What makes a sport, a sport? | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

What makes a sport, a sport?

Bordeline but yeah because there is some running involved occasionally and you may break a sweat. Golf I put just on the otherside of the border. Put a shot clock in golf or a clock in which you have to finish your round for it to count (barring weather) so that the players have to briskly walk or even jog and it's a sport all day long.

I like golf, and I respect serious golfers but there isn't the amount of physical exertion needed IMHO. You don't see golfers drenched in sweat and breathing heavy and you rarely see medics having to help golfers off the course because they've been injured.
I'm young and in good health, and I never finish 18 holes without being drenched with sweat (I try never to use a cart).
a. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
b. A particular form of this activity.
2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
Tiger woods plays a game governed by rules and physically exerts himself when hitting a golf ball. That would be a sport.
how can you say golf is a sport, but bowling is a game? that makes no sense - talk about selectively applying some bs criteria

golf is not a sport, bowling is not a sport, fishing is not a sport, hunting is not a sport and auto racing is not a sport

case closed
how can you say golf is a sport, but bowling is a game? that makes no sense - talk about selectively applying some bs criteria

golf is not a sport, bowling is not a sport, fishing is not a sport, hunting is not a sport and auto racing is not a sport

case closed
Aside from golf, I agree with the rest of your assessments.

Auto racing is so far from being a sport it's absurd.
Have you ever played golf? I don't see how anyone who has played golf can view it as anything other than a sport. It's the most difficult athletic activity I've ever participated in, frankly.

Sidenote - I love how people say they play gold "to relax." Golf is the most frustrating, stressful activity I've ever done. How on earth can anyone find it relaxing unless their name is Tiger Woods? And I say this as someone who loves the sport.
just because something is difficult to do well doesn't make it a difficult 'athletic activity'. The mere act of swinging a club and making contact with a ball is not difficult - 90 year olds do it every day no problem.
Tiger woods plays a game governed by rules and physically exerts himself when hitting a golf ball. That would be a sport.

Mental exertion yes, but physical? What is vigorous about swinging a golf club?

vigorous action or effort: physical and mental exertion.
I'm young and in good health, and I never finish 18 holes without being drenched with sweat (I try never to use a cart).

So what is the closest thing you consider to being a sport that's just on the other side of the line?
I've played all of the major sports throughout my life including tennis and soccer. I would contend that the hardest sport out of all of them is golf. It takes mental strength as well as physical. Can anyone go play golf? Yea sure, just like anyone can go throw a football or kick a soccer or shoot a basketball. But to be good at golf it takes years of training and practice. If you watch golf now, gone are the days of the big fat guys walking around. Most all of these guys now look like Tiger; tall, lean, athletic. I ride a cart when I play golf and I still end up sweating like a beast. It is the most mentally challenging sport out of them all, with Baseball probably second.

I went and googled "is golf a sport?" This is the first article that came up.

It's an age-old question debated in pro shops and pubs across America: is golf a sport? Neil Wolkodoff, director of the Rose Center for Health and Sports Sciences in Denver, thinks it is, and he has some data to back up his claim. Wokodoff took eight better-than-average golfers and tracked their heart rate, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and how far they were walking through a few rounds.
"The study shows there's significant energy expenditure in golf, more than bowling and some other sports it's been compared to," Wolkodoff said to the AP. "There are a lot of sports that don't have this level of energy expenditure."
Subjects walking and carrying their clubs burned 721 calories per round, while the lazy folks in the carts burned just 411. Surprisingly, there was no difference in carrying clubs versus using a push cart, so save your back and rent the cart. The data also suggested that players went past their anaerobic thresholds after walking through two uphill holes (feeling the burn).
So golf burns more calories than an hour of billiards (216), fishing (302), or even a relaxed canoe trip (345), but we're not sold that energy expenditure alone defines what a sport is. Everyone agrees that cheerleaders have bodies to prove they're burning calories, but good luck getting consensus on whether it's a sport. Curling only burns 345 calories during an hour of competition, but in Canada, it's not just a sport, it's the national pastime. Is Tiger Woods proof that golf is a sport, or is John Daly confirmation to the contrary? That probably depends on whether you've got a set of clubs in the garage.
I've played all of the major sports throughout my life including tennis and soccer. I would contend that the hardest sport out of all of them is golf. It takes mental strength as well as physical. Can anyone go play golf? Yea sure, just like anyone can go throw a football or kick a soccer or shoot a basketball. But to be good at golf it takes years of training and practice. If you watch golf now, gone are the days of the big fat guys walking around. Most all of these guys now look like Tiger; tall, lean, athletic. I ride a cart when I play golf and I still end up sweating like a beast. It is the most mentally challenging sport out of them all, with Baseball probably second.

