Bernie fine in Atlanta | Page 3 |

Bernie fine in Atlanta

Good for you, Bernie. You know everyone on the team and program, and you were party to the development of everyone on the team save for DC and JG. You deserve to enjoy this moment as much as anyone and more than most. If the Orange are fortunate enough to win the whole thing, I hope you join them on the court for the post-championship celebration.
Almost spit coffee all over my SU polo lol

I'm glad you changed your sig because I honestly couldn't look at your posts without cracking up. Still think he should be referred to as "snake" from now on though.
Good for you, Bernie. You know everyone on the team and program, and you were party to the development of everyone on the team save for DC and JG. You deserve to enjoy this moment as much as anyone and more than most. If the Orange are fortunate enough to win the whole thing, I hope you join them on the court for the post-championship celebration.

You really think it's appropriate for him to join in on the celebration with the team if they win? I mean really? You think he should get on a court and celebrate with the team from which he was fired. That way every media outlet can make that the main story line. That would be really great wouldn't it? If Bernie Fine hijacked one of the greatest moments of those kids lives and Syracuse fans everywhere. It's time to move on. He should be as far away from the program as possible. It doesn't matter whether he is innocent or guilty. All that matters in this world is perception and he is perceived negatively by most.
“I came into town to enjoy some basketball games,” Fine said Thursday night

Asked if he planned to attend Syracuse’s national semifinal game against the Wolverines on Saturday night, Fine said, “I haven’t decided.”

So did he go to Atlanta to enjoy the basketball games from a hotel room TV?

There's lots of networking at the Final Four...I'd bet he's more there to see if there's any jobs or consulting opportunities for him since he's never even been charged with a crime. He doesn't want to say that he's looking for a job, so he's in town for some basketball games. Big Deal.
I really thought there would be some jokes in this thread.:noidea:
You really think it's appropriate for him to join in on the celebration with the team if they win? I mean really? You think he should get on a court and celebrate with the team from which he was fired. That way every media outlet can make that the main story line. That would be really great wouldn't it? If Bernie Fine hijacked one of the greatest moments of those kids lives and Syracuse fans everywhere. It's time to move on. He should be as far away from the program as possible. It doesn't matter whether he is innocent or guilty. All that matters in this world is perception and he is perceived negatively by most.

I don't give a flying fck about perception - it was the ghost of "perception" and concomitant fear that caused this tragedy in the first place. Perception? My perception is that, in the end, all that happened is that Bernie was outed as a gay man, and fired for the same. It is only because of his love of the university that he has not sued them for wrongful termination.

Grow a pair and support the man who helped JB turn Syracuse Basketball into a powerhouse.
I don't give a flying fck about perception - it was the ghost of "perception" and concomitant fear that caused this tragedy in the first place. Perception? My perception is that, in the end, all that happened is that Bernie was outed as a gay man, and fired for the same. It is only because of his love of the university that he has not sued them for wrongful termination.

Grow a pair and support the man who helped JB turn Syracuse Basketball into a powerhouse.

You really believe he was fired because of his sexual orientation? I believe that there is more to it than that, an institution of higher education acting on homophobia alone raises doubt. The bottom line is he was in a position of leadership and entrusted with youth, and he failed. FAILED. Bernie needed to act with more integrity than he did and never allow for questions to come up regarding his interaction with those kids. I work with kids and know that you must have complete transparency with your interactions so any type of "accusation" would be totally unsubstantiated. Always have someone else around, at least one other student. If I have to be one-on-one, we sit directly in front of the room with the door wide open. Different situations but the same principles apply. It is the age in which we live, all it takes is an accusation to bring down a career. The court of public opinion can be cruel, but knowing this you have to take measures to protect yourself and the organization in which you represent. Even if Bernie never did do a thing, at the very least he let his guard down and acted to the point where questions can be raised. Working with youth I find that unacceptable.

As far as perception is concerned, Syracuse is also a brand and therefore needs to be represented positively in the public eye. Down here in ACC country people are insulated from Syracuse and therefore only associate these accusations with the college. It isn't the home of the Orange anymore to these people, it is a place where Bernie Fine did terrible things. Right or wrong, perception is reality. I recall coaching soccer when the Sandusky news broke, and talking with the fathers before practice they were giving play-by-play of what they would have done to a guy who tried something with their child. Then comes the news of Bernie. As a guy that wore a Syracuse football/hoops/lax shirt to every practice, it became awkward. The parents asking my opinion, Bernie(and ESPN) made it embarrasing for me to wear a Syracuse shirt around the kids at practice. For the parents, Syracuse was Bernie Fine. For us that know Syracuse is more than Bernie, there are exponentially more people that only began associating the Orange with negativity and scandal.

