Born and raised in Auburn, NY... about 25 miles southwest of Syracuse. Still live in the area.
Met several of the people on this board and they are all great, great people. Just played golf with
Orangeyes and
DCCuse in September. Met
TexanMark and
Cuseregular randomly on the field of the Cuse/Rutgers football game in 2010 or 2011. Met others at the tailgates and during road trips. is the place to be if you are an SU fan.
Became an absolute addict fan during the Marvin Graves days, then McNabb, etc. The '96 "Cuse in da house OMG OMG" run is a very fond memory of mine. I still can't believe that Georgia game (thank you Cipolla and Wallace!!!).
My cool story goes like this...
My best friend's sister played bball for Syracuse during the McNabb/Konrad/Harrison days. When she graduated from Syracuse, her parents threw a quasi-graduation party in Auburn. Rob Konrad, McNabb, Phil Nash, Etan Thomas and Kirby Dar Dar were in town. A bunch of us kids were in the pool (I was like 14-15) and all these massive dudes immediately jumped in the pool to cool off (hot day). Pool volleyball ensued and these guys actually let us all play and get involved (shockingly). Etan Thomas was my catapult to be a blocker at the net haha. After awhile, me and my buddies left and went down to a playground not far away to play basketball as we always did (at this point, all these Cuse guys were chilling inside). We get down to the courts and this group of 20 year old dudes start talking smack and telling us were we going to get jumped (just a group of dickwads to be honest). We leave, go back up to the house and everyone asks why we came back. We told the story and Phil Nash overhears us telling what had just gone down. Next thing you know, Phil, McNabb and Etan are escorting us back down to the courts. The same group of punks were still there and Phil Nash simply says, "is there a problem with these boys?" The punks immediately get all scared and notice who these 3 guys were, especially McNabb and Thomas. Phil Nash then says, "us 3 plus 2 of our boys right here versus you guys"... The boys decline and start to leave, then we shoot hoops for a bit with the Cuse boys before returning to the party. They were all laughing amongst each other and we thought we were the coolest MFers around. That's my first crazy Cuse story.
Since then, I've been to many tourneys, away games, Dome games, practices, fundraisers, golf tourneys, etc.
I am a diehard football and basketball fan. You can clearly see my bias in my posts. I don't even try to hide it.
I have season football tickets in 301 and treat them religiously. I don't miss games. My wife goes to most of the games with me and we have a blast. I can hear the crazies up in 302 as if they were sitting in my ear lobe.
We went to the Pinstripe Bowl against WVU. Drinking beer in the sleet/snow while watching SU just wipe the field with Mountaineer rag was simply awesome.
My wife and I had our first daughter in 2012 and she is always rocking the Cuse gear. My family/friends are constantly getting her new sizes so she can continue to sport the Blue and Orange. Who says you can't look pretty in Orange? My daughter is adorable in Otto gear.