What we really need in a new stadium... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

What we really need in a new stadium...

KaiserUEO said:
Actually, they probably only have 1 area code in the state, well auburn anyway. But state schools, so whatever and I said before...the penn st system rules for uniting everyone.
In other words their alumni travel to home games
In other words their alumni travel to home games
In other words, u can be an alumnus, yet never have stepped in a classroom in state college and likely paid about 5k to say so.

Try that at Syracuse.

And also more likely to stay in their Podunk town where paterno is god and u must worship 6x a year at beaver than take the degree and move to 1 of the big east coast cities to make their bones where life has a funny way of creeping into the day.
I am still baffled why Maryland and Rutgers don't sell out their 100,000 seat stadiums every game and have a waiting list that dwarfs S.U'S attendance. Those two programs sit in huge population areas.
Fact is locals don't go as often for many reasons SU brought on themselves and not to rake leaves. And nobody expects out of towners to go to every game, but too few go at all. We certainly don't have a following outside of Syracuse alumni or not.

I would agree SU and the somewhat cold-shoulder-to-the-community Shaw did not foster the right atmosphere alongside a program that was just plain ugly to watch for years.

But the locals are the key to attendance success. Just are. Gotta have a good product but the 315 area code extended has to rally big time.
Off all the things I disagree with in this thread the marketing thing I disagree with the most. People can see what a team's record it, that always tops a slogan or really inexpensive seats.
In other words, u can be an alumnus, yet never have stepped in a classroom in state college and likely paid about 5k to say so.

Try that at Syracuse.

And also more likely to stay in their Podunk town where paterno is god and u must worship 6x a year at beaver than take the degree and move to 1 of the big east coast cities to make their bones where life has a funny way of creeping into the day.

all these busy big shots in ny are too busy and they are hung up on paying a high tuition, got it

what i don't get it is why think that means more townies should go
They are leaving from places that have nothing going on.
you guys kinda like syracuse football but you're so cultured that you can't pass up a night of performance art
While State College is in a somewhat remote location, it is 2 hours from Pittsburgh and under 3 from Philly. It has a nice central location from two pretty populous cities. The enrollment of that school is also well north of 50k. The Syracuse Alum base is spread out in NYC, Boston, DC, etc. NYC is by far the closest and is a 4 hour drive. Boston and DC are what, 6?

There are well over 1 million folks in a 2 hour hour radius of the Cuse. Getting 40k of them in the door shouldn't be that big of a challenge.
And NYC is bigger than Pitt and Philly.
you guys kinda like syracuse football but you're so cultured that you can't pass up a night of performance art

5 hours away from Auburn or Alabama, all people wish they could do is drive to Auburn or Alabama.
Bottom line it's stupid to cry about people not going to the dome when you don't go to the dome either

How can i be expected to drive to SU I live in NY. I'm the wolf of wall st! Too much going on

Maybe Cantor's extra enrollment #'s will help us get more alumni who want to return for games. Provided we can win while they're at school so they think of it as something worth doing.

There's research that I'm not going to do, but I'd bet a lot of those state schools have at least double our enrollment, if not more.

I never really understood the fight on this. We have plenty of locals who don't go, plenty of alums who don't go, plenty of students who don't go. No one takes accountability, but everyone points a finger.

For hoops games, people can't wait to buy a seat that must feel 8 miles away from the court.
all these busy big shots in ny are too busy and they are hung up on paying a high tuition, got it

what i don't get it is why think that means more townies should go

I still object to being called a "townie" but keep it up I am sure it will endear you to the "townies" and increase attendance.
CuseOnly said:
I still object to being called a "townie" but keep it up I am sure it will endear you to the "townies" and increase attendance.
I'm on the townies side here, meant no disrespect. Kaiser sounds like Andy Kaufman telling Memphis wrestling fans that he's from Hollywood.
How about someone point a finger at the students for not going? The student section for football games is pitiful.

The locals biggest gripe is the misguided belief that there is no parking. These are the same folks that bitch about parking in downtown as well. If they don't have a strip mall with a giant parking lot so they don't have to walk their lard ass more than a few feet it's a problem. The $100 season ticket for football is the best bargain in town. It baffles me that more people don't attend games.
How about someone point a finger at the students for not going? The student section for football games is pitiful.

The locals biggest gripe is the misguided belief that there is no parking. These are the same folks that bitch about parking in downtown as well. If they don't have a strip mall with a giant parking lot so they don't have to walk their lard ass more than a few feet it's a problem. The $100 season ticket for football is the best bargain in town. It baffles me that more people don't attend games.
How about someone point a finger at the students for not going? The student section for football games is pitiful.

The locals biggest gripe is the misguided belief that there is no parking. These are the same folks that bitch about parking in downtown as well. If they don't have a strip mall with a giant parking lot so they don't have to walk their lard ass more than a few feet it's a problem. The $100 season ticket for football is the best bargain in town. It baffles me that more people don't attend games.

As a local who actually goes to games and has season tickets I can tell you that parking or lack there off isnt the biggest gripe I hear but it certainly is up there. The problem that you and other non locals dont realize is that there isnt some 50,000 local fans in the surrounding areas who refuse to go to games because of Parking, Concessions, raking leaves ( so idiotic) or whatever other excuse they can come up with, its because most of them dont care. Half the non diehards couldnt even tell you if Syracuse football was playing a certain weekend much less the opponent, the other quarter of the people follow Cuse football casually at best and might ask about the score or watch it on TV but they have no desire to go to the dome they dont even consider it.

That leaves the other quarter of fans who the program has to work to either bring back in the fold or develop into fans. The $100 season tickets definitely help that but lets be honest there end zone seats and there are a fixed amount of them, were not offering 15,000 sideline seats for 100 bucks a here. If Syracuse keeps winning and tweaks some things here and there attendance will increase, winning cures all. All that said if you don't think the parking situation around the dome doesnt affect attendance your insane.
Is a retractable roof. At halftime, open the roof, and have several helicopters fly over and drop in millions and millions of leaves onto the field. Select fans will be brought down onto the field with rakes. Biggest pile wins!
One word: Turkeys
... If Syracuse keeps winning and tweaks some things here and there attendance will increase, winning cures all...

I agree with this statement.

There are plenty of garages to park at around the dome along with open lots. Is it cheap to park? No. But to say that there is no parking is just a flat out falsehood. And I am a local.

Try to go see the Patriots in Foxborough and see what it's like to have crappy parking and nightmarish traffic
JeremyCuse said:
As a local who actually goes to games and has season tickets I can tell you that parking or lack there off isnt the biggest gripe I hear but it certainly is up there. The problem that you and other non locals dont realize is that there isnt some 50,000 local fans in the surrounding areas who refuse to go to games because of Parking, Concessions, raking leaves ( so idiotic) or whatever other excuse they can come up with, its because most of them dont care. Half the non diehards couldnt even tell you if Syracuse football was playing a certain weekend much less the opponent, the other quarter of the people follow Cuse football casually at best and might ask about the score or watch it on TV but they have no desire to go to the dome they dont even consider it. That leaves the other quarter of fans who the program has to work to either bring back in the fold or develop into fans. The $100 season tickets definitely help that but lets be honest there end zone seats and there are a fixed amount of them, were not offering 15,000 sideline seats for 100 bucks a here. If Syracuse keeps winning and tweaks some things here and there attendance will increase, winning cures all. All that said if you don't think the parking situation around the dome doesnt affect attendance your insane.

It seems to me that the only difference between football and hoops is winning, right? I'm not local and I'm not wading into the silly pissing match, but would you say that the same people who don't care about football do care about hoops? Or are they just not sports fans at all?

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