what coach in america would now want the penn st. job. | Syracusefan.com

what coach in america would now want the penn st. job.

The absolute worst job to have is one where you're taking over for somebody that did a fantastic job, and everything is running smoothly when you assume control. In the sports world an example would be the hard time UCLA had replacing Wooden, because the standard is that you win ten straight national championships even though the world has changed and that isn't possible.

Coming into a situation where the guy before you was a moderate screw-up is actually pretty appealing - a complete screw-up has left a situation where there is so much damage already that the situation can't be repaired in a reasonable timeframe (possibly ever), but with a moderate screw-up there's enough strengths in the organization to build on, you can show immediate improvement in key areas, and expectations are far more reasonable.

It's hard to know right now where the head coaching job at Penn State fits because there is and will be so much turmoil at the University. If PSU stakeholders continue in their inability to grasp how serious. This situation is, you're right - no sane person would take the job because their success in improving the situation won't be recognized by the stakeholders. I think it's more likely as time goes on that the stakeholders realize how much damage has been done to the university reputation, and so success will be recognized. In this case success is increasing organizational transparency instead of wins, which means in the short term on the field expectations need to be dialed back a notch.

Paterno going now helps - they don't need to make a hire for a few weeks, where they would have been in a crunch if they waited until the end of the year. Potential coaches will have time to see how the situation further develops. This job may be far more attractive in four weeks than it is today.
The program is never going to be the same. This sort of stigma doesn't go away.
Someone with a big ego who thinks he can be a savior...Meyer fits the bill..Ohio State will put up a fight IMO...
Someone with a big ego who thinks he can be a savior...Meyer fits the bill..Ohio State will put up a fight IMO...

Yep somebody with a solid "christian" background... a Jim Tressel type of guy
This could be a "Golden" opportunity for someone who isn't "Shady"

I wonder if they might want a complete outsider? Maybe Golden is far enough removed, though, as he's been coaching elsewhere for a long time. They need someone who has solid ties to big time high school programs. Real relationships to leverage to mitigate a potential huge downturn in recruiting.
they might have to go juco ranks to find one.

and at some point the NCAA will have step into this mess and maybe cancel some games before people start to get hurt over this insanity.

toxic beyond belief....our recruiting might go up a notches by default

The Penn State job representts a tremendous risk right now.

The "squeaky-clean", "Do things right" aura that was one of their great recruiting tools is gone ... for a long time.

The scrutiny the new coach will get --- and the candidates get --- is going to be unbearable.

The new coach will continually be compared to Paterno.

No "successful" coach is going to want to go in there. That's why I say the new guy will be an alumnus with an impeccable, if unimpressive resume.

How about Matt Millen?
Many will want it. The new coach will be the knight in shining armor. The team still has good players and can win over the next few years with them. The coach will need to maintain a winning program for a couple of years and then this thing will be in the past...the coach will be hailed as the guy who cleaned things up...and he will be back to recruiting great players and will be beloved by all PSU fans. Oh yeah, and then there is the $ million+ salary.
I wonder if they might want a complete outsider? Maybe Golden is far enough removed, though, as he's been coaching elsewhere for a long time. They need someone who has solid ties to big time high school programs. Real relationships to leverage to mitigate a potential huge downturn in recruiting.

They need an outsider; one of the key roles for new new university administration (including the football coach) is to change the dysfunctional culture at the University. Bringing in a Penn State man will make that much more difficult.
...there might not be a football team..or even a PSU as we know it...this may be Happy Valley turned to Sadistic Tears...not even the movies have a story line like this...well not this second but more likely a new york minute
This is a real bad situation, but it is not a bunch of NCAA violations that will lead to NCAA penalties. It is criminal conduct; and a failure to report to the local authorities about local criminal conduct. Raises larger questions about the PSU culture/role of JoPa. It needs to be addressed and the BOT started last night. Presumably, they will clean house, educate the entire hierarchy about reporting/protecting child from abuse -- everything that needs to be done. But they won't cut back on facilities, or scholarships. Fans won't refuse to renew season tickets.

