that Desko can't do. Times have changed as Tillman is pulling in top ranked classes and the 6 nation players are avoiding 'cuse like the black plague. When the OCC head coach and Desko only communicate by the way of assistants you know there is a major problem and every one blames Desko for this total lack of communication.The days of making the final 4 appear to be over for Desko.
Tillman started out at Ithaca and navy as an assistant and then on to Harvard as a head coach for a few years and then off to Marland for a bargain. Hell Gross has water boys earning more than Tillman's base salary.
Legacy and the likes need to end and time for Syracuse to catch up because recruits are not blind to see what is going on.Other teams take the game serious and Desko allows double keggars before tournament games.
Desko wants to be known for making Lax a national sport at the expenwhat UMd pays himse of ignoring top local talent that has numerous local high school coaches shaking their heads.
AD or no AD things need to change and it has to start at the very top.Another memorial weekend cutting the grass at anytime you choose to do.
You can try to rip me if you can,but I know way too many local people who have a pulse on the sport locally and my younger brother who not only has a ring,but also was a ref until knee problems took over.