We're 4-2 | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

We're 4-2

No and Yes. I knew Toledo would be one of the better teams in the MAC. But that's no reason why SU shouldn't have won the game easily. Good AQ teams don't lose to MAC teams no matter how good the MAC team is.

Nobody knew WF would be any good. I saw some BC fans on Twitter acting like they were going to commit seppuku after their loss, so obviously they had no idea WF would be any good, either.

Toledo pushed OSU all over the field!

And destroyed a tough Temple squad that pummled a Maryland team that beat Miami and that won nine games last year.

The MAC s simply not what you think it is. The notion that we should have won the game easily is an inaccurate presumption.

The myth.
No, the merits of realistic expectations.

If you expected a top twenty team or a top thirty or even forty team this year, you were very badly mistaken.

You can't upgrade talent to the level you presume exists in two years.

It is remarkable how so many SU fans have no idea what it takes to achieve in major college football - the presumption is that we should simply win "hey the BB teams wins, right?".

Realistic expectations? We should be drilling teams like RI and Tulane and beaten a bad rutgers team. You don't need to be top 20 or 30 to do that. Reality is that we have problems.
This is going to be an unpopular perspective, but I also think that last season was fool's gold to a certain extent--not that we didn't deserve every win or didn't belong in a bowl, but I think it made a lot of people think we were a bit further along in the rebuild process than what we actually are.

I agree with this.
I'll agree with this to a certain extent. The roster Marrone inherited was in desperate need of talent / speed / athleticism, and he cut deep weeding out players who weren't willing to buy in to the team culture changes he was demanding. Rebuilding the roster and replenishing the depleted pipeline isn't going to happen overnight, and the young talent looks like they are a step in the right direction.

This is going to be an unpopular perspective, but I also think that last season was fool's gold to a certain extent--not that we didn't deserve every win or didn't belong in a bowl, but I think it made a lot of people think we were a bit further along in the rebuild process than what we actually are.

To Swish's post above, if this team gets back to a bowl this year, I'd consider that a major accomplishment--something that will enable the team to lay the foundation for the class of 2013 on the recruiting trail. 4-2 is a pretty good start; now we need to find a way to claw out 2-3 more victories in order to seal the deal.

The roster inherited on the offensive side is all that has been playing for 3 years now.
Yes, for the most part, bees, but I don't think people fully appreciate just how valuable DC3 was to this team. He was far and away our offensive MVP the last couple years, and losing him was absolutely HUGE.
Is it realistic to ask to play 2 good halves in 1 out of our 1st 6 games? Beat RI by more than a TD?
All is well is... a little much, but no, you're right.

This team has to turn a corner as far as playing down to the competition. We need to focus for UL and UConn. Two biggest games left.

This is going to be an unpopular perspective, but I also think that last season was fool's gold to a certain extent--not that we didn't deserve every win or didn't belong in a bowl, but I think it made a lot of people think we were a bit further along in the rebuild process than what we actually are.quote]
It is an unpopular perspective. When I mentioned this last season I was reminded that WE ARE MUCH BETTER ACROSS THE BOARD.

I think we're a bad team that wins a lot. That counts, for a lot. There are good teams that don't win very much. We used to be a bad team that lost a lot.

We really need to get two more. The margin for error in this program is just so thin.
i felt there might be 4 wins with that group before 8 pm today,now idk

Kind of feel the same way. I was hoping that the team had turned the corner from a defensive standpoint with what we saw last week, and that the offensive unit would be able to use tonight as a tune-up game to work out some kinks. That looked like it might happen on both accounts for about a quarter-and-a-half, but...

In any event, considering the BE slate, I thought before the season that we'd find a way to get to 8 wins. After losing last week, I still [admittedly optimistically] thought that 7 wins might still be possible. I'm concerned now about the systemic breakdowns on both sides of the ball, and what that means in terms of securing more wins.
We have six games left, and only need two wins to become bowl eligible. If we can't pull that off, only THEN will I be willing to say something is rotten in Denmark.

Of course then I'll have to buy a plane ticket to Denmark and find out what stinks, and man, that just seems like a hassle. I'm not even sure where my passport is, and I wouldn't know where to begin looking for the source of said stink, and plane tickets are expensive. Such a pain in the ass.

So let's just win at least two more games and then win a bowl game so I don't have to go to all that trouble.
you starting to lose faith in DM?

