have some hope that he can round into form and if he does I think we're in better shape than some may currently think.


Roberson had 12 rebounds but I feel like I barely noticed him out there. His shooting form is not conducive to improvement. Bent elbows... eesh i don't think he's ever going to extend his range like I know some (and myself at one point) had hoped. He needs to get back to attacking the basket from the high post (dribbling, backing, just finding his way to the hoop.)

Richardson showed off even more of his arsenal on Tuesday. I have a very very good feeling about this kid, THIS season. His stroke is exactly how a coach would teach you to shoot it. He likes to bully his way closer to the basket by using his broad body with big, long steps straight to the rim while holding the ball over his head to protect it from the defender. Lets hope he can improve on this move as the season goes and work toward developing that sweet and effective Euro step.


Thought Cooney had a much better floor game than against Lehigh. Love to see him finishing on some of those drives to the hoop. If he can keep that up and take care of the ball he should be in for a solid year. It's all about consistency with Trevor. He's shown he can do everything we want him to be able to do offensively but it just seems to come and go. Defensively he was on top of his game Tuesday.

KJ - agree with what someone said in a different thread. Take him out of the pg role and let him go out and try to score. His minutes will be limited this season as they were Tuesday.

Frank is my man. I really want him to keep getting more minutes. Defensively he is already very good and I just love the way he skates to the basket with his head up in the mold of Edelin and Scoop. Keep playing this kid Jimmy!

Finally silent G: Kid is Smoooooooth. As he grows into "the man" role I think he will get even better. His patience and basketball IQ are evident every minute of the game. Defensively I've always preferred him up top and this season he will spend the majority of his time there which will help us.

Overall... I think we all should stay positive despite the glaring hole at the 5 spot. Lots of things to like about this team, we should be fun to watch and WILL beat some teams that we shouldn't.
Do you have season tickets and sit in 309? Or was this a one time thing? If the former, I sit in 309 Row B on the aisle. Look me up!

A parking suggestion. Euclid Ave. is the street that runs east /west and goes right up to the Dome from the east. Westcott is a major intersection about a mile east of the Dome. My daughter and I park a block east of Westcott and then walk. It's a mile and a quarter and if you don't have any health problems, a very easy walk (except for a medium hill that is just before Westcott). The issue in the winter is that the slum landlords won't shovel the walks, so if there is snow the walk can be, er, exciting. But it's free!
Do you have season tickets and sit in 309? Or was this a one time thing? If the former, I sit in 309 Row B on the aisle. Look me up!

A parking suggestion. Euclid Ave. is the street that runs east /west and goes right up to the Dome from the east. Westcott is a major intersection about a mile east of the Dome. My daughter and I park a block east of Westcott and then walk. It's a mile and a quarter and if you don't have any health problems, a very easy walk (except for a medium hill that is just before Westcott). The issue in the winter is that the slum landlords won't shovel the walks, so if there is snow the walk can be, er, exciting. But it's free!

More of a one time thing, we have tickets for Cornell (another NY team!) not sure which section they are in (friend is holding onto them) but if we are indeed in 309 I will most definitely say hi!

Thanks for the parking tip, no health issues so I should be able to make the walk, certainly better than paying $25. We're coming from a couple hours away so time was tight after getting out of work so we wanted to park close. The $25 caught me off guard because I was anticipating $20 bucks (pretty sure that's what I paid for the FSU football game last year) and I don't typically carry too much cash so I just had the 20 spot on me. Begged the lady in the booth to give us a deal to no avail. Ended up having to park at the bottom of the hill. Got my cardio in though!!!

Anyway, fun night. Reminded me of when I was a kid. We used to sit in 209 for early season games because my Dad's boss at the time was an SU alum and season ticket holder. He was always giving my dad his early season game tickets for free thereby turning my whole family into Cuse junkies.
Do you have season tickets and sit in 309? Or was this a one time thing? If the former, I sit in 309 Row B on the aisle. Look me up!

A parking suggestion. Euclid Ave. is the street that runs east /west and goes right up to the Dome from the east. Westcott is a major intersection about a mile east of the Dome. My daughter and I park a block east of Westcott and then walk. It's a mile and a quarter and if you don't have any health problems, a very easy walk (except for a medium hill that is just before Westcott). The issue in the winter is that the slum landlords won't shovel the walks, so if there is snow the walk can be, er, exciting. But it's free!
Best parking is in the cemetery, hands down.
Brandan Ingram. He might be slightly longer than Lydon, but not as skilled. He was 2-11 from the line tonight.
Ingram was given AA status pre season. He will likely play SF most of the season.

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