What makes a sport, a sport? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

What makes a sport, a sport?

You have to be in good shape to be a lion tamer as well, that doesn't make it a sport!

Well that's all fine and random but I'm fairly certain a majority of us couldn't cross country ski 50k much less in anywhere near the 2 hours olympians do it in. 25 kph =15.5 mph avg for 2 hours straight kind of impresses me though I don't know much about the sport.
Cross country skiing is every bit the sport that running is.
You have to be in good shape to be a lion tamer as well, that doesn't make it a sport!

Matter of fact Jeremy Bloom (former gold medal skier) played WR and returned kicks @ Colorado and got drafted by the Eagles.
All necessary to sport:
1.) Competition
2.) Physical activity
3.) Winner determined according to some objective score (figure skating and gymnastics don't meet this criterion).

Question is, where is horse racing on this sport/not a sport argument?
BEER... When you pop one open to watch any event,it then becomes a sport!

There are sports, athletic competitions, and games. In order to be a sport a competition must have a) athletic aspects. B) an objective method of scoring and c) the ability to defensively influence an opponent's performance.

I currently am out of town on a three day golf outing. It is grueling, tiring and competitive. It's still just a game.
All necessary to sport:
1.) Competition
2.) Physical activity
3.) Winner determined according to some objective score (figure skating and gymnastics don't meet this criterion).

Question is, where is horse racing on this sport/not a sport argument?
Horse racing is a sport. There is a finish line and a clear winner. Plus the jockey's are weighed and can't be overweight so all things are essentially equal. Level playing field. Drug testing on the horses. Total sport.
Is that why too many men rush to the finish in sex . Its a freaking contest?" You may want to ask the women involved if they are impressed with the speed in which you finish yourself off? Unless its a photo finish which many believe to be a bit kincky you might want to ask her "was it at least a good race or did you lose her at the starting gate? Any and all calling out to a dietyis a good sign especially if she agrees with him in a positive calling to the sky.:p
This is why I try to read all of your posts.
Horse racing is a sport. There is a finish line and a clear winner. Plus the jockey's are weighed and can't be overweight so all things are essentially equal. Level playing field. Drug testing on the horses. Total sport.

If you are a horse, it's a sport. If you are a human, not so much.
Horse racing is a sport. There is a finish line and a clear winner. Plus the jockey's are weighed and can't be overweight so all things are essentially equal. Level playing field. Drug testing on the horses. Total sport.

Agreed, but who's the athlete: jockey or horse? Or both?
All necessary to sport:
1.) Competition
2.) Physical activity
3.) Winner determined according to some objective score (figure skating and gymnastics don't meet this criterion).

Question is, where is horse racing on this sport/not a sport argument?
I guess boxing is not a sport either based on your figure skating and gymnastics comment
There are sports, athletic competitions, and games. In order to be a sport a competition must have a) athletic aspects. B) an objective method of scoring and c) the ability to defensively influence an opponent's performance.

I currently am out of town on a three day golf outing. It is grueling, tiring and competitive. It's still just a game.
So the sprinters in the Olympics are not in a sport? I guess the distance runners are because they can get in front of an opponent and can, and do, box in another runner.
People seem to forget its called the Olympic games...not the olympic sports.
I am getting a good laugh at my own expense here. I fish competive bass tournaments. I don't consider it a sport though you better be in some sort of shape. I routinely make 100 mile plus runs in heavy waves (Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, etc.) at 70 +mph or as fast as I can keep the boat from breaking into pieces. The comment that the sport needs a legitmate chance of death - well air one hovered over my boat when the motor ripped itself off at 65 mph in a competion sending me to the hospital with my head caved in.

Still not a "sport". Just a bunch of lunatics.
I guess he's never read or heard about Tiger Woods' work out. Golf is very much a sport.

You can be a fat ass and still excel at golf. Golf is the only "sport" where you actually gain calories while playing -- drinking beer and eating hot dogs.

I love golf like the next guy but c'mon, it's not a sport.
I guess boxing is not a sport either based on your figure skating and gymnastics comment
Boxing is certainly a sport. Not professional boxing -- at least, there are some questionable aspects to its legitimacy due to its scoring system. But amateur boxing is a sport. It is an athletic competition, with an objective system of scoring/winning, and a built-in ability to influence/defend against the opponent.

Sprinting? Nope. That's just an athletic competition.
A sport is something you have to obtain and maintain some form of advanced physical training to excel/compete at.

Tiger Woods is an athlete but golf isn't a sport. John Daly couldn't compete in a sport professionally. Take away the golf carts and golf turns into a sport.
No golf carts allowed on the PGA tour.
Agreed, but who's the athlete: jockey or horse? Or both?

The horse is head and shoulders the superior athlete, jockeys are very skilled, don'tknow if I consider them athletes but believe me those horses are incredible athletes, incredible specimens. Obviously somewhat bias here, jockeys are a bit odd, little people, eccentric, very skilled and a lot of great people don't know if I ever look at one and think athlete though
I think people have the misconception that labeling something "not a sport" makes it somehow inferior. It doesn't. Golf is a great game. It's fun. Mentally challenging, and certainly has athletic aspects to it. The idea that it isn't a sport, but rather a game, is not an insult to golf.
I guess boxing is not a sport either based on your figure skating and gymnastics comment

I do consider boxing a sport; obviously a closely-fought and disputed match wouldn't meet those criteria, though.
The horse is head and shoulders the superior athlete, jockeys are very skilled, don'tknow if I consider them athletes but believe me those horses are incredible athletes, incredible specimens. Obviously somewhat bias here, jockeys are a bit odd, little people, eccentric, very skilled and a lot of great people don't know if I ever look at one and think athlete though

Exactly my experience. Jockeys = race car drivers, only quirkier and able to tell better anecdotes.
A coworkers definition of sport is: having a ball or puck, with somebody having the ability to stop you from scoring.

To him, golf, and most of the events in the Olympics are not sports, but athletic competitions.

What do you guys consider a sport, and a non sport?

A sport is a competition involving physical skill. Chess and poker are not sports as they do not involve any physical skill. Billiards, bowling and golf do so they are sports. It's not a question of the degree of fitness or atheltic ability required. Are William Perry and David Wells great athletes?
In NASCAR you can manipulate the position of the other drivers. The drivers are part of teams that will help you if they know they can't win and you have a shot at winning. So you can essentially play defense against the other drivers.

With golf its you against the course, the weather, the other golfers, as well as yourself. Its more the course that "defends" against you with rough, water, sand, trees, etc...When people point out John Daly as not being in shape, look at when he won the PGA, he wasn't heavy by any means. Good lord, how old is he now? I think its a little unfair using someone who's on the verge of the Champions tour as an example.

IMO, wrestling is probably the best example of a sport that I can think of. Its mono y mono, and they don't call a foul because you got touched on the arm.

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