WE will see after this weekend, but I think 6 wins | Syracusefan.com

WE will see after this weekend, but I think 6 wins


Shaky Potatoes
Aug 26, 2011
is going to be difficult for this team, with the losses on defense and no running game
gotta beat tulane rutgers and uconn. you just gotta. then you gotta split toledo and louisville.

that gets you to 6

we'll know a lot more about cincy tomorrow night.

i don't feel great about 5 of the last 6 games
is going to be difficult for this team, with the losses on defense and no running game

are our opponents all injury free?
I dont think we really know about the running game.. we were poor vs Wake, didnt try vs RI and really ran ok vs USC for the little we actually ran. I say we are at a C- right now though. we get that to a B- and can survive..
is going to be difficult for this team, with the losses on defense and no running game

If the 3rd down defense doesn't improve, it's going to be very hard.

I love that we're an all out blitz team, never supposed to know where it's coming from. But teams are picking up our tendencies. Other than the Spruill back to back against URI, most of our blitzes are being picked up without much trouble. Worst was Barkley on that one play, knowing exactly where the blitz was coming from, audibled to a wheel route, 20 yard gain. Corner blitz against Wake on their deep TD pass. Corner came from the same side that the RB was standing next to the QB. Should have checked out of it.

As for the running game, as upper said, I think we can still develop there, not much to go on. Somewhat concerning for now, but I think we can work that out. Need to pass protect better, to the point of Nassib feeling comfortable, not protect well on one play then break down completely on the next. That won't help.
i don't feel great about 5 of the last 6 games

I'm not afraid of Pitt, Louisville has looked horrible this season, rutgers, uconn, even cincy at the dome should be a win...theres 5 games we should be atleast confident in.
is going to be difficult for this team, with the losses on defense and no running game
I think Saturdays game might be pivotal on a bowl bid. Im hoping a win vs Tulane and scrap out two BE wins. BE teams will be up for us
Strange thing is I feel a bit more confident after last weeks loss than I did after the prior weeks win. Syracuse obviously isn't without it's faults, but we also are playing alot of teams that have glaring weaknesses in their own right. Everyone seems to have WVU and USF written off as odds on favorites and games we will lose... funny thing about that is we beat both teams on the road last year.

We have a QB, we have seen glimpes of a running game, the Oline is improving every game, the defensive front 7 (LBers specifically) have looked better every game. Secondary has had issues but with players coming back (and hopefully Chan Jones to deliver a pass rush) there is even reason to think they could be alright.

I'm not saying we'll run the table but I'll go as far as to say we'll win more than we lose from here out. Win every quarter of the season, we're 2-1 in the first and there is no more @USCs on the schedule.

We'll be in every game from here out so pick it up and LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Strange thing is I feel a bit more confident after last weeks loss than I did after the prior weeks win. Syracuse obviously isn't without it's faults, but we also are playing alot of teams that have glaring weaknesses in their own right. Everyone seems to have WVU and USF written off as odds on favorites and games we will lose... funny thing about that is we beat both teams on the road last year.

We have a QB, we have seen glimpes of a running game, the Oline is improving every game, the defensive front 7 (LBers specifically) have looked better every game. Secondary has had issues but with players coming back (and hopefully Chan Jones to deliver a pass rush) there is even reason to think they could be alright.

I'm not saying we'll run the table but I'll go as far as to say we'll win more than we lose from here out. Win every quarter of the season, we're 2-1 in the first and there is no more @USCs on the schedule.

We'll be in every game from here out so pick it up and LETS GOOOOO!!!!
sorry all there is, is a glimpse of a running game it does not exist.aam has not played a down, why? secondary is in shambles --- i had hoped that my prediction of 4-8 was wrong, not as hopeful now.
imperialO couldnt agree more. Sunday morning I woke up and felt better then the days after wake/uri games minus the alcohol intake. Every game the rest of the season we wont be more then at most a 6pt dog (wvu) or a 3-6 pt favorite (besides tulane) the rest of the year. We can win every game if it falls right. I'm amped to see what this wide open schedule does for us.
We should be afraid of everyone on our schedule. If you barely beat URI in your place there is no team in the BE that we can count as a win. On the flip side there aren't too many of the teams that scare me. So at the end of the day, every single game left on the schedule is probably a toss up.
Personally, my favorite scenario is that we finish 9-3 as the team settles down, winning the Big East in the process, and beating VTech in a decent bowl to establish the pecking order as we enter the ACC.
sorry all there is, is a glimpse of a running game it does not exist.aam has not played a down, why? secondary is in shambles --- i had hoped that my prediction of 4-8 was wrong, not as hopeful now.