FWIW moqui, I do appreciate your postings here and respect your opinion. On this, I will agree to disagree. Go Orange.
As far as perception is concerned, Syracuse is also a brand and therefore needs to be represented positively in the public eye. Down here in ACC country people are insulated from Syracuse and therefore only associate these accusations with the college. It isn't the home of the Orange anymore to these people, it is a place where Bernie Fine did terrible things. Right or wrong, perception is reality.

If people have that perception about a guy that was never charged with a crime, in a story that was as clouded as this one - it truly says more about those people than Bernie Fine or Syracuse. My perception is that they are ignorant beyond redemption - and that is reality.
There's lots of networking at the Final Four...I'd bet he's more there to see if there's any jobs or consulting opportunities for him since he's never even been charged with a crime. He doesn't want to say that he's looking for a job, so he's in town for some basketball games. Big Deal.
Correct. The NABC national convention always takes place at the Final Four.
There's lots of networking at the Final Four...I'd bet he's more there to see if there's any jobs or consulting opportunities for him since he's never even been charged with a crime. He doesn't want to say that he's looking for a job, so he's in town for some basketball games. Big Deal.

I just thought it was funny the way the story read. I didn't think it would be nerve touching.
You really believe he was fired because of his sexual orientation?
Bernie had to live a public lie his entire life because of the nature of his profession, butat the end of the day, this is all there was - a closeted gay man in consensual relationships with other men of legal age. Nothing illegal occurred, so he was humiliated, professionally destroyed, and fired for the simple fact of being a closeted gay man. You can bluster all the high minded pretense you like, but as far as I'm concerned you are just another peasant with a pitchfork on this matter.
Not if said "rock" is anywhere near the program. Sounds like he has just come out from under the rock anyway. Want to come to a game Bernie? How about a random OOC game next year? Colgate sound good? No, choose Final Four weekend in Hotlanta. Doubt there will be any media there to manufacture a story or three. Maybe they will even put a positive spin on how things went down! Can't wait...
The dude bleeds orange why would he want to go see Colgate next year when he can watch the team he loves bring home the championship? He's a human being not a freak show.
If people have that perception about a guy that was never charged with a crime, in a story that was as clouded as this one - it truly says more about those people than Bernie Fine or Syracuse. My perception is that they are ignorant beyond redemption - and that is reality.

Yes, not charged. Would there be charges if not for the statute of limitations? I do not know, but it leaves room for people to doubt Bernie. It is less about my secondary point of perception and more about my primary point of Bernie not acting in accordance with his youth leadership role, and shame on him. I think the story is less "clouded" at times and more of an orange-haze from the tint of glasses. Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, think Bernie did nothing wrong. Maybe he didn't. But where there is smoke... there is probably a spark of truth. These people you called ignorant when they simply formulated an opinion based on the information given. Bernie should have never allowed for this to happen in the first place and kept himself fireproof.
Correct. The NABC national convention always takes place at the Final Four.
Bernie was screwed and not in a good way. Accusations like that never go away until you die and even then the lies resurect. I hope Bernie can land something and go on with his life as well as possible.SUball
Bernie had to live a public lie his entire life because of the nature of his profession, butat the end of the day, this is all there was - a closeted gay man in consensual relationships with other men of legal age. Nothing illegal occurred, so he was humiliated, professionally destroyed, and fired for the simple fact of being a closeted gay man. You can bluster all the high minded pretense you like, but as far as I'm concerned you are just another peasant with a pitchfork on this matter.

I'm sorry. And I do believe Bernie is innocent of a crime however it is my opinion that the fine household was involved in some bizarre sexual behavior. Behavior that would not be appropriate to be an assistant coach.

Mike Lange was like a son to Bernie and he should not have been involved sexually with him even if it was consensual and of legal age
Bernie had to live a public lie his entire life because of the nature of his profession, butat the end of the day, this is all there was - a closeted gay man in consensual relationships with other men of legal age. Nothing illegal occurred, so he was humiliated, professionally destroyed, and fired for the simple fact of being a closeted gay man. You can bluster all the high minded pretense you like, but as far as I'm concerned you are just another peasant with a pitchfork on this matter.

If that is the case, he still represented Syracuse and therefore should have avoided any type of relationship with someone close to the program. How do you represent your own company? I do think his portrayal in the media was unjust, and I do feel bad for Bernie in that regard. I have stated my opinion on the matter, it will end here for me.

