Born in 1962 and lived my first 14 years in Amber, NY and attended Marcellus Schools. Moved to the Jacks Reef area before my sophmore year and ended up graduating from JE. Didn't pay attention to SU sports until the year they went to that first final four under Roy Danforth and then never stopped being an SU fan.
Never graduated from college but did do a stint in the US Navy and used that to start a career that has taken me away from CNY again, first NJ and now Denver, which we love.
Still SU is the rock that keeps me anchored to my hometown, well other than my family of course

There's been so many memorable games and times it's hard to pick out the best. The Half Court shot to beat BC in the early 80s, was that Rautins? Watching the final 4 and Championship game against Indiana in 1988 in Pascagoula, Miss and then again in 1996, I loved that team and Otis Hill. 2003 speaks for itself.
These boards started in the early to mid 90s with the emergence of the internet and I've been a part since then, though not on the first AOL one I don't think, but the next iteration. I've had a hand in building some of that internet, but not as much as Al Gore
Met a bunch of the long time members at a bar in Liverpool in the 90s, was it Champs. Bee's, CTO, SWC, Jake, Millhouse and the list goes on of great insiders, I just know the history. Used to have great debates in the 90s with one gentleman I don;t see on very much anymmore, but I don't get on too much anymore except to see what I've missed.
The one thing I hate is the negativity that seems to encompass some of the folks who follow SU sports in general. SU is pretty good year in and year out and you'ld thinkwe would have more of a loyal fan base. But much of what I see is pretty negative wiht people taking every chance to trash JB, the University and players like Scoop. As far as I'm concerned it's great to have such a good team in our backyard and I wouldn't change any of it, not even the zone. I'd come around more if it wasn't so negative actually. Still, glad to be a fan