You really think we got 2-8 the rest of the way? Go back and watch some games from 2006. We're far from perfect now but we aren't a team coming off a 1-10 season on our way to a 2-10 season.

By the time conference play rolls around we might even surprise some folks. We've got a young team that's improving and hopefully getting healthy. Look how far Spruill, Goggins, Lynch, etc. have improved to this point. One would think we havent seen the best of them yet this season.
I really saw six wins as a potential ceiling for this team and I still see it that way. What I do think is that six wins would be a pretty decent season as opposed to a step back. I think IB and I disagree on this, but to me that's keeping the momentum of being a competitive program and hopefully setting up a year next year where they don't lose as much AND maybe have some depth and experience (both things that would help this team). I see this year as one of those that was inevitable when the coaching change happened and all the departures took place. Unless you're hitting home run after home run every february, you're going to be thin and a little young and/or weak at certain positions when you lose/run off that many kids. (note: I'm not criticizing, merely stating that I think we're feeling some of the effects of those losses now).
sorry all there is, is a glimpse of a running game it does not exist.aam has not played a down, why? secondary is in shambles --- i had hoped that my prediction of 4-8 was wrong, not as hopeful now.

me thinks there is some serious self handicapping going on here. We win at least 3 more games with Charley Loeb behind center
I think Saturdays game might be pivotal on a bowl bid. Im hoping a win vs Tulane and scrap out two BE wins. BE teams will be up for us

If Syracuse wins two Big East games, we don't deserve a bowl bid.
Oh god, SU lost to USC... Rally the wagons, it's gonna be a losing season. :bang:

I'm with Shenexon - this team has at least six winnable games on the schedule. Our team has holes (in the secondary mainly), but so do the others.
If Syracuse wins two Big East games, we don't deserve a bowl bid.
Exactly... We have to find players... Screw this injury thing... It happens. The BE sucks... We should win games at home, even with converted walk-ons. We might only win 6 games, but saying its a certainty is BS. DM is paid well to find a way to win. No more should we expect to lose...

No way should we lose all of the UL, Cinci, Rutgers, UCONN games. Split those and win against Toledo and Tulane and we are at 6 right there. Protect home turf or win one against WVU, USF, PITT and we are at 7. That should be worst case scenario... That's a grand total of 3 BE wins. 3-4 in the BE is attainable... I don't care who is playing!
I didn't mean it in a sky-is-falling sort of way; I expect to win more than two Big East games. We're an ok football team that has the chance to become a good football team over the course of the next three games before we get to the meat of the conference schedule. I expect to see the offensive line come together and I hope to see the secondary improve. We're good enough to win every game we play from here on out.
If the 3rd down defense doesn't improve, it's going to be very hard.

I love that we're an all out blitz team, never supposed to know where it's coming from. But teams are picking up our tendencies. Other than the Spruill back to back against URI, most of our blitzes are being picked up without much trouble. Worst was Barkley on that one play, knowing exactly where the blitz was coming from, audibled to a wheel route, 20 yard gain. Corner blitz against Wake on their deep TD pass. Corner came from the same side that the RB was standing next to the QB. Should have checked out of it.

As for the running game, as upper said, I think we can still develop there, not much to go on. Somewhat concerning for now, but I think we can work that out. Need to pass protect better, to the point of Nassib feeling comfortable, not protect well on one play then break down completely on the next. That won't help.

BINGO! I love Shafer's D but he really needs to dial up some different types of blitzes, pressures, and Dline stunts, were not getting much pressure save for that one Rhode Island drive and without Chandler the D line simply cant get to the QB on its own.

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