It will simmer down in the weeks ahead as long as SU & JB stay clean. Just like the travesty of Hurricane Katrina and the tsuami in Japan have far left the media's focus & attention, so will this. Because of Penn State, this is getting way more attention than necessary, it -for a lack of better word- is a very sexy/attention getting story today...tomorrow, something else takes its place.
The administration just needs to stay level headed (which they appear to be doing) and not let the media fray/frenzie influence their decision...keep the emotion out of it! They know, SU, is in no way, shape or form synonymous with Penn St. If they caved to public pressure, imo, they would be implying, yes John Q public, we/SU are indeed PSU...however, unlike our black sheep public entity brother, we, as a small private sibling, never recover...