About the pretense/peasant/pitchfork, ease up. We are sharing opinion about an issue, no reason to get personal. I have both enjoyed and respect your passion about this.
Bernie had to live a public lie his entire life because of the nature of his profession, butat the end of the day, this is all there was - a closeted gay man in consensual relationships with other men of legal age. Nothing illegal occurred, so he was humiliated, professionally destroyed, and fired for the simple fact of being a closeted gay man. You can bluster all the high minded pretense you like, but as far as I'm concerned you are just another peasant with a pitchfork on this matter.

You got it. He was an easy target. And it wasn't a secret that he was gay, if he broke the law and had sex with minors it would have been proven by now. The man is not a criminal at all nor is he a sex offender or anything. But it was common knowledge the guy was gay and someone close to him wanted money so add 2 and 2 together and you have the crap that we had to deal with.

I found out from a ticket writer in a casino that Syracuse was having some investigation like Penn St. I immediately assumed it was Bernie and I was right. (So in a sense maybe I am wrong morally for immediately assuming it was our gay coach who was involved in a sex scandal the second someone told me about it.)

When I talked to non-SU people about it I just told them Bernie was gay, it wasn't a secret in Syracuse, and he was a really easy target and thats all there is to it and the kid was 99% full of and wants money.

I feel bad for Bernie. He has a right to be here but that said I wish he waited to attend the Final 4 a year Syracuse isn't playing in it.
If that is the case, he still represented Syracuse and therefore should have avoided any type of relationship with someone close to the program. How do you represent your own company? I do think his portrayal in the media was unjust, and I do feel bad for Bernie in that regard. I have stated my opinion on the matter, it will end here for me.

About the pretense/peasant/pitchfork, ease up. We are sharing opinion about an issue, no reason to get personal. I have both enjoyed and respect your passion about this.
I think you are confusing how you would/should act now, versus how someone was supposed to act 30 years ago. There were no recent accusations - not ones with any merit anyways (no one believes Tomaselli).
I honestly can't believe some of you people. The man gave his life to the program, they make their first final 4 in 10 years, and you want him barred from attending in a crowd of 74,000? I understand the logic, but think it's quite faulty. Whether we win or lose will have far more to do with our lustre than anything Bernie could do even if he tried, which he won't. The man's life was making bigs reach their potential for SU(something the team obviously is hurting with right now), and you want the guy barred from the final 4?

I mean he even went out of his way to avoid answering obvious questions. He isn't looking to cause any trouble, or even do the super bowl shuffle. He just wants to watch a program he helped craft in a rare final 4 appearance. Have a heart folks. Go Bernie, go 'Cuse!
Agree. Fans shouldn't read anything into this other than he wants to watch a final 4 SU team win a championship. Period!
Yes, not charged. Would there be charges if not for the statute of limitations? I do not know, but it leaves room for people to doubt Bernie. It is less about my secondary point of perception and more about my primary point of Bernie not acting in accordance with his youth leadership role, and shame on him. I think the story is less "clouded" at times and more of an orange-haze from the tint of glasses. Go ahead and bury your head in the sand, think Bernie did nothing wrong. Maybe he didn't. But where there is smoke... there is probably a spark of truth. These people you called ignorant when they simply formulated an opinion based on the information given. Bernie should have never allowed for this to happen in the first place and kept himself fireproof.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep yourself fireproof in 2013 - largely because people are generally ignorant and tend to believe/only remember the initial accusation even if it is baseless. How many people still equate Duke lacrosse with rape - even though it was totally refuted? Probably a whole lot.

At some point you have to either live your values...or realize they aren't really your values. Innocent until proven guilty - sounds good in theory. But if you think a guy that was never convicted other than in the court of public opinion of a crime shouldn't be free to do as he pleases, you don't believe in it. You just don't. It's sad to realize we are incapable in the USA of living up to what we claim to believe in - but that's what we are today.
Bernie Fine wasn't charged with any crime.
He has the right to do what he wants, wherever he wants.
Why should he hide in the shadows because of "smoke" or speculative assumptions about a statute of limitations?
This is still America, and whether some SU fans like it or not, the court of public opinion should not be a factor in how he moves on with his life. He's a free man, in a free country...'nuff said.
He wasn't charged any crime, but it doesn't mean he isn't guilty of something. If you listen to the audio tape that was enough evidence for me to decide that he did in fact do something to Bobby Davis. The others in my opinion were lying.
Bernie Fine wasn't charged with any crime.
He has the right to do what he wants, wherever he wants.
Why should he hide in the shadows because of "smoke" or speculative assumptions about a statute of limitations?
This is still America, and whether some SU fans like it or not, the court of public opinion should not be a factor in how he moves on with his life. He's a free man, in a free country...'nuff said.

... and in america, we all have the right to an opinion... so what's your point? You just gave us the final word??

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