Will Coach Boeheim's retirement date reflect entry to the ACC? | Syracusefan.com

Will Coach Boeheim's retirement date reflect entry to the ACC?


All Conference
Aug 27, 2011
Will this be an end of an era for Coach Boeheim? He certainly has voiced his displeasure with leaving the Big East before.

Maybe he will want to play Coach K in the Dome once before leaving?
I would hope he sticks around for a few years in the ACC; it would be kind of tough to turn the reigns over to Hop right when they switch conferences.
I've always expected him to stick around 1-2 years past the Olympics. Probably the best way to ease into a new conference as well.

There's another possible Final Four run in there as well. Arinze's injury likely cost the most recent chance at one.

I hope it all goes down ASAP and that JAB sticks around for some of it.
Actually seeing Coach K. bring his Duke team to play on Jim Boeheim court after watching Coach B bring his Orange men to play on Coach K court could be quite monumental and historical.
I would hope he sticks around for a few years in the ACC; it would be kind of tough to turn the reigns over to Hop right when they switch conferences.
Absolutely. We need him to be here at least first two years
Actually seeing Coach K. bring his Duke team to play on Jim Boeheim court after watching Coach B bring his Orange men to play on Coach K court could be quite monumental and historical.

I doubt either of them will be coaching long enough for this to happen. We likely will play Duke once every 4 years. So it will be up to 8 years between games at the dome.
I doubt either of them will be coaching long enough for this to happen. We likely will play Duke once every 4 years. So it will be up to 8 years between games at the dome.
I don't think so. I see how you could arrive at that conclusion though.

Duke-Cuse would arguably be the ACC's second biggest game behind Duke-UNC. There is no way the schedule makers pass on that.

My take is that Pitt gets the better football schedule, we would get the better basketball schedule.
Will this be an end of an era for Coach Boeheim? He certainly has voiced his displeasure with leaving the Big East before.

Maybe he will want to play Coach K in the Dome once before leaving?
I hope he stays to smooth the transition. Would be very unfair to Mike to take over a team AND go to a new conference AND keep up recruiting.
Current Big East scheduling deferred to television -- especially for those cross-over games... so I don't see why ESPN would discourage those kinds of high profile matchups in the ACC. It would be stupid.
If they follow coach K's idea of two 8 team divisions (assuming ACC goes to 16) with an 18 game conference schedule... SU in opposite division from UNC/Duke... we would play double round robin in division for 14 games plus 4 games vs. opposite division on an alternating year basis. So we'd play Duke/UNC every other year meaning they would come to the Dome once every 4 years.
JB has stated on many occasions that he doesn't want to play Duke b/c of his friendship with K. Given that, I doubt he's gonna extend his stay just for said match-up. He'll throw in the towel when he wants to, regardless of how the schedule shakes out.
Duke at the dome.
That game will smash all attendance records.

TGD has talked about changing the orientation of the court for a game or two, I wonder if this match-up will make it happen. 40K in the Dome to watch a conference game would be unbelievable.
If they follow coach K's idea of two 8 team divisions (assuming ACC goes to 16) with an 18 game conference schedule... SU in opposite division from UNC/Duke... we would play double round robin in division for 14 games plus 4 games vs. opposite division on an alternating year basis. So we'd play Duke/UNC every other year meaning they would come to the Dome once every 4 years.
I really doubt the ACC (and the tv people) allow for a balanced schedule like that.
I really doubt the ACC (and the tv people) allow for a balanced schedule like that.

I think you're right, Otto. No way the TV players allow SU to only see Duke and UNC every other year. Won't happen.
JB has stated on many occasions that he doesn't want to play Duke b/c of his friendship with K. Given that, I doubt he's gonna extend his stay just for said match-up. He'll throw in the towel when he wants to, regardless of how the schedule shakes out.

He's going to have 27 months to think about it. Or at least 24.
I think you're right, Otto. No way the TV players allow SU to only see Duke and UNC every other year. Won't happen.
Seriously. Those games just reek of Big Monday headliners or Saturday Gameday on-sites. They will happen.

Like I said before, I think we'll get an underwhelming football schedule compared to Pitt (that will still be an improvement over the current BE football lineup), and we'll get the superior basketball schedule to Pitt.
my guess is that JB and the Big East take a bow together. that's the biggest reason i don't like the move.
my guess is that JB and the Big East take a bow together. that's the biggest reason i don't like the move.
LOL, JB isn't retiring because of the move to the ACC. If and when he retires it will be because he doesn't want to coach anymore.

He still has a young wife and young kids. He looks good and appears to be in good health. I think he's a year or two younger than Coach K.

I can see him wanting to get to 1000 wins. That's an amazing milestone.
Definitely think the first Duke-Cuse game will be the one we rotate the court. I'd expect we'd still pull out the bleachers to probably the 50 yd line rather than the 30, opening up all those seats along the sides, and still giving everyone a decent view. They would definitely be able to sell over 40k for that game.
LOL, JB isn't retiring because of the move to the ACC. If and when he retires it will be because he doesn't want to coach anymore.

He still has a young wife and young kids. He looks good and appears to be in good health. I think he's a year or two younger than Coach K.

I can see him wanting to get to 1000 wins. That's an amazing milestone.

Not sure what's laugh out loud funny about this opinion.

IF the 27 month restriction holds, the first year for hoops would be 2014-15. Remember JB's "guarantee" last year that he wouldn't be coaching in 5 years? This presses right up against that timetable.
I agree, JB's retirement is a real possibility within two years, and it is certainly possible that the move affects his decision. JB is set in his ways and has his comfort zone, that is his style, it's easy to see him not wanting in on a major shakeup at 69 years old.
I agree, JB's retirement is a real possibility within two years, and it is certainly possible that the move affects his decision. JB is set in his ways and has his comfort zone, that is his style, it's easy to see him not wanting in on a major shakeup at 69 years old.

Yes, his comfort "zone"
lol at anyone who thinks pitt and cuse join acc bball and do not play duke and unc every year
My guess is that Boeheim never coaches SU in the ACC.

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