Nope. But like others have said in the past, I am beginning to worry about his recruiting on the offensive side of the ball. And I'm having my doubts about Adkins as OL coach.
The MAC s simply not what you think it is.

LOL! I bet I've watched more MAC football than everyone else on this board combined.

Last year Toledo lost to Florida International in Detroit...a virtual home game for Toledo.
Last year's champion, Miami, lost to Minnesota, who lost to New Mexico State and North Dakota State and has been outscored 103-17 in B1G play.

The MAC hasn't had a really good team since Ben R. left for the NFL (that undefeated, ranked Ball State team used smoke and mirrors).
But it wasn't an exceptionally talented one, unfortunately.

What does that say about the backups then?
You can't upgrade talent to the level you presume exists in two years.

It is remarkable how so many SU fans have no idea what it takes to achieve in major college football - the presumption is that we should simply win "hey the BB teams wins, right?".
I was not aware that the program was in such dire circumstances that our talent and performance level couldn't match Tulsa Duke Army Rutgers.

The roster inherited on the offensive side is all that has been playing for 3 years now.

No argument there. And it isn't difficult to make the argument that he hasn't significantly upgraded the OL, QB, or RB positions in three years.

WR seems to be trending positively; I like the potential of youngsters like Kobena / Hale / Foster, and I'm pleased that West / Lemon / Graham all seem improved and will all return next year. Not saying that the WR corps is where it needs to be yet 100%, just that it seems to be headed there.

TE has some potential, with Stevens / Wales / Adazzio returning next season, and Paris coming in.

But I'm tremendously concerned about the future of the QB position. I really hope that Hunt pans out [or Kinder or Broyld] as a dual threat QB capable of taking over for Nassib in a couple of seasons.

I'm nervous about RB after this season with Bailey graduating.

And I'm discouraged that three years into his tenure, Marrone still can't field a competent OL unit.

I'm excited about recruiting and the players we're bringing in, but we still have some glaring holes and units that don't inspire confidence.
No argument there. And he hasn't significantly upgraded the OL, QB, or RB positions.

WR seems to be trending positively; I like the potential of Kobena / Hale / Foster, and I'm pleased that West / Lemon / Graham all seem improved and will all return next year.

TE has some potential, with Stevens / Wales / Adazzio returning next season.

But I'm tremendously concerned about the future of the QB position. I really hope that Hunt pans out [or Kinder or Broyld] as a dual threat QB.

I'm nervous about RB after this season with Bailey graduating.

And I'm discouraged that three years into his tenure, Marrone still can't field a competent OL unit.

I'm excited about recruiting and the players we're bringing in, but we still have some glaring holes and units that don't inspire confidence.

Agree with all of that although I am not too comfy about the TE position after Provo leaves. Stevens is OK, Wales jumps eraly a lot and hasn't gotten into any rhythm in the passing game and Addazio is a un-recruited true frosh.
We better beat Louisville and Uconn or we're staring 5-7 right in the face.
Regarding the RB position going forward, if (and this is a big IF at this point), PTG can stay healthy and AAM can stay in decent shape, I'm not overly worried. I think people really underestimate PTG.
Fans want two things: They want to win and they want to feel confident that they are are going to do it again. SU's wins don't inspire confidence. We would like to be confident in this team. It's a reasonable request.
Realistic expectations? We should be drilling teams like RI and Tulane and beaten a bad rutgers team. You don't need to be top 20 or 30 to do that. Reality is that we have problems.
I don't think Rutgers is bad. But we should have drilled Rhode Island and beaten Tulane by 3 TDs. I'm really concerned about our lack of a pass rush and complete confusion, at times, in the secondary. That has to be corrected. This team is still a work in progress. Next year will be very telling. It will be Marrone's fourth year. Most of the players will be his. If there are still problems next year, it's on him.
I don't think Rutgers is bad. But we should have drilled Rhode Island and beaten Tulane by 3 TDs. I'm really concerned about our lack of a pass rush and complete confusion, at times, in the secondary. That has to be corrected. This team is still a work in progress. Next year will be very telling. It will be Marrone's fourth year. Most of the players will be his. If there are still problems next year, it's on him.

One thing for sure is that rutgers has the worst offense in the big east. Even worse than ours.
Fans want two things: They want to win and they want to feel confident that they are are going to do it again. SU's wins don't inspire confidence. We would like to be confident in this team. It's a reasonable request.


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