Why is the QB sneak not in the plat book? | Syracusefan.com

Why is the QB sneak not in the plat book?

While we are at it, why don't we run any option? I'm not saying go all out into the philosophy, but we obviously had a lot of success with it in the past, and we need to help Bailey get to the outside. So why not just a few basic looks a couple times a game?
Is it because the center is undersized?

Agree that we need to use it. I understand that Macky is undersized, but he also should be quicker than most DT's so all it takes is the line to get set and either go on quick count or no count at all (just a quick goose from Nassib). We never used qb sneaks last year with Bart so I don't think the size of our center is the real problem.

It frustrates me so much when you need a foot or less and you go backwards to hand the ball to a rb and give the defense a chance to move the pile back instead of a just straight ahead sneak to pick up the necessary yardage.
Serious? It is because our center cannot drive block anyone to the point of gaining much on the sneak. There is simply no question about it. McPherson may have great technique etc., but he (at this juncture) does not have great strength nor an ability to handle folks nose-to-nose. That has been evident through the first five games of the year.
Serious? It is because our center cannot drive block anyone to the point of gaining much on the sneak. There is simply no question about it. McPherson may have great technique etc., but he (at this juncture) does not have great strength nor an ability to handle folks nose-to-nose. That has been evident through the first five games of the year.

So why is this kid starting? Sincerely, that wasn't sarcastic. Does he have the potential to be a good/great C someday? Is there literally no one else on the roster that can drive a DT back?

Last year we had a C who couldn't shotgun, now we have a C who can't sneak. And we have a former OLmen as a coach. For a non Xs and Os guy like me, it's truly baffling.
Is it because the center is undersized?

Nassib ran a lot more when he was playing behind Paulus. Doug doesn't seem to let him run as much anymore. Maybe it's fear of injury, I don't know. He's a big guy and I think that aspect of his game is being underutilized. Again, maybe it's fear of injury or whatever.
Nassib ran a lot more when he was playing being Paulus. Doug doesn't seem to let him run as much anymore. Maybe it's fear of injury, I don't know. He's a big guy and I think that aspect of his game is being underutilized. Again, maybe it's fear of injury or whatever.

Seems obvious that Marrone has told him not to run. Lots of examples to show that he's terrified on injuries, which is weird because they clearly happen anyway.
Pretty hard to get hurt on a sneak. I can see keeping him safe in other situations but not a sneak
Serious? It is because our center cannot drive block anyone to the point of gaining much on the sneak. There is simply no question about it. McPherson may have great technique etc., but he (at this juncture) does not have great strength nor an ability to handle folks nose-to-nose. That has been evident through the first five games of the year.

I understand he is not stronger than prob any DT he faces, but he knows when he is going to snap it so he should be off the ball much quicker than any DT and they should be able to get the foot required or less.

I'm not even specifically talking about the play in OT because I'm fine with taking 3 at that moment, but rather during games where we are driving and get stopped on 3rd and short near mid field I just wish we'd just line up real quick and quick snap it before defense was ready (seems to happen against us all the time ie. Toledo)
I think trudo will be tough to keep off the field next year in one capacity or another

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