Why the official timeout with 4:22 to go? | Syracusefan.com

Why the official timeout with 4:22 to go?


All American
Sep 17, 2011
The under 4 timeout was one possession away. Duke was desperately waiting for a stoppage so they could get Parker and Jefferson . But Duke had only the single timeout they were saving. Then after a made basket the officials called an inexplicable timeout. Pretty sure if memory serves Parker got a 3 pt play on the next possession before the TV timeout when he should not have been on the floor.

Seemed strange at the time.
Yeah, I didn't get that either.

Also, why a shooting foul when Parker was trying to steal the ball from JG? Did I miss something on that one?

Unsolved Mysteries - Cuse Edition!
Because they never did the under 8:00 official time out until then. K had called a TO around 7:30 and Boeheim called one on the next possession after Duke came out in zone. Then a long stretch with no whistles until 4:22 when after a made Duke basket the ball rolled out to midcourt so refs whistled play dead
Because they never did the under 8:00 official time out until then. K had called a TO around 7:30 and Boeheim called one on the next possession after Duke came out in zone. Then a long stretch with no whistles until 4:22 when after a made Duke basket the ball rolled out to midcourt so refs whistled play dead
I know it was the under 8 but is the ball rolling away a reason to break?
I know it was the under 8 but is the ball rolling away a reason to break?

Yes because of how far it rolled away from the endline. Duke is notorious for intentionally touching the ball after it goes through the nets to the point they are usually warned by the refs to stop doing it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if K told them to hit the ball so they could get the under 8 TO and Parker could return to the game. It was a very suspicious turn of events.
Because they never did the under 8:00 official time out until then. K had called a TO around 7:30 and Boeheim called one on the next possession after Duke came out in zone. Then a long stretch with no whistles until 4:22 when after a made Duke basket the ball rolled out to midcourt so refs whistled play dead
Watched the replay. A Duke player caught the ball as it came through the net and deliberately flipped it toward the opposite end of the court. Should have been a warning for delay of game. And, play should have continued--no substitutions.
I heard from the table right after that Eades said the ball was kicked. Haven't seen be replay thought.
If the ball was kicked where was the technical foul call?

If Syracuse blew all of their timeouts and this situation was reversed people would be demanding an investigation
I heard from the table right after that Eades said the ball was kicked. Haven't seen be replay thought.

as soon as the ball went through the net a Duke player, Jefferson I think, tapped it toward half court. It went off his foot and rolled out to half court. It was tough to tell if it was an intentional kick or not. Regardless, it was clearly orchestrated to get the under 8 TO.
I was asking everyone around us what was up with that timeout. Right around that same time, Duke was given freethrows on a call that I definitely thought was a non-shooting foul. It seemed to be a bizzare period in the game where what you were seeing on the court seemed to be irrelevant to what was being called. Did the announcers address this odd stuff during the broadcast? I laughed and asked if their were new rule changes for SU-Duke games with less than 5 minutes left in the game. We had a tenuous but pretty consistent 4-6 point lead in the game until that point. Just very strange.
When Parker got his fifth foul Cuse was in the bonus but Roc didn't get free throws. Was that an oversight?
On the replay if you watch as Duke is bringing ball up the floor before Thornton hits the last 3, Coach K says something to the Ref right in front of him and pointed to his players at the table to stay there...not sure if anything to do with it, but it seemed to me like he was mentioning that they were about to miss a full TV timeout and needed to get it in or something to that effect.
There was also another time possibly right before then, when Duke called a 30 second time out, and they stretched it to a three minute media time out. Hard to say but it might have all been done for TV revenue. God knows a lot of people were watching the game. I think everyone I know was.

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