I went and googled "is golf a sport?" This is the first article that came up.

It's an age-old question debated in pro shops and pubs across America: is golf a sport? Neil Wolkodoff, director of the Rose Center for Health and Sports Sciences in Denver, thinks it is, and he has some data to back up his claim. Wokodoff took eight better-than-average golfers and tracked their heart rate, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, and how far they were walking through a few rounds.
"The study shows there's significant energy expenditure in golf, more than bowling and some other sports it's been compared to," Wolkodoff said to the AP. "There are a lot of sports that don't have this level of energy expenditure."
Subjects walking and carrying their clubs burned 721 calories per round, while the lazy folks in the carts burned just 411. Surprisingly, there was no difference in carrying clubs versus using a push cart, so save your back and rent the cart. The data also suggested that players went past their anaerobic thresholds after walking through two uphill holes (feeling the burn).
So golf burns more calories than an hour of billiards (216), fishing (302), or even a relaxed canoe trip (345), but we're not sold that energy expenditure alone defines what a sport is. Everyone agrees that cheerleaders have bodies to prove they're burning calories, but good luck getting consensus on whether it's a sport. Curling only burns 345 calories during an hour of competition, but in Canada, it's not just a sport, it's the national pastime. Is Tiger Woods proof that golf is a sport, or is John Daly confirmation to the contrary? That probably depends on whether you've got a set of clubs in the garage.
LOL - so the proof that golf is a sport is that it burns 1/2 the calories per hour that freakin curling does? The fact that after you hit the ball you have to walk (if you don't rent a cart like most people do now) to where it landed in order to be able to hit it again makes it a sport? I love golf - it's one of my favorite things to do, but come on...
A coworkers definition of sport is: having a ball or puck, with somebody having the ability to stop you from scoring.

To him, golf, and most of the events in the Olympics are not sports, but athletic competitions.

What do you guys consider a sport, and a non sport?

Generically speaking, a sport is anything a red blooded american likes.

Everything else is a competition.

Except for NASCAR, which is not a sport.

Sidenote - I love how people say they play gold "to relax." Golf is the most frustrating, stressful activity I've ever done. How on earth can anyone find it relaxing unless their name is Tiger Woods? And I say this as someone who loves the sport.

Do you have young kids? I used to get really frustrated with golf. Now I've settled into a nice groove of playing about 4 times a year, getting mildly frustrated with my short game (atrocious) and pleasantly surprised with my woods/longish irons (not necessarily good, but not bad). Shoot in the mid-90s, enjoy adult company sans kids, being outside and usually drinking at least four beers.

That's relaxing.
A coworkers definition of sport is: having a ball or puck, with somebody having the ability to stop you from scoring.

To him, golf, and most of the events in the Olympics are not sports, but athletic competitions.

What do you guys consider a sport, and a non sport?
A physical competition, without mechanical motivation, with objective scoring. The rest are athletic competitions.

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A coworkers definition of sport is: having a ball or puck, with somebody having the ability to stop you from scoring.

To him, golf, and most of the events in the Olympics are not sports, but athletic competitions.

What do you guys consider a sport, and a non sport?

I define sports as comprising of the following four elements:

1) A very high percentage of entitled, egotistical, players who take their game exceedingly seriously and tend to care about it more than anything else in the world ... until they get paid, at which point they shift their focus to more important matters like cars and pu$$y and blow. They are prone to rallying behind things like a sex abuse scandal but aren't 100% sure if Syria is a continent or a country.

2) A huge number of ego-maniacal coaches who wear under armour to every non-funeral event and spew forth 10s of thousands of words each year that are generally meaningless. They too take their "craft" exceedingly seriously and like to make parallels about how their sport is exactly like war or life in general. They also tend to despise things like media members, social media sites, bothersome laws like DUIs, possession of narcotics, etc., people on message boards, bloggers and annoying professors who suggest their players ought to get some form of education.

3) Fans who take the their team -- which they root for b/c they happened to go to school there or lived there or knew someone who had a friend there or liked the logo -- more seriously than they take their marriages. They get irate over things like media slights, comments from opposing players, message board posts, bad calls, rankings and things that hurt the "integrity of the game." They hate steroids even though they loved Big Mac hitting the ball to New Hampshire in the home run derby and Lavar Arrington body-slamming a yugo after Penn State's big rose bowl victory. They also hate dog-fighting ... unless they are from southwest virginia, in which case they think the media got it all wrong. They consume 5000 calories in parking lots every saturday and scream like banshees when some 20-year-old they've never met tackles another 20-year-old they never met.

