We're 4-2 | Syracusefan.com

We're 4-2


Hall of Fame
Aug 24, 2011
I'll take it.

Recall that Greg Robinson won a total of 10 games in four years.

Two more wins and we go bowling again with the ACC in our sights.

All is well!
I'll take it.

Recall that Greg Robinson won a total of 10 games in four years.

Two more wins and we go bowling again with the ACC in our sights.

All is well!

Here we go again. As long as we are better than GRob all is well.
True. Should be 5-1 though. It is gonna bite us in the ass
I'll take it.

Recall that Greg Robinson won a total of 10 games in four years.

Two more wins and we go bowling again with the ACC in our sights.

All is well!




4-2, but halfway through the schedule, it's tough not to be discouraged by our play on both sides of the ball tonight.

And I'm one of the board optimists.
Here we go again. As long as we are better than GRob all is well.
All is not well, but it's still a hell of a lot better than it has been in our recent history. I'll take it as a sign that we're still headed in the right direction; just missing some pieces.
No, I won't take it. Before the season started, I thought SU would be 5-1 at this point.
Here we go again. As long as we are better than GRob all is well.

Just trying to provide a bit of perspective.

We are clearly well beyond Greg Robinson. Four wins with six games to go.

We'll be fine.

Cheer up!
I'm okay with the record (though if we could hit kick an extra point, we'd be 5-1). I'm not okay with the sloppiness and unimaginative playcalling. We have been sloppy in every game this year. We should be a pass-first offense and use the pass to open the run. Too many 1st down runs and 2nd -down 2-yard passes.
We don't quit and seem to able to grind it out - good. We cannot handle success and drop the hammer on teams - bad. Hopefully HCDM teaches them (and himself) to do so.

Take the 4-2 and move along.
No, I won't take it. Before the season started, I thought SU would be 5-1 at this point.

I bet you had no idea what kind of team Wake Forest would be. Or Toledo for that matter.

In other words, your prognostications should hardly be a marker for this team.

If you refuse to "take it" that's your problem - go root for University of Buffalo.




I choose to be positive.

You can wallow in a win if you want.

I recognize that this is a young team that is learning.

We're 4-2 and I'm fine with that.

Have a nice night.
If we win, say, 6 games this year, would you still classify that as "well beyond GRob"? With this schedule? With this investment? With all this time to get "well beyond"? Coming off the Pin Stripe win? I wouldn't.
I choose to be positive.

You can wallow in a win if you want.

I recognize that this is a young team that is learning.

We're 4-2 and I'm fine with that.

Have a nice night.


I'm happy we won, it's better than losing.

But things aren't well. This team has serious problems.
The curse of low expectations.

No, the merits of realistic expectations.

If you expected a top twenty team or a top thirty or even forty team this year, you were very badly mistaken.

You can't upgrade talent to the level you presume exists in two years.

It is remarkable how so many SU fans have no idea what it takes to achieve in major college football - the presumption is that we should simply win "hey the BB teams wins, right?".
Still have ville, uconn, pitt, and usf ... at least two wins there
We are definitely better than the end of the Frank Maloney era too.

I'm happy we won, it's better than losing.

But things aren't well. This team has serious problems.

Of course this team has problems.

All teams have problems. Check out what happened to Texas and Florida today.

But, problems are opportunities to grow and this team is in the process of growing and getting better.

And we won.
The bitching and moaning gets real old.
I bet you had no idea what kind of team Wake Forest would be. Or Toledo for that matter.

No and Yes. I knew Toledo would be one of the better teams in the MAC. But that's no reason why SU shouldn't have won the game easily. Good AQ teams don't lose to MAC teams no matter how good the MAC team is.

Nobody knew WF would be any good. I saw some BC fans on Twitter acting like they were going to commit seppuku after their loss, so obviously they had no idea WF would be any good, either.
We are definitely better than the end of the Frank Maloney era too.

Well, lets see. Frank won 5 games his last season. So, yeah, solid observation.

Did you happen to see what happened to Pitt this afternoon?
Well, lets see. Frank won 5 games his last season. So, yeah, solid observation.

Did you happen to see what happened to Pitt this afternoon?

Did you see what happend to Syracuse today and last weekend with five turnovers at home and three turnovers in scoring position?
The program is lacking depth, lacks a lot of upperclassmen on defense, and is seeming to lack different looks on offense (which is disappointing coming off the bowl win which was dynamic).

That being said, still 4-2 going into some pretty generic or worse conference play. That damned game last week is a kick in the tail. Gonna tread water before it gets better, but that should still be a bowl game.
No, the merits of realistic expectations.

If you expected a top twenty team or a top thirty or even forty team this year, you were very badly mistaken.

You can't upgrade talent to the level you presume exists in two years.

It is remarkable how so many SU fans have no idea what it takes to achieve in major college football - the presumption is that we should simply win "hey the BB teams wins, right?".

I'll agree with this to a certain extent. The roster Marrone inherited was in desperate need of talent / speed / athleticism, and he cut deep weeding out players who weren't willing to buy in to the team culture changes he was demanding. Rebuilding the roster and replenishing the depleted pipeline isn't going to happen overnight, and the young talent looks like they are a step in the right direction.

This is going to be an unpopular perspective, but I also think that last season was fool's gold to a certain extent--not that we didn't deserve every win or didn't belong in a bowl, but I think it made a lot of people think we were a bit further along in the rebuild process than what we actually are.

If this team gets back to a bowl this year, I'd consider that a major accomplishment--something that will enable the team to lay the foundation for the class of 2013 on the recruiting trail. 4-2 is a pretty good start; now we need to find a way to claw out 2-3 more victories in order to seal the deal.

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