And, 3 months from now, the PSU job will be attractive again. Huge fan base, stadium for 100,000, PSU tradition (strong enough to survive this huge dent), great recruiting region, and so forth. What coach would want to take this on? Wait 30 days, they will have a dozen applications.
This is a real bad situation, but it is not a bunch of NCAA violations that will lead to NCAA penalties.

I'm not so sure you can say that right now.If the latest rumors are proven to be true(pimping kids to boosters) and in any way linked to the football program,the whole thing could get nuked.
Going to throw out a random ironic suggestion -- what about Dave Wannstadt?
I think realistically, they'll try to find someone as an "in-between" type coach. They'll go after someone capable of avoiding the program's utter demise (win a few games, get a few recruits, even though neither will equal what PSU is used to), and then, maybe in 2 years or so hire the guy they really want.

They could probably even make some kind of a handshake deal with that second coach at some point in the near future. I think a bigger question for PSU isn't who is their head football coach next season, but who is the guy they want for the long haul?
Also something to keep in mind: how much with financials play into this? Potential for lots of money needed to pay out settlements in the near future. Will the school/state break the bank for a big name? Will the big big donors be on board for financing such a hire?
And, 3 months from now, the PSU job will be attractive again. Huge fan base, stadium for 100,000, PSU tradition (strong enough to survive this huge dent), great recruiting region, and so forth. What coach would want to take this on? Wait 30 days, they will have a dozen applications.

That's how I see it as well. Clean house and get rid of everyone and anyone associated with this scandal, and start over. This is still one of the premiere jobs in college sports.
Also something to keep in mind: how much with financials play into this? Potential for lots of money needed to pay out settlements in the near future. Will the school/state break the bank for a big name? Will the big big donors be on board for financing such a hire?

I think a lot of it will come down to the donors, like you said. The question is how they react: Will they pull away from PSU in outrage over this, or will they throw money into a hat to try to clean up the school's image as quickly and thoroughly as possible? First reaction, a lot of donors will probably go with the first option, but perhaps there will be some loyal enough to keep giving.
they might have to go juco ranks to find one.

and at some point the NCAA will have step into this mess and maybe cancel some games before people start to get hurt over this insanity.

toxic beyond belief....our recruiting might go up a notches by default

what coach in america would now want the penn st. job?

Who is going to direct the search and selection process right now? PSU has an interim President and an interim AD. Is Tom Bradley totally in the clear in this mess? Are there other shoes to drop that might implicate members of the BOT or others in the adminsitration or athletics department. What is the relationship between Second Mile and Penn State? There are some pretty damning rumors floating around right now. Maybe the ongoing investigations will reveal there is nothing to them, but who can be certain?

Doesn't seem to me that this is the time to be looking for a new head coach. Maybe in a couple of months. Let the season play out and perhaps by late December PSU can begin thinking about Joe Pa's successor. Sucks for recruiting but that should be the last of PSU's concerns right now.
I still see Mike Munchak as the guy they attempt to bring in. Former Alum with head coaching experience from Scranton. Clearly the issues are will he give up a solid gig with the Titans (pro head coaches life spands are about 4 years) and having limited college connections. He would need to build a solid college assistant staff. I think attempting to get assistant coaches to State College will be more difficult than a head coach after this fiasco. Someone will have a big enough ego and want the glory of resurrecting the program from the dead.
Who is going to direct the search and selection process right now? PSU has an interim President and an interim AD. Is Tom Bradley totally in the clear in this mess? Are there other shoes to drop that might implicate members of the BOT or others in the adminsitration or athletics department. What is the relationship between Second Mile and Penn State? There are some pretty damning rumors floating around right now. Maybe the ongoing investigations will reveal there is nothing to them, but who can be certain?

Doesn't seem to me that this is the time to be looking for a new head coach. Maybe in a couple of months. Let the season play out and perhaps by late December PSU can begin thinking about Joe Pa's successor. Sucks for recruiting but that should be the last of PSU's concerns right now.

Good point. No coach is going to jump in without knowing who his bosses are. Current players and recruits will drift away. Could have the same effect as sanctions.
Definitely curious to see where they go for assistant coaches. I wonder if they'd ever consider giving former players their first shot at coaching. Not sure if they'd be interested, but Larry Johnson, Lavarr Arrington, etc could probably impart some wisdom at least for players of their own position?

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