4) A gaggle of media members who report important things like "who's the 7th best quarterback of all time" and gleefully declare winners to every team who signs a bunch of free agents only to slam them three months later when those signings don't work out. Generally annoying, reactionary, rarely imparting true information of any sort and most serving rile up fans, this group is very important.
Sport or athletics is a distinction without a difference.

The definition: "having a ball or puck, with somebody having the ability to stop you from scoring" is extremely arbitrary. Polo, croquet, korfball, floorball, netball, Basque pelota (like Jai alai), bad minton, filed hockey, curling, tennis. table tennis and beach volleyball meet this definition. A host of other sports (yes, sports), do not, including many requiring much more physical skill.

"Sport is generally recognised as activities which are based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity, with the largest major competitions such as the Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this definition,[3] and other organisations such as the Council of Europe using definitions precluding activities without a physical element from classification as sports.[2] However, a number of competitive, but non-physical, activities claim recognition as mind sports. The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognises both chess and bridge as bona fide sports, and SportAccord, the international sports federation association, recognises five non-physical sports,[4][5] although limits the amount of mind games which can be admitted as sports.[1]"


   [spawrt, spohrt] Show IPA
an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature,as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling,wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc."

BTW, golf requires dexterity, balance, strength, stamina, hand eye coordination, concentration and intelligence.

how can you say golf is a sport, but bowling is a game? that makes no sense - talk about selectively applying some bs criteria

golf is not a sport, bowling is not a sport, fishing is not a sport, hunting is not a sport and auto racing is not a sport

case closed

Golf Biathlon - timed target shooting between holes adds/subtract strokes from your round. He shot well today.
Then sex is the #1 sport, followed by drinking/drugs. ;)

Is that why too many men rush to the finish in sex . Its a freaking contest?" You may want to ask the women involved if they are impressed with the speed in which you finish yourself off? Unless its a photo finish which many believe to be a bit kincky you might want to ask her "was it at least a good race or did you lose her at the starting gate? Any and all calling out to a deity is a good sign especially if she agrees with him in a positive calling to the sky.:pCalling out the "wrong name is time for a quick exit. In all sense of the word "exit" Get out and run. If its necessary leave the $ on the dresser.Don't pull a Secret Service and give yourself a screaming hooker.couchburn
Is that why too many men rush to the finish in sex . Its a freaking contest?" You may want to ask the women involved if they are impressed with the speed in which you finish yourself off? Unless its a photo finish which many believe to be a bit kincky you might want to ask her "was it at least a good race or did you lose her at the starting gate? Any and all calling out to a dietyis a good sign especially if she agrees with him in a positive calling to the sky.:p

lol ohhh boy
Is that why too many men rush to the finish in sex . Its a freaking contest?" You may want to ask the women involved if they are impressed with the speed in which you finish yourself off? Unless its a photo finish which many believe to be a bit kincky you might want to ask her "was it at least a good race or did you lose her at the starting gate? Any and all calling out to a dietyis a good sign especially if she agrees with him in a positive calling to the sky.:p

Reading Cali's posts could be considered a sport by some of these definitions.
Bowling not a sport...anytime you can wear your cellphone on your belt buckle and have a hotdog and fries inbetween your turn and it doesn't impact your "game"...it's not a sport
There is movement of limbs and beer is easily accessible
Things that aren't sports.

Poker, Billiards, Bowling, Auto-racing, Cheer leading, Dancing, Skating, Fishing, Curling, Skiing, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, BMX, etc.

Golf is cutting it close.
Things that aren't sports.

Poker, Billiards, Bowling, Auto-racing, Cheer leading, Dancing, Skating, Fishing, Curling, Skiing, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, BMX, etc.

Golf is cutting it close.

Skiing is a sport you have to be in pretty good shape for (think black diamond slalom, not blue circle bunny hill) and cross country skiing is most def a sport.
There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games- Ernest Hemingway.

If a sport doesn't really involve the chance of death, it is a game.
Also anyone who doesn't believe auto-racing at the highest levels is a sport, is truly missing something. Formula One races can only last for an hour and a half because the human body can only take so much punishment via G forces. The 24- Hour Le mans races our some of the most grueling tests of physical stamina, driving 150+ MPH for four hours surrounded by other cars, while being subjected to G-forces. Not to mention the fact that at anytime something can go wrong, and that's it. Every corner you are 1 mph, 1 degree of steering input, 1 mistake away from serious injury or death.
Anything involving cars isn't a sport. Screw what Hemingway says, no matter now much Faegan's loves to quote him.
Skiing is a sport you have to be in pretty good shape for (think black diamond slalom, not blue circle bunny hill) and cross country skiing is most def a sport.
You have to be in good shape to be a lion tamer as well, that doesn't make it